The US Presidential Election 2024 is the hot topic, with Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump coming face to face in the race for the White House. This year's competition and the election will be historically consequential for everyone around the globe.
The USA 2024 Presidential Elections will be held on 5th November 2024 (Tuesday). The voters in every state in the United States and the District of Columbia will pick electors to the Electoral College. They will elect the President and the Congressional candidates for seats in the House of Representatives and the US Senate.
The victor will serve four years in the White House beginning from their inauguration in January 2025.
One of the Presidential candidates in 2024 is Donald Trump from the Republican Party. He won his party's support with a tremendous lead over his rivals. The other candidate is Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democrats, who appeared as a strong opponent after President Joe Biden stepped out of the race.
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will face each other head-on in the 2024 Presidential polls to win the coveted position.
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The contest between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump seems aggressive. With everyone's eyes glued to the United States of America, are you curious to know who is winning the Presidential Election or who is favored to win the 2024 Presidential Election? Astrology can offer some insights based on the analysis of their birth charts and the USA horoscope.
Kamala Harris, born on 20th October 1964, in Oakland, California, has a Sagittarius Lagna rising, and its Lord Jupiter is positioned in the 6th house, which represents challenges and competitiveness. This makes her a fierce competitor in front of her opponents, which is evident during the USA 2024 Presidential Elections. This has been the key reason for her overall success in competitions.
Kamala Harris has her natal Saturn positioned in her 3rd house (Bhava) in Aquarius. This is also Saturn's Mooltrikona sign.
According to Harris's horoscope, the astonishing factor for her is the transit of Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus and Aquarius, respectively. This is an indicator of her success in competitions and other areas. Ever since Jupiter has transited over her natal Jupiter in Taurus, luck and success in many matters have been on her side.
This trend will continue and be present with her during the US Presidential Election 2024, which will be held on 5th November 2024.
In her natal chart, she has an intense exchange between the 9th and 11th houses. This exchange is also connected with the Mooltrikona Saturn and a debilitated Mars from the 8th house.
The participation of Venus, as the 6th and 11th Lord, is an indicator of her holding a powerful position and attaining success in every attempt. Her powerful personality is also a key factor in these successes. The combination of the astrological elements in her horoscope is active and gives her success, luck, and modesty, but it also gives her an aggressive nature and sudden power. She will be able to touch and empathize with the emotional sentiments of the people.
There is an influential role of the 9th house. Due to this, her party will also get advantages.
Kamala Harris will also have a Rahu and Mercury Dasha during the 2024 US Elections. Mercury is her 7th and 10th houses' Lord, in conjunction with the debilitated 9th house's Lord, which is the Sun in the 11th house. This also receives the aspect of a debilitated 5th house's Lord, Mars. This forms a dual Raj Yoga in accordance with the Parashari principles.
The debilitated planets in the malefic houses will give pleasing results. This bestows Kamala Harris with recognition and success in her professional life.
Mercury sets itself in Lagna of her Dasamsa chart. It conjuncts with Mars and Ketu. It also receives an aspect of Saturn from the 4th house, indicating fierce success and acceptance by the masses.
Here, a classical Parashari prediction system is used, called the Sudarshan Chakra chart, where the analysis is done from the Sun, Moon, and Lagna, keeping them as the first house. Here, we will analyze the 9th house of governance from the Sun, which is the 9th Lord. Gemini, whose Lord is Mercury, is conjunct with the 9th Lord, the Sun. This Sun is debilitated in the 11th house and ensures humility with positive results.
Cancer's Lord is the luminous Moon, and it is placed in the 4th house. There is also a debilitated Mars in the 8th house, and this aspects the 7th and 10th Lord Mercury. This indicates position, power, recognition, and professional success strongly, along with a component of humility. This Mars also aspects the 9th Lord, which is the Sun, and also causes a Neech Bhang Raj Yoga. This gives immense power with a component of humbleness and politeness to the individual. This also forms a dual Raj Yoga and the strong activation of Budh Aditya Yoga.
Along with Budh Aditya Yoga, more strong Yogas will get active like the Neech Bhang Raj Yoga, Parakrama Yoga, Anapha Yoga, Ava Yoga, and Karmajiva Yoga. The best part is that all the Yogas will be active during the Presidential Elections in 2024.
Kamala Harris is undergoing Sade Sati, which is a potent leadermaker.
From the Lagna, the 9th Lord is the Sun, which is placed in the 11th house, which is the house of gains. This is in a strong Neech Bhang Raj Yoga, which indicates strength. It is also in conjunction with the 7th and 10th Lord Mercury, making a dual Raj Yoga.
When we turn to transit, Saturn in Aquarius aspects the 9th house. This indicates success in political matters, as Saturn is the significator of the masses. This also shows acceptability by the population due to the governance ideology of the Democratic Party.
Mercury is positioned in Libra and has 30 Sarvashtakavarga points. This indicates success during this Dasha.
In her Varshaphala chart, the Muntha is positioned in the 8th house, and its Lord Jupiter is placed in Lagna with an exalted 3rd house Lord, the Moon. This indicates that she will start effective and sudden propagation around the sentiments and values of the masses, which she will be able to balance very well. This will allow her to make an effective emotional statement and reassure the masses. This will be a striking factor in her success.
All the factors, including placement, transit, Ashtakavarga, and Varshaphala, in accordance with the Parashari principles, indicate a clean and aggressive victory in the USA 2024 Presidential Elections.
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Let's evaluate Donald Trump's horoscope chart. He took birth on 14th June 1946 in New York. He strongly has a Leo Lagna Rising with Mars positioned in the Lagna. This is an indicator of his strong personality.
According to Trump’s horoscope, he has a debilitated Moon in his 4th house, and that too in the Rahu Ketu Axis. This Moon receives an aspect of Mars from the Lagna and Lagna's Lord Sun from the 10th house, conferring his nature, personality, and the power of positions that he holds.
Here, a Parashari Sudarshan Chakra principle is used, which is an analysis of the chart from the Sun, Moon, and Lagna as the first house. The 9th house is also checked as it indicates the government. It demonstrates from Lagna that the 9th house is Aries, and its Lord Mars is aspecting the 4th house and is debilitated as the 12th Lord in the Rahu Ketu axis. This indicates a strong affliction and not favorable results. As a result, he might hurt the emotional sentiments of the people by his aggressive speeches.
From the Sun, the 9th Lord is Capricorn, and its Lord Saturn is in the 12th house and in conjunction with the 3rd and 10th Lord Venus. This indicates an affliction and less favorable results.
From the Moon, the 9th Lord is Cancer, and it holds the 6th and 7th Lord, Saturn, in a less favorable position. This indicates moderate success in government matters.
Currently, Donald Trump has a Mahadasha of Jupiter and an Antardasha of Venus. This is considered a peculiar Dasha as per the Parashari system. This indicates a sudden rise and fall. This is why he has had to face recent issues.
Donald Trump weathered an assassination attempt. The astrological factors responsible for this were the Antardasha of Venus in the 12th house, which is in conjunction with the 6th house's Lord Saturn and is aspected by Mars. The fact that Mars was the 4th house's Lord gave him saving grace.
Also, he has been recently involved in controversies pertaining to trials and getting involved with law enforcement ever since his Jupiter and Venus Dashas started on 10th February 2024.
During the 2024 US elections, Donald Trump will have a Dasha of Jupiter, Venus, and Moon. His Mahadasha Lord, i.e., Jupiter, aspects the 6th house, 8th house, and 10th house and is positioned in the 2nd house of speech. This Jupiter also aspects the Lagna Lord Sun in the 10th house and also aspects Rahu. This causes an affliction in his profession in accordance with government matters.
His Antardasha Lord Venus is already afflicted by the 6th house's Lord Saturn in the 12th house. This Venus is housed in the sign of Cancer, which has only 21 Sarvashtakavarga points. This makes it a less favorable Dasha.
The Pratyantar Dasha's Lord Moon is itself the 12th house's Lord, which is positioned in the 4th house. This signifies the seat of power and emotions. This Moon is aspected by Mars, which is a Yoga Karaka from the Lagna. This indicates an intense affliction but also a saving grace. Along with this, it shows his strong preference for achieving a top position. It also suggests the use of aggression. This aggressive and emotional streak may hurt the emotional sentiment of the masses. Also, all the factors are connected to the Rahu and Ketu axis. This affects the effects of the strong and aggressive astrological combinations, which lowers his chances of winning the top seat of power.
The Parashari principles use Dashas, transit, and other important astrological factors to determine the outcome of the US Presidential Election 2024, and all indicate a better prospect for Kamala Harris to win the 2024 US Elections. Astrology indicates that her victory will keep the sentiments of the people towards a happier side.
Let's now look at the chart of the United States of America, assuming 4th July 1776 as the date. Many people consider Gemini the Rising Lagna, but there is more accuracy when we consider Leo the Rising Lagna. With these details, we can see that the present Dasha running is of Rahu and Saturn.
If we are curious to know the kind of governance that will be established in this period, the state of the 9th house should be evaluated, as it indicates governance, and Saturn should be looked at along with it. The Saturn planet is the significator of masses and order. From the 9th house's Lord Saturn is Taurus, which Venus rules. The natal Moon in the USA chart is placed in Aquarius, which indicates a Sade Sati period. Saturn in Aquarius suggests a regulation of law and order, with strong governing mechanisms getting set in place, along with the restoration of systems and mechanisms of the nation.
The 9th house Lord from the Moon is Libra, which Venus again rules. This is an indicator of the type of governance which the masses will like. From the Lagna in the USA's chart, the 9th house is ruled by Aries, whose Lord is Mars and in conjunction with Venus. This aspects the 5th house, which demonstrates the tendencies or preferences of the US citizens.
The above-mentioned astrological information indicates a strong female leader who will be at the helm of things. The US citizens will be more inclined toward a strong female leader. Hence, it indicates the success and triumph of Kamala Harris in the Trump vs. Harris polls.
USA's chart also shows that Saturn will transit over its natal Moon in Aquarius in the 7th house. This is an assortment that causes Sade Sati. It indicates a preference for the establishment of order and not aggression. This Saturn aspects the 9th house, which means correctness in governing matters. This Saturn also aspects the Lagna, which indicates a proper transition in the inner framework of the USA as a nation. Additionally, it also aspects the 4th house, which is an indicator of the seat of responsibility, and shows whoever occupies the decision-making top seat will be moral and proper in their ways.
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As we watch the 2024 Presidential Election, the stakes are undeniably high. With the nation's future in the balance, this election will be a defining moment for the United States and global dynamics.
What eventually transpires in the Presidential Elections of 2024 is something we will witness once the outcomes are out, but what remains clear is that this election will serve as a critical point for the nation's political landscape. As we wait for the final results, we must hope that the best candidate wins and leads the country toward unity and progress.
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