Besides marriage, Venus also signifies all the materialistic comforts in life. So it would also be a good time to buy and enjoy the items of comforts used in our day to day lives. It would be a good time for shopping and gain the items of comforts for the family members. It would also be a good time to buy a new vehicle if you are planning one. Venus also signifies vehicles in Astrology. This should be good time to dispose of old/depreciated vehicles and buy new ones.
For those who are already married, it is a good time to make your spouse happy by planning a trip or spending quality time with him/her. It is a good time for strengthening the love bond between couples. An improvement in the overall love and married life would be experienced post 21st April.
Venus is a soft/benefic planet in Astrology. It delivers everything in a very soothing manner. Currently Venus is posited in Aries, it has moved out of its sign of exaltation (peak power) i.e Pisces. From Aries it would be gradually moving to its own sign Taurus. Such a Venus is in a happy state to deliver benefic results.
Try to follow certain tips as mentioned below and make Venus auspicious for you.
Treat spouse and women in general with respect and Venus would shower its bliss upon you.
Be Blessed!!!