It's that time of year again when we honor Saraswati, the supreme Goddess of Wisdom and Art. With purity in our hearts, we worship her and ask her to be with us all year. Read on to learn what blessings await you this Vasant Panchami.
Vasant Panchami or Basant Panchami, also referred to as Sri Panchami or Saraswati Puja, is celebrated on the Panchami Tithi (5th day) of the Shukla Paksha (waxing period of Moon) in the month of Magha according to the Hindu calendar. This day is observed as a huge festival throughout India and the world. Many Vedic Samskaras, such as Vidhya Arambh and Akshar Abhayasam, also take place on this very auspicious day.
It's that time of year when we bow down and surrender to the Goddess Saraswati, seeking her Love and Blessings. This day is so auspicious that anything new can be started on it, and even marriages can take place. This day formally marks the arrival of the Spring season and, thus, the change in weather as the energy and vibrations of new flowers and fruits begin to develop.
The very definition of love, creativity, and wisdom is Goddess Saraswati. Everything that involves the fine arts, education, music, painting, dancing, or drama calls for her grace. We, therefore, seek her blessings on this day in order to reach the peaks and heights of all these fields. The Goddess loves yellow; thus, it's wise to wear yellow clothing and accessories to honor her.
So, let us learn more about how the Goddess will bestow her most precious blessings on you during Vasant Panchami 2024 Tithi, which will be celebrated this year on February 14th, on a Wednesday.
Learn more interesting facts about Vasant Panchami 2024 here.
Here's how the year ahead will unfold in terms of your learning and growth based on your zodiac.
ARIES: Dear Ariens, you will learn new skills and develop extraordinary talent in your field, putting you ahead of the competition. New certifications, new goals, new projects, and new clients. It truly is a new beginning for you, full of opportunity and growth. Keep all of your energies focused on learning and growing, and keep temptations at bay because nothing else should matter to you right now except your growth. This time will not come back, and if there are any slips or you waste this time, then there will undoubtedly be regrets later. Keep focusing, concentrating, and learning.
Remedy: Wear yellow-colored clothing and accessories while taking part in the festivities.
TAURUS: Dear Taureans, you shall excel in extracurricular activities. Goddess Saraswati shall bless you with grace and interest in the exploration of the creative field. This can begin randomly with signing up for hobby classes like salsa or piano and even take the shape and form of you performing on the stage. This new exploration will bring more peace, self-satisfaction, and fulfillment to your life. Here’s to more joy and more creative juices flowing.
Remedy: Chant Saraswati Mantra 'Om Aim Hreem Shree Klein Saraswati Namah'.
GEMINI: During Vasant Panchami 2024, most Gemini natives will now listen to their hearts and pursue their passions. You will be expressing yourself creatively. Some of you will begin writing poems, or perhaps if you've been writing for a while, you'll now publish and share your work in public. Some of you will try your hands on canvas and colors. Few of you will get into the shoes of writers or bloggers in different domains.
Remedy: Wear Vidya Yantra after getting it programmed by an astrologer.
CANCER: Dear Cancerians, those preparing for the civil services and planning to clear the examination will have extremely bright chances this year. If you have previously appeared for the exams, and this year happens to be your second or third attempt, there are also golden possibilities of you cracking it. Simply seek Goddess Saraswati's blessings every day before beginning and wrapping up your studies.
Remedy: Offer Mishrikand as Prasadam to Goddess Saraswati and distribute it to as many people as possible.
LEO: Dear Leos, you will be considering upgrading your skills in your chosen domain, which could be IT, Legal, Consultancy, etc. Some of you might also take a sabbatical, which entails leaving your job for an extended period of time to pursue higher education, such as an MBA or certification, in order to return to work in a more senior role and with raised remuneration. This is an excellent time to further your education, and Goddess will bless you in all your future endeavors.
Remedy: Chant Saraswati Mantra - “Om Aim Saraswati Namaha”.
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VIRGO: Dear Virgos, you will be considering doing some independent research and analytical studies or even entering a completely new field. Suddenly, you'll be drawn to research papers, root cause analysis, fishbone diagrams, the Pareto principle, and so on. Overall, a fruitful period for analysis and research work.
Remedy- Offer Rajbhog as Prasad to Goddess Saraswati and then distribute it to the people.
LIBRA: Dear Libras, you will likely take it easy this year and choose to learn from your own life experiences rather than any bookish knowledge. This, in a way, is beneficial and makes a lot of sense because, while books are our best friends, life teaches us the most difficult lessons.
Remedy: Offer Poha (flattened rice) with curd to the Goddess and then distribute it as Prasad.
SCORPIO: Dear Scorpios, it's time to become a bookworm! As per the Vasant Panchami horoscope for 2024, you'll develop a voracious reading habit and read many pages every day. You might keep a journal of your daily and/or weekly learnings, which will also benefit others.
Remedy- Offering Khichdi to Goddess Saraswati as Prasad will be your best option.
SAGITTARIUS: Dear Sagittarians, you will empower others as well, along with your own learnings. You will begin taking classes or counseling others about their education or careers as a hobby or profession. People will look to you for moral support and hand-holding.
Remedy- Boondi Laddoos are Goddess Saraswati’s favorite, so offer those to her with all your love and devotion.
CAPRICORN: Dear Capricorns, you will have a fantastic time learning new things while traveling. As they say, travel is the best teacher, and by interacting with people from various geographic regions, you will gain the necessary exposure.
Remedy- Offer the Goddess yellow flowers while keeping your heart pure and filled with unending love.
AQUARIUS: Dear Aquarians, you will be deeply interested in technical education and skill sets. You won't be satisfied with just having rudimentary knowledge; you'll prefer to immerse yourself in the world of wisdom and knowledge.
Remedy- Offer yellow-colored fresh fruits to the Goddess, which must then be used as Prasad.
PISCES: Dear Pisceans, you will feel gravitate toward the medical field. This would satisfy your intense curiosity about the human body; even Ayurveda could be a part of the spectrum. There is so much to learn and understand about what happens inside us that there isn't the time or interest to look around.
Remedy: Donate yellow clothing, food, and fruits to as many people as possible.
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