2024 Shubh Muhurat Guide: When to Seal The Deal on Your New Wheels?

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Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Fri, Dec 08, 2023
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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2024 Shubh Muhurat Guide: When to Seal The Deal on Your New Wheels?

People usually look for a weekend or a holiday to get their vehicle's delivery. During the festive season, the demand crosses the horizon and often car dealerships fail to deliver the car on time. Purchasing a vehicle is an incredible milestone for anyone; it's a realization of a cherished dream. But did you know that the timing or the vehicle purchase Muhurat of this momentous event can significantly influence your experience? The perfect vehicle purchase Muhurat in 2024 can elevate your journey, so it's always best to check out the best dates and timings before making the BIG purchase!

Why Does Shubh Muhurat Matter for Buying Vehicles?

Opting for a Shubh Muhurat for a vehicle purchase, i.e., an auspicious date and time, can be lucky for the vehicle owner. It can deliver long-lasting benefits, ensuring your vehicle faithfully serves you without premature wear and tear. It's akin to safeguarding your investment for a prosperous future.

But what precisely is a Shubh Muhurat? It can be understood as the auspicious moment or time frame of a particular day when celestial forces align favorably to complete all essential work or events. Determining these propitious moments or Shubh Muhurats involves meticulously analyzing planetary positions and Nakshatras (constellations) by proficient Vedic astrologers. By adhering to auspicious timings, you not only evade potential obstacles but also harness the positive energies of the celestial bodies, substantially boosting your prospects for success.

According to Hinduism, adhering to Shubh Muhurats for significant endeavors, such as vehicle purchases, whether for commercial or personal purposes, holds profound spiritual significance. Doing so invites serenity, harmony, and opulence into the vehicle owner's life. Good fortune and favorable luck are believed to accompany those who diligently follow vehicle purchase Muhurat in 2024. More importantly, following a car purchase Muhurat guarantees a peaceful and uninterrupted journey through life for the car owner.

So, if 2024 is the year when you plan to purchase a motorcycle, car, or scooter, turn to this detailed chronicle of vehicle purchase Muhurats in 2024. 

The Must Check-Out List of Vehicle Purchase Muhurats in 2024! 

All potential vehicle owners, rejoice! Good news for all! The Hindu calendar is bringing you auspicious Muhurat for vehicle purchase in 2024. So, if you are looking to buy a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler, this detailed car-buying Muhurats and bike-buying Muhurats for 2024 can offer you some of the best picks to complete the purchase. 

Dive in to know the auspicious timings. 

January: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

According to the Hindu calendar, January 3, 4, 7, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 31 of 2024 are auspicious Muhurats for vehicle purchase. If you want detailed information about the auspicious timings, check below.

  • 3rd January 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 07:48 PM to 07:15 AM, 4th January 2024, Nakshatra- Hasta 
  • 4th January 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 07:15 AM to 10:04 PM, Nakshatra- Hasta and Chitra 
  • 7th January 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 10:08 PM to 12:46 AM, 8th January 2024, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 14th January 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 07:15 AM to 07:59 AM, Nakshatra- Dhanishtha
  • 15th January 2024 (Monday), Timing- 07:15 AM to 08:07 AM, Nakshatra- Purva Bhadrapada and Shatabhisha
  • 17th January 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 10:06 PM to 03:33 AM, 18th January 2024, Nakshatra- Revati
  • 21st January 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 07:14 AM to 07:26 PM, Nakshatra- Rohini
  • 22nd January 2024 (Monday), Timing- 07:51 PM to 04:58 AM, 23rd January 2024, Nakshatra- Mrigashirsha
  • 24th January 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 09:49 PM to 07:13 AM, 25th January 2024, Nakshatra- Punarvasu
  • 25th January 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 07:13 AM to 07:12 AM, 26th January 2024, Nakshatra- Punarvasu and Pushya
  • 26th January 2024 (Friday), Timing- 07:12 AM to 10:28 AM, Nakshatra- Pushya
  • 31st January 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 07:10 AM to 07:10 AM, 1st February 2024, Nakshatra- Hasta and Chitra

February: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

February 1, 2, 4, 5, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, and 29 are the best bike buying Muhurats and car purchase Muhurats. See below if you want to know detailed auspicious dates and timings. 

  • 1st February 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 07:10 AM to 02:03 PM, Nakshatra- Chitra
  • 2nd February 2024 (Friday), Timing- 04:02 PM to 05:57 AM, 3rd February 2024, Nakshatra- Swati
  • 4th February 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 05:49 PM to 07:07 AM, 5th February 2024, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 5th February 2024 (Monday), Timing- 07:07 AM to 07:54 AM, Nakshatra- Jyeshtha and Anuradha
  • 14th February 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 07:01 AM to 10:43 AM, Nakshatra- Revati
  • 18th February 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 08:15 AM to 06:57 AM, 19th February 2024, Nakshatra- Rohini and Mrigashirsha
  • 19th February 2024 (Monday), Timing- 06:57 AM to 10:33 AM, Nakshatra- Mrigashirsha
  • 21st February 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 11:27 AM to 06:54 AM, 22nd  February 2024, Nakshatra- Punarvasu and Pushya
  • 22nd February 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 06:54 AM to 01:21 PM, Nakshatra- Pushya
  • 29th February 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 06:47 AM to 06:46 AM, 1st March 2024, Nakshatra- Chitra and Swati

March: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

As per the Hindu calendar, March 1, 3, 8, 15, 17, 20, 25, 27, 28 and 29 are the best Muhurats for vehicle purchase. For detailed information about the Muhurats, see below. 

  • 1st March 2024 (Friday), Timing- 06:46 AM to 12:48 PM, Nakshatra- Swati
  • 3rd March 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 08:44 AM to 03:55 PM, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 8th March 2024 (Friday), Timing- 06:38 AM to 09:57 PM, Nakshatra- Shravan and Dhanishtha
  • 15th March 2024 (Friday), Timing- 04:08 PM to 10:09 PM, Nakshatra- Rohini
  • 17th March 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 06:28 AM to 04:47 PM, Nakshatra- Mrigashirsha
  • 20th March 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 06:25 AM to 10:38 PM, Nakshatra- Pushya
  • 25th March 2024 (Monday), Timing- 10:38 AM to 06:18 AM, 26th March 2024,  Nakshatra- Hasta
  • 27th March 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:06 PM to 06:15 AM, 28th March 2024, Nakshatra- Swati
  • 28th March 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 06:15 AM to 06:38 PM, Nakshatra- Swati
  • 29th March 2024 (Friday), Timing- 08:36 PM to 06:13 AM, 30th March 2024, Nakshatra- Anuradha

April: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

According to the Hindu calendar, April 4, 5, 12, 15, 21, 24, and 26 are the most favorable dates or Muhurats to buy vehicles. Check out the detailed list of vehicle purchase Muhurats 2024 given below.

  • 4th April 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 06:07 AM to 06:06 AM, 5th April 2024, Nakshatra- Shravana and Dhanishtha
  • 5th April 2024 (Friday), Timing- 06:06 AM to 01:28 PM, Nakshatra- Dhanishtha
  • 12th April 2024 (Friday), Timing- 01:11 PM to 05:57 AM, 13th April 2024, Nakshatra- Rohini and Mrigashirsha
  • 15th April 2024 (Monday), Timing- 12:11 PM to 05:54 AM, 16th April 2024, Nakshatra- Punarvasu and Pushya
  • 21st April 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 05:08 PM to 01:11 PM, 22nd April 2024, Nakshatra- Hasta
  • 24th April 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:46 AM to 12:41 AM, 25th April 2024, Nakshatra- Swati
  • 26th April 2024 (Friday), Timing- 07:45 AM to 03:40 AM, 27th April 2024, Nakshatra- Anuradha

Need advice regarding Shubh Muhurats before doing any important task? Astroyogi astrologers can guide you. 

May: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

According to the Hindu calendar, May 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 19, 20, 23, 24, 29, 30, and 31 are the most promising car-buying Muhurats and bike-buying Muhurats. For more detailed information, check out below.

  • 1st May 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:45 AM to 04:01 AM, 2nd May 2024,  Nakshatra- Shravana
  • 3rd May 2024 (Friday), Timing- 05:38 AM to 12:06 AM, 4th May 2024, Nakshatra- Shatabhisha
  • 5th May 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 07:57 PM to 05:36 AM, 6th May 2024,  Nakshatra- Revati
  • 6th May 2024 (Monday), Timing- 05:36 AM to 02:40 PM, Nakshatra- Revati
  • 10th May 2024 (Friday), Timing- 05:33 AM to 02:50 AM, 11th May 2024, Nakshatra- Rohini and Mrigashirsha
  • 12th May 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 10:27 AM to 05:31 AM, 13th May 2024, Nakshatra- Punarvasu
  • 13th May 2024 (Monday), Timing- 05:31 AM to 02:50 AM, 14th May 2024, Nakshatra- Punarvasu and Pushya
  • 19th May 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 05:28 AM to 01:50 PM, Nakshatra- Hasta
  • 20th May 2024 (Monday), Timing- 03:58 PM to 05:27 AM, 21st May 2024, Nakshatra- Chitra
  • 23rd May 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 09:15 AM to 05:26 AM, 24th May 2024, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 24th May 2024 (Friday), Timing- 05:26 AM to 10:10 AM, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 29th May 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:24 AM to 01:39 PM, Nakshatra- Shravana and Dhanishtha
  • 30th May 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 11:43 AM to 05:24 AM, 31st May 2024, Nakshatra- Shatabhisha
  • 31st May 2024 (Friday), Timing- 05:24 AM to 06:14 AM, Nakshatra- Purva Bhadrapada and Shatabhisha

June: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

When you turn to the Hindu calendar, you’ll find out that June 2, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, and 27 will be the auspicious Muhurats for vehicle purchase. Check below for detailed information. 

  • 2nd June 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 05:23 AM to 01:40 AM, 3rd June 2024, Nakshatra- Revati
  • 9th June 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 05:23 AM to 03:44 PM, Nakshatra- Punarvasu
  • 10th June 2024 (Monday), Timing- 04:14 PM to 09:40 PM, Nakshatra- Pushya
  • 16th June 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 05:23 AM to 05:23 AM, 17th June 2024, Nakshatra- Hasta and Chitra
  • 17th June 2024 (Monday), Timing- 05:23 AM to 05:23 AM, 18th June 2024, Nakshatra- Chitra and Swati
  • 19th June 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:23 PM to 05:24 AM, 20th June 2024, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 20th June 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 05:24 AM to 07:49 AM, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 24th June 2024 (Monday), Timing- 03:54 PM to 01:23 AM, 25th June 2024, Nakshatra- Shravana
  • 26th June 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:25 AM to 05:25 AM, 27th June 2024, Nakshatra- Dhanishtha and Shatabhisha
  • 27th June 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 05:25 AM to 11:36 AM, Nakshatra- Shatabhisha

July: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

In July 2024, 3, 4, 8, 14, 15, 17, 22, 24, 26, and 31 are the dates that will be the best two-wheel buying Muhurats and car buying Muhurats. Check out below for detailed information! 

  • 3rd July 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 07:10 AM to 05:28 AM, 4th July 2024, Nakshatra- Rohini and Mrigashirsha
  • 4th July 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 05:28 AM to 05:54 AM, Nakshatra- Mrigashirsha
  • 8th July 2024 (Monday), Timing- 05:30 AM to 06:03 AM, Nakshatra- Ashlesha and Pushya
  • 14th July 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 05:33 AM to 05:25 PM, Nakshatra- Chitra
  • 15th July 2024 (Monday), Timing- 07:19 PM to 12:30 AM, 16th July 2024, Nakshatra- Swati
  • 17th July 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:34 AM to 09:02 PM, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 22nd July 2024 (Monday), Timing- 05:37 AM to 01:11 PM, Nakshatra- Shravana
  • 24th July 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:38 AM to 07:30 AM, Nakshatra- Shatabhisha
  • 26th July 2024 (Friday), Timing- 02:30 PM to 11:30 PM, Nakshatra- Revati
  • 31st July 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:42 AM to 03:55 PM, Nakshatra- Rohini and Mrigashirsha

August: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

In August, dates like 2, 9, 12, 14, 19, 23, 26, 28, and 29 will be the best Shubh Muhurats for car purchase. For detailed information, check out below.

  • 2nd August 2024 (Friday), Timing- 10:59 AM to 03:26 PM, Nakshatra- Punarvasu
  • 9th August 2024 (Friday), Timing- 05:47 AM to 05:48 AM, 10th August 2024, Nakshatra- Hasta and Chitra
  • 12th August 2024 (Monday), Timing- 07:55 AM to 08:33 AM, Nakshatra- Vishakha and Swati
  • 14th August 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 10:23 AM to 12:13 PM, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 19th August 2024 (Monday), Timing- 05:53 AM to 05:45 AM, 20th August 2024, Nakshatra- Shravana and Dhanishtha
  • 23rd August 2024 (Friday), Timing- 10:38 AM to 07:54 PM, Nakshatra- Revati
  • 26th August 2024 (Monday), Timing- 03:55 PM to 02:19 PM, 27th August 2024, Nakshatra- Rohini
  • 28th August 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 05:57 AM to 03:53 PM, Nakshatra- Mrigashirsha
  • 29th August 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 04:39 PM to 01:37 PM, 30th August 2024, Nakshatra- Punarvasu

September: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

According to the Hindu calendar, 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, and 16 are the best dates or Muhurats to buy vehicles. If you want detailed information, check out the details below. 

  • 5th September 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 12:21 PM to 06:02 AM, 6th September 2024, Nakshatra- Hasta
  • 6th September 2024 (Friday), Timing- 06:02 AM to 03:01 PM, Nakshatra- Hasta and Chitra
  • 8th September 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 06:03 AM to 03:31 PM, Nakshatra- Swati
  • 9th September 2024 (Monday), Timing- 06:04 PM to 09:53 PM, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 15th September 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 06:12 PM to 06:07 AM, 16th September 2024, Nakshatra- Dhanishtha
  • 16th September 2024 (Monday), Timing- 06:07 AM to 03:10 PM, Nakshatra- Dhanishtha

October: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

The dates 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 24, and 30 will be auspicious for car-buying Muhurats and bike-buying Muhurats in October 2024. See below for detailed information. 

  • 7th October 2024 (Monday), Timing- 09:47 AM to 02:25 PM, 8th October 2024, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 13th October 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 06:21 AM to 06:21 AM, 14th October 2024, Nakshatra- Dhanishtha and Shatabhisha
  • 14th October 2024 (Monday), Timing- 06:21 AM to 06:41 AM, Nakshatra- Shatabhisha
  • 16th October 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 08:40 PM to 06:23 AM, 17th October 2024,  Nakshatra- Revati
  • 17th October 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 06:23 AM to 04:20 PM, Nakshatra- Revati
  • 21st October 2024 (Monday), Timing- 06:26 AM to 05:51 AM, 22nd October 2024, Nakshatra- Mrigashirsha
  • 24th October 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 06:28 AM to 01:58 AM, 25th October 2024, Nakshatra- Pushya
  • 30th October 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 06:32 AM to 01:15 PM, Nakshatra- Hasta

November: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

The Shubh Muhurats for vehicle purchase are 4, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 28, and 29 are best for buying a vehicle. If you want detailed information, check below.

  • 4th November 2024 (Monday), Timing- 06:35 AM to 08:04 AM, Nakshatra- Anuradha
  • 10th November 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 09:01 PM to 06:41 AM, 11th November 2024, Nakshatra- Shatabhisha
  • 11th November 2024 (Monday), Timing- 06:41 AM to 09:40 AM, Nakshatra- Shatabhisha
  • 13th November 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 01:01 PM to 03:11 AM, 14th November 2024, Nakshatra- Revati
  • 17th November 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 09:06 PM to 06:46 AM, 18th November 2024, Nakshatra- Mrigashirsha
  • 18th November 2024 (Monday), Timing- 06:46 AM to 03:49 PM, Nakshatra- Mrigashirsha
  • 20th November 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 06:48 AM to 06:49 AM, Nakshatra- Punarvasu and Pushya
  • 21st November 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 06:49 AM to 03:35 PM, Nakshatra- Pushya
  • 28th November 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 06:54 AM to 06:55 AM,  29th November 2024, Nakshatra- Swati
  • 29th November 2024 (Friday), Timing- 06:55 AM to 08:39 AM, Nakshatra- Swati

Check this out: 2024: The Year of Love! When Should You Plan Your Dream Wedding?

December: Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024

The dates 5, 6, 8, 11, 15, 18, 23, 25, and 26 in December 2024 will be auspicious or Shubh Muhurat for car purchase. If you want detailed information, check below.

  • 5th December 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 05:26 PM to 07:00 AM, 6th December 2024, Nakshatra- Shravana
  • 6th December 2024 (Friday), Timing- 07:00 AM to 07:01 AM, 7th December 2024, Nakshatra- Shravana and Dhanishtha
  • 8th December 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 09:44 AM to 04:03 PM, Nakshatra- Shatabhisha
  • 11th December 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 07:04 AM to 11:48 AM, Nakshatra- Revati
  • 15th December 2024 (Sunday), Timing- 07:06 AM to 02:20 PM, 16th December 2024, Nakshatra- Mrigashirsha
  • 18th December 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 07:08 AM to 10:06 AM, Nakshatra- Pushya
  • 23rd December 2024 (Monday), Timing- 09:09 AM to 05:07 PM, Nakshatra- Hasta
  • 25th December 2024 (Wednesday), Timing- 07:12 AM to 07:12 AM, 26th December 2024, Nakshatra- Chitra and Swati
  • 26th December 2024 (Thursday), Timing- 07:12 AM to 06:09 PM, Nakshatra- Swati

Things to Keep in Mind When Purchasing A Vehicle in 2024 

Buying a vehicle is an enormous financial undertaking; hence, carefully selecting the Shubh Muhurat for vehicle purchase is necessary. Doing so can have a positive impact on both your and your family's lives; otherwise, you might encounter unnecessary problems. 

Here are some points that you must keep in mind. 

  • Optimal Days And Auspicious Nakshatras
  1. When picking a vehicle purchase Muhurat in 2024, you will find some days are much more auspicious than others. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday are considered propitious. Hands down, Fridays are the most favorable for the purchase. But, you are recommended to avoid Saturdays, as this is the day associated with Saturn. Besides this, many other favorable Nakshatras and Muhurats fall on different days of the week, making it possible for you to purchase vehicles on any of those days.
  2. Along with this, many favorable Nakshatras are excellent for purchasing an automobile. To buy a vehicle, Swati, Punarvasu, Dhanishtha, and Shatabhisha are excellent Nakshatras. Other Nakshatras and Muhurats like Ashwini and Magha are also considered suitable for purchasing.
  3. Some special Tithis like Prathama, Tritiya, Panchami, Shashti, Dashami, Ekadashi, Trayodashi, and Purnima are considered favorable for many vehicle purchases of your choice.
  4. Remember that you must not buy a car on Amavasya Tithi. 
  • Steer Clear of Rahu Kaal 

According to Vedic astrology, Rahu is deemed a malefic planet, which is known to offer awful results to people and disrupt endeavors. Therefore, you are advised to always avoid initiating good work during the Rahu Kaal, even on auspicious days. You should avoid buying or selling automobiles during Rahu Kaal.

  • The Role of The Moon 

The planet Moon must not be in the 6th, 8th, or 12th House in an individual's horoscope chart or Kundli. You must keep this factor in mind when searching for the appropriate vehicle purchase Muhurats in 2024. 

  • Astrological Insights

Your individual horoscope plays a pivotal role in ascertaining the most favorable timing for your vehicle purchase Muhurat in 2024. So, you must seek advice from Astroyogi astrologers who can investigate the unique planetary configurations in your horoscope and provide tailored recommendations regarding the car purchase Muhurats. Therefore, the auspicious date and timings for purchasing a vehicle should not be underestimated.

Conclusion: Embark on A Journey of Prosperity with Your New Vehicle

In today's times, the desire to own a vehicle is quite common. Apart from fulfilling individual aspirations, owning a vehicle also fulfills the important need for transport. Irrespective of the vehicle's size, make, or price, picking the right Shubh Muhurat for vehicle purchase is an absolute necessity. If you ignore the car buying Muhurats, you run the risk of facing obstacles in growth and progress.

In 2024, transform your vehicle purchase into a moment of prosperity and fulfillment by selecting the perfect Muhurat to buy vehicles. You must ensure that your investment goes beyond mere transportation needs and becomes a conduit for inviting good fortune and seamless voyages throughout your life.

For comprehensive information on Muhurat for vehicle purchase in 2024, consult with Astroyogi astrologers today. Your path to auspicious ownership awaits!

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