The Second House of Your Birth Chart

Wed, May 17, 2017
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Wed, May 17, 2017
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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The Second House of Your Birth Chart

The second house in your birth chart is ruled by Taurus. It is known as the House of possessions. While the first house represents the native himself this house governs money, possessions(other than house, which is ruled by the fourth house), material assets your means and methods for earning or acquiring money, your method of spending it (as opposed to other’s money; in the eighth house) and your potential for accumulating it. It tells about the relationship in the family.  It also reveals your emotional and financial security, your personal values and principles.

Consult expert Vedic astrologers on to seek guidance for your issues and concerns in life.


The second house is an extension of the first as it represents your physical attributes like the tongue, nose, cheeks and specially the right eye. This house also reveals your oratory and communication skills. You can learn about your health issues concerning face, tongue, teeth, nose and right eye from the second house.


Let’s Take A Look at The Varied Impact of The Nine Planets on The Second House


Sun - When Sun, the king of all the planets, is present in the second house, it gives you financial stability and professional satisfaction. You will be intellectual but this may confer a streak of stubbornness in you. You will enjoy your materialistic pleasures and comforts.

First HouseThird HouseFourth House  |  Fifth House


Moon - If the planet moon is in the second house, you will not face any economic problem. You may adopt business as your profession. Your wife will be lucky for you and you will have a supporting family. You may suffer from some eye problem.


Mars - When the Planet Mars or Mangal is in the second house, you will work hard for earning your money, show a strong business aptitude but, at the same time, be possessive of your belongings. You will be intelligent but may have an aggressive attitude.


Mercury - The presence of this auspicious planet in the second house will enhance your ability of speech and make you a good preacher. People will hang on to your words. Mercury will make you a quick learner, an efficient financial planner and enhance your multi-tasking skills.


Jupiter - The presence of Jupiter or Brihaspati in the second house will help you achieve your goals and make you successful. You will get wealth easily from sources without making effort but at the same time, will also be fair in dealing with finances.You will want to possess all worldly comforts. You will be careful in your speech.

Sixth House  | Seventh House | Eight House | Ninth House  | Tenth House  |


Venus - When Venus is present in the second house, it will make you charming and attractive. You will have a melodious voice and earn the admiration of people. Venus will make you financially stable.

But on the downside, you could suffer from infertility.


Saturn - If the planet Saturn is present in the second house, it may prove highly inauspicious and could slow down your financial growth making you bitter. It gives you longevity in life.


Rahu - When Rahu receives the positive aspect of benefic planets in the second house, you will gain financially, have good relations with family members and lead an extravagant life. But if Rahu has a malefic effect, then you will face difficulty in your finances and have unnecessary arguments with family members.


Ketu - When Ketu is benefic in the second house, you will be able to earn well by travelling. You will interact well with people. But if the Ketu is malefic, you will be misunderstood by people and invite anger and irritation from them. Even when you earn well, you will have high expenditures. Students may not be able to concentrate on studies and can suffer from mood swings.


Eleventh House  | Twelfth House     |  The 12 Houses of Astrology and Their Significance    |



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