Venus- the significator of love, romance and relationship will be transiting into Aries sign on 31 May’2017 and it will stay in the sign till 29th June 2017. Rahu is having strong influence on Venus, and Venus’s conjunction with Jupiter forms ‘shadastak yoga’ in transit. Aries is a sign governed by Mars. In natural zodiac Aries is the first sign and opposite to it is Libra sign governed by Venus. So there is natural attraction between Mars and Venus. The placement of Venus in birth chart provides astrologers with insights about the love life of the native. If Venus is well placed in birth chart then such transit of Venus enriches love among couple. Our celebrity Vedic astrologer Upma Shrivastava explains the impact of this transit on the 12 zodiac signs.
Favorable period to express your feelings to partner. You might not be getting readymade answers, but the chances are that you will get a positive response. You are advised to avoid talking about past issues and relationships, as it can spoil the whole charm.
You should not be carried away by your emotions. You are advised to consult the elderly or any wise acquaintance before making a decision. Postpone your decisions if you are ambiguous about it and wait for a favorable time.
Spend some quality time with your partner, you both will enjoy and appreciate it. Do not let ego come between you and your love and avoid talking about matters which can spark an argument.
10th to 22nd May will be most romantic for you. Do not take burden of work with you while meeting your partner. Your emotional sensitivity is your strength and would be highly appreciated.
Be polite, humble and sensitive with your partner. Avoid talking about past relations. A small issue can spark a big fight with your partner, so mind your tone and temperament.
This is time to enjoy togetherness and create mesmerizing moments. For time being do not dictate him/her.
His/her expectation from you will be high. The future of your relation depends on your behavior in this time period. Favorable time to gel with each other’s emotions.
This is sensitive period in relationship. Need to understand each other’s feelings and respect decisions. A minor misunderstanding can lead to friction and in worst case even seperation.
Blessed period to enrich relationship. Minor misunderstanding can happen in between 3rd – 16th June, rest are favorable days to cherish.
Other person’s influence can create friction in relationship. Give importance and spend quality time with partner. Do not let your work schedule spoil some beautiful time which you could spend with him/her.
Till 17th June’2017, things will be smooth and good in your love life, but after that you should ideally minimize meetings and conversations as there are chances of disagreements and friction. This is due to some planetary transits and would be just a passing phase in life.
Venus is helping to go ahead in commitment relationship. While taking some decisions there can be difference of thoughts but at last things are favorable. It’s time to enjoy with family.
For a personalized horoscope analysis to understand the precise impacts of this Venus Transit, consult our expert Vedic astrologer Upma Shrivastava.
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