With Venus the planet of love transiting passionate Scorpio, expect the days ahead to be sensually satisfying. Venus will reside in Scorpio till October 7 and Astroyogi.com astrologers recommend the time ahead to be excellent for couples who wish to rekindle romance in their life.
This transit is known to boost your confidence levels and it is also known for intensifying feelings. Love takes the front seat in your life and nothing distracts you. You have eyes only for the one who's the center of your world. Your sweetheart manages to fill your life with love and makes you feel secure with their loyalty and commitment. You'll love and feel loved in return due to the cosmic influence of lovely Venus.
This sensual period is also marked by Scorpio's intensity. It's not easy to break the powerful hold of the Scorpionic urges. You'll be drawn towards secrecy and will focus on keeping your love life as far away from prying eyes and intrusive questions as you can. You'll succeed as no one keeps secrets as good as Scorpio. Try as hard as you may, Scorpio will never budge. Ask someone who's dated a Scorpio - they'll be eager to tell you all about how they've been bitten by the sting of Scorpio and his well-kept secrets.
Control and manipulation - these will be key themes that you need to watch out for during this Venus ruled phase. Your relationship may be going great but that doesn't mean you start taking your partner for granted. The moment you do that, there are chances of love going slack. No matter how deeply you love your partner and how loyal you are it is important to keep reassuring your partner of your love and this should be done without behaving in a possessive manner. When you act possessive, it may seem cute in the beginning but after a while, it's likely to make you seem overbearing.
Things to do when Venus enters Scorpio:
The time ahead is best for certain things and not so great for some aspects of your love life. Let's find out what they are.
Venus in Scorpio is a rare opportunity to fix issues in your love life, enjoy the game of seduction and get closer to your partner. Don't miss out!