Choosing the right plot of land can impact the prosperity and well-being of the occupants. Picking the right plot of land is more than the correct location. Because land is a fixed structure, ensuring it exudes positivity is vital.
This is why, when buying a plot of land, whether for a commercial or residential space, it is crucial to follow Vastu for land selection. Vastu Shastra offers guidelines to ensure the selection of a plot that harmonizes with natural forces. Adhering to Vastu principles can enhance positive energy and bring fortune and happiness.
One thing that you should know is that the Vastu Shastra guidelines for a house differ from Vastu for land. So, let's explore how Vastu can guide you in finding the perfect plot.
Vastu Shastra for Plot Shapes
According to Vastu guidelines, regular shapes such as square and rectangular plots are highly recommended.
A square plot that has an equal length as well as breadth symbolizes growth, stability, prosperity, and balance, making it the most favorable for construction.
A rectangular plot with length and width in the 1:2 ratio is considered a good pick for plot selection. Such lands promote prosperity and wealth.
If you are looking for a plot for residential purposes, always go for a flat piece of land. If there are slants or slopes, then plots with a slope towards the Southwest or Northeast are promising.
Note: Irregular plots, such as triangular plots, oval-shaped plots, or plots with sharp angles or non-uniform dimensions, tend to bring bad luck and damage to their owners as they interfere with the natural energy flow.
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Are you thinking about which facing plot is good for construction? Vastu guidelines allocate negative and positive meanings as per the cardinal direction in which a land is oriented.
As per Vastu, the plot directions where the main entrance faces North or East are the most auspicious. A North-facing plot direction is considered favorable, as it is associated with stability and prosperity.
On the other hand, an East-facing plot is connected to growth, fresh beginnings, and, obviously, the rays of the morning Sun. These directions can also create a smooth flow of positive energy in your space.
While the South and West-facing plots are typically considered less favorable, they can also be made auspicious if they are adhering to Vastu guidelines. This is where you must contact Astroyogi's Vastu experts.
It is best to select a plot of land that is most suitable for cultivation, as that will indicate the soil is fertile. Fertile soil is an added positive quality, as it denotes growth and abundance.
Black or clay soil is not regarded as good for a residential plot. Usually, soil that is good for nurturing plants, gardens, or cultivation is regarded as good for the foundation of a building.
However, rocky or barren land should be avoided for construction, as they would require effective Vastu remedies to balance the energies.
Any plot of land with worms should also be dodged, as this may indicate that the soil is loose.
A plot of land should also be surrounded by a lot of greenery, as it is considered suitable for habitation, radiating positivity, and assuring growth.
The positive qualities of a certain plot improve if it is in close proximity to markets, schools, hospitals, and parks.
Once the plot is chosen, you must determine how to start construction, as per the Vastu guidelines. Construction should begin during the day and must be avoided at night or when it's dark.
The construction work should begin from the Southwest corner of the plot, progressing towards the Northwest. The Southwest should be the beginning point for all ceiling and flooring work. After that, it should progress to the Southeast, then the Northeast. This sequence will align with the natural flow of positive energy.
Performing a Bhoomi Puja before starting any construction on the plot of land is highly recommended to invoke blessings and positive energy. You can start the work once this ceremony is done and the foundation stone is laid. After the Bhoomi Puja is done, build the water tank in the North or Northeast direction. This will aid in the family's financial growth.
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Adhering to Vastu for land selection can affect the occupants' lives and ensure a harmonious living environment. By considering essential factors such as the plot's direction, shape, soil quality, etc., you can select a plot of land that best aligns with Vastu guidelines.
For more information about a Vastu-compliant plot and construction process, consult with the Vastu experts only on Astroyogi.
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