For a happy long-lasting relationship, both the partners need to put in their fifty-fifty. Gone are the days when the woman’s' duty was to only manage the household while the man was the head of the family since he wore the pants and was responsible for providing provision and leadership. Today, the sex-bias has been swept under the carpet as it has been proved that both the sexes are equally capable of doing what the other does (Other than a man being able to procreate, of course).
So, keeping the equality of gender in mind, it is now seen that relationships work best when there is mutual respect and understanding between the two and responsibilities are shouldered equally by both the partners. No single liability falls in his lap, and she doesn't have to shoulder any on her own.
The fair sex is as intellectually empowered as her male counterpart. She supports the man and family with equal responsibilities as he does. So, it makes sense that both put their heads together while taking decisions concerning themselves and their family.
Both parties should make sure the atmosphere is conducive between the two and the onus of making the other be emotionally stable should not fall on only one. Since both wear the pants, both are responsible for their own happiness, emotional safety and self-worth. Giving each other the required space is high on the chart for a successful relationship. Even if the fair sex has taken leave from work for bringing up the children, the spouse should feel rational enough to let her have her ‘me’ time. It’s healthy to spend some time away from each other, to relax in the company of friends.
Since the concept of both wearing the pants is more acceptable today, so should be the respect for each other’s decision. Overriding one, in front of others, is always in poor taste. Compromising with each other takes the relationship far. Learn patience and don’t push your opinion on the other. It will simply end up making your partner feel pressured, leading to resentment.
For a relationship to work well, it’s not all about responsibilities and understanding only, but also about love and attraction. Being physically attracted to your partner, keeps the spark alive between the two. And here again, the sexual needs of each other should be kept in mind by both.
Vedic astrology kept the compatibility ratio of both the partners in mind while analyzing if their alliance would work. They compared the horoscope of the boy and girl and allotted points based on it. The higher the points, the more successful would be their marriage.
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Similarly, one can study the compatibility love chart to check how easy your partner can be to get along with. If you both belong to zodiac signs that are less compatible, it does not mean that the relationship is doomed-it simply means that you will need to be more patient and tactful to achieve a happy and harmonious alliance.