The Sun entered Gemini on May 21 and will remain in this sign till June 20. This is a fruitful period for anyone involved in work that’s driven by communication. An increase in productivity levels is indicated for almost all signs during this time. India’s best astrologers are available 24/7 on Astroyogi for online consultation. Click here to consult now!
Read on to know what’s predicted for each sun sign! ( Know Your Sun Sign )
Aries: There might be some exciting and interesting developments in your personal life now. If you are single there are chances of your coming across someone for whom you develop an instant liking. New relationships are strongly indicated. Workwise, you will gain by prioritizing.
Taurus: All the problems that had been plaguing you for the last few weeks will ultimately come to an end now, thanks to the Sun’s influence. Your savings of the past will give you very handsome returns thus increasing your monetary worth.
Gemini: People in the creative fields like painting, music, fashion designing or modeling will also see many improvements professionally. Those who want to go abroad for higher studies will get a suitable opportunity. Opportunities are highly indicated for you, Gemini.
Cancer: The difficulties that you were facing for the last few weeks will seem to leave you now due to the influence of the Sun. Those of you who want to start their own business and were waiting for the right time can go ahead now, as this is an auspicious time to start a new venture.
Importance of Sun Planet in astrology
Leo: You will be at your creative best both at work and at home and your endeavours will be appreciated by everyone around you. You will express everything beautifully, which may be the driving force behind your success.
Virgo: Do not be impulsive when it comes to making decisions and keep your temper in check at all costs. Do not take others criticism to heart as it will only increase your stress levels. Focusing on work will bring you satisfaction and peace.
Libra: You will be involved in a project that has to do with helping others and this will give you much satisfaction. Pay proper attention to your partners` needs to avoid problems in your relationship.
Scorpio: A problem that has been troubling you for a long time now will finally be resolved giving you peace of mind. If you are concerned about something rather than let it simmer bring it out in the open and discuss the matter with the concerned person.
Sagittarius: Do not run after your goals at the cost of your personal life. Do not be frustrated if you are still single despite your best efforts to meet someone. This is a temporary phase and you will soon have a wonderful relationship.
Capricorn: Keep a check on your temper or you could end up hurting people who are close to you. Professionally as well your bad temper may ruin whatever chances of growth or promotion were in store for you.
Aquarius: Whatever projects you are involved in currently will do extremely well earning you praise from your supervisors. Those who want to land a position in the administrative services or in an educational institution will be successful in their efforts.
Pisces: The time ahead is really good for single people as you come across a really interesting person who engages your interest. The amazing thing is that this person has many things in common with you in terms of interests, opinions and beliefs.