Your date of birth might state that you’re a Gemini but you’ve never felt hugely connected to the sign of the twins. Instead, you find yourself very much the homebody. You’re emotional; family oriented and get crabby when you get moody. You’re a Cancer moon.
Born on the 28th October, you’re a mysterious Scorpio but you know that you’re actually a bit of a dare devil. You love the thrill of the chase, hate over-analysing and tell it how it is. You’re an Aries moon.
The sun sign (or zodiac sign) indicates the position of the sun at the time of our birth. Running the gamut between Aries and Pisces, a person can be any of 12 signs. Each sun sign is ruled by a planet which influences the traits and personality of the individual experiencing the planetary influence. For instance, Virgo and Gemini are ruled by Mercury and are renowned for their intellect, curiosity and analytical properties.
Aries is ruled by Mars and is drawn to challenge and excitement; they are forthright and bold by nature. Leo is ruled by the sun and enjoys being the centre of attention; a Leo is able to pull others into their gravitational pull. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and can be restricted and stifled by nature often requiring assistance in order to loosen up. Know Your Sun Sign
At the time of our birth, the position of the moon must also be taken into account. The moon’s position becomes our moon sign. If the sun influences our inner personality, character and will then the moon represents our emotions, moods, instinctive behaviours and subconscious leanings. For example, Aquarians are renowned for their erratic sense of revolution, invention and humanitarianism but if a person has a Scorpio moon, they will balance these Aquarian traits with a need for privacy, spirituality and passion.
Taurus is a pleasure oriented, dependable sign but if there is a Capricorn moon there will be greater discipline, willpower and structure. Sagittarius is fiery and driven to explore. They can’t sit cooped up for too long. Paired with a Piscean moon, the desire to be dreamy, introspective and passive will be amped up creating an interesting collaboration. Know Your Moon Sign
The sun informs our basic personality, character, ego and will. It is our fundamental sense of self.
The moon is our subconscious, our emotions and our instinctive responses to the world around us.
The sun sign can be located by knowing your date of birth. The moon sign can only be known if you know your date, year, time and place of birth.
The sun takes 12 months to travel through all 12 star signs so astrological predictions are valid for one month. The moon moves quicker and only stays in a sign for 2 and a half days at a time.
The sun sign is often seen as a more generic overview of a person whilst the moon sign can divulge far more about a person’s inner workings and untapped potential.
Some sun and moon combinations work well together. For instance, having a Cancer moon and a Taurus sun creates a compatible mixture. By contrast, some combinations create discord and friction. Examples include a Gemini sun/Scorpio moon combination or a Leo sun/Capricorn moon combination.
If your sun and moon signs are in the same sign you are a more intensified version of an astrological type. For instance a person with Aries as their sun and moon sign will double that Aries energy; they will be more driven, more bold and more restless.
Finding out what your sun and moon signs are extremely essential to gain a better understanding of the inner workings of yourself. In this way, a person can learn to mesh the differences between the signs and utilise the strengths of both.