With Venus entering Virgo on July 22, 2013, you'll want to feel appreciated in your relationship. Compromising will not come easy to you and you will look for fulfillment of your deepest desires. How will this planetary event influence each sun sign? Read on to find out the influence of Venus on you!
You are security conscious and find it difficult to adapt to change; but this a perfect time to deepen your bond with your partner and experience happiness. However, you may feel divided in your loyalties as a third party intervenes. Rather than take the easiest option to keep others happy, you must put your relationship first
You may find yourself daydreaming about romance, and it is possible that you meet a lover who has childlike charm. An affair will be intoxicating but short-lived, as one of you is distracted by something, or someone more appealing.
You sure are impulsive, sociable and sometimes aggressive. Don't you crave action and adventure! Presently, I can see a relationship in its infancy. Romance will bring light-heartedness, sociability, and joy. This could feel like first darling or infatuation. Rather than formulating plans for future, enjoy the thrill of the new!
Chances are perfect that you meet your soul mate anytime; Cupid sure has his arrow pointed at you! What is needed from your end is a total disassociation with the past: put aside what has happened -including a past lover- if you want to claim the love you need and deserve.
You are adventurous, broad minded and intellectual. Expect a sudden shift in the sphere of your affections. This is a positive time so you enter an intensely happy phase in a relationship as factors such as family, work, and finances take a turn for the better. A quirk of fate may also bring you closer to your beloved.
There is potential everywhere for love, should you truly seek it. This is also a time to enjoy fulfilling relationships with 'close' friends.
You are someone who loves balance and partnership. Relationships are important to you. Your goal is to promote harmony and balance in your environment. You will share great love and passion, which will help you bond even better with your partner. Express your love, and see the difference it makes in your love life.
If you are playing a waiting game just now, you can hang around in limbo or, more positively, use your senses to explore your spiritual self. Your perspective on love changes for the better the minute you adopt an attitude of openness.
You can make your love magical because you can see the potential in your partnership. Together, you have companionship, trust, and passion, and this realization leads you to a new way to living. From travelling the world to a joint business venture, your shared dreams can take shape.
You may need to hold back from a possible affair, which, should you make a move, threatens to overpower you. Rather than be consumed by the fantasy of an obsession, wait a while. Befriending your strengths and weaknesses will empower you to find love.
You Virgos worry a lot, wondering, for instance, whether you are making the right impression on others or you are doing the right thing. If a relationship is volatile just now, try not to let your emotions run away with you. Maintain your equilibrium by listening to your heart and head in equal measure.
This is a time for expertly planning your work and social life to ensure you don't miss out on any opportunity for love. You will be reconciled with someone close to you. Some of you will forgive your own misdeeds and let go of your guilt.
You are loving, sensitive and intuitive but this time you need to look at a problem from an entirely different angle, which may mean discarding a dream or revising your expectations of a relationship. You take valuable time out, finding emotional replenishment in your relationship.
You may come in contact with an older suitor, or someone who is evolved in their outlook. If he presents you with a gift, it is a sign of his genuine love rather than a need to impress.
You sure can look forward to a spell in the sunshine: a time of deserved success in which you return to a state of carefree innocence, and, perhaps, rediscover your youth. Prioritize your relationship over demands from others.
This is the right time for starting a new relationship. You can easily look forward to falling in love! Social invitations and opportunities keep your spirits high.
You love to use your mind and imagination, since it is variety in life and constant change that you need. The time ahead brings a precious gift: genuine romance and the development of a relationship. Love grows, and, with it, commitment. Your love for your partner deepens.
You can look forward to an upturn in love potential. It may come as a relief to know that change will come regardless, particularly if you have been networking non-stop but not meeting anyone romantically. Be sensitive to the synchronicity around you. Romance is fated!
This is a time to celebrate love, A wedding or anniversary sees others acknowledging and supporting your partnership. In a wider sense, you may set out on an adventure with your beloved, and achieve a treasured goal.
You are poised to venture further into the world, expanding your boundaries through travelling, exploring new and old relationships. Before you go, you may receive a special present.
Don't you Aquarians love luxury and material possessions? Only the best is good enough for you. Beware, as this time, your patience may be tested by a partner's powerful convictions. Rather than match this passion, go for restraint, not retaliation. The Stars indicate an internal conflict, when you feel torn between two courses of action, one of which appeals to your wild side.
This time, your chances are perfect for meeting a partner, as a shared creative interest brings you closer to a different kind of individual who may live by his wits. A friend may become a lover, overnight.
Sensitive and romantic, you prefer to follow than lead. You crave a peaceful and harmonious lifestyle. The stars indicate a need for sexual harmony with your partner. By genuinely taking time to communicate, you can move forward in your relationship. Your penchant for adventure may see you taking a journey together, too.
This is a great time for meeting action-driven people possibly connected with travelling. As events speed up, you will enjoy increased energy and, perhaps, a passionate encounter.