It is not unusual for planets to get a place together/conjunct in a single house. Multiple planets occupying the same house may not be a normal phenomenon. On 21 November 2019 such a planetary combination formation is happening in the Sagittarius sign.
Four planets namely Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu would be conjunct in Sagittarius on 21 Nov 2019. On 25 Dec 2019 Moon and Mercury would join the conjunction thereby increasing the number of planets to six in Sagittarius. Subsequently, there would be five planets in Sagittarius on 28 Dec 2019. This five-planet conjunction would continue till 12 Jan 2020. Then again on 24 Jan 2020 Saturn would make a transit to Capricorn again creating a four-planet combination in Capricorn. The influence would get over by Jan 2020 end and the planets would not create such an influence for the rest of the year.
Astrologically when two or more planets get conjunct in a particular house then the results of rest of the houses get compromised and events get focussed on certain unique aspects. Such aspects can be good as well as bad based on the fact in which house the formation is happening.
At the macro level, India can face disturbances in the national political stability and peace among the masses. There can be a feeling of dissatisfaction and hatred among some section of the population that can take a violent turn as India’ Dasha pattern has Mars as its Pratyantar Dasha lord (Moon-Jupiter-Mars) and presence of Rahu in the 2nd house can disturb the current peace equilibrium. Also, the occurrence of this phenomenon in a fiery sign i.e. Sagittarius enhances the chances of heightened disturbance. The good thing would be that India would be well prepared to take care of such situations and gradually peace would prevail.
At the micro-level, this conjunction does not appear favourable for Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius and Capricorn Ascendant born people (Moon sign). It would be advisable for individuals born under such Moon sign to maintain harmony with others and weight heir words before speaking especially when involved in a debate/altercation. Maintaining a limited public profile would be a good option to bypass this period.
Best of Luck