Every tarot reader will be able to relate to what I have to say through my experience as a clairvoyant. Even after years of reading, I can vouch for the fact that the most professional readers also come across some of the following odd experiences while reading the tarot cards. And I’d like the clients to understand the fact that while the tarot readers are there to guide you on to the right path, they too have their limitations.
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Another fact: While you are encouraged to learn tarot, do not be disappointed if you cannot find the right answers/guidance to your own query. Simply ask another reader to read for you.
1. A reader fails many times, to read his/her own card correctly.
When you finish reading the basics about tarot, you are encouraged to try reading for yourself first. It’s how the reader is initiated into tarot reading. To “Pick a card for the day for yourself”, is advised. Read what the universe has to say about how your day will be and how you should proceed to make the most of it. It’s with apprehension and a subdued kind of excitement that most of us may have picked our first card for the day.
In my personal experience, I must confess that my first card did not connect at all with what I had in mind. It was extremely disappointing. In desperation I picked another. Then another! I resonated with none. Hmm! Looks like the Universe had nothing to tell me!
Surprisingly, when I did readings for others, it would be spot on. And so; many of my ‘own’ readings later, I finally concluded that the cards do not come out right because we are judgmental about the outcome. We are looking for the answers that we want and fail to connect with the right energy because while reading our own cards, we involve our emotions.
2. Clients are not honest and confuse the reader.
This is a common situation that every tarot reader faces. It can dampen the energy of even the most seasoned tarot reader. When a client puts up a question and connects his/her energy correctly with the reader and the universe, the cards that give the right answer, never fail to appear from the deck. But there are times when the client wants to be difficult and is in a defiant mood, not agreeing to anything the cards have to convey. Their uncooperative nature makes the reading very difficult at times, making the reader wonder where he/she went wrong. For anyone interested in getting a tarot card reading done, it is important that you believe in it and give the right details to the reader. You will be amazed to see how accurate the readings then turn out to be. So, let’s not challenge the readers. You want guidance? Be upfront about it.
3. Some of the best healers/clairvoyants have pretty much gone through the same roller-coaster ride as the client.
Over the years, I discovered an amazing coincidence. Most of the healers are extremely intuitive and sensitive to the problems that their client faces. Many have gone through the same situation at some time in their life and are empathetic. Many times, clients automatically get drawn to healers who went through the same situation. The universe speaks to the clients through them. Trust your healer to guide you right. She/he has been there, done that and come away stronger.
Poonam Beotra
Tarot Card Reader