Being the planet of luxury, beauty, fame, art and love, Venus blesses the natives with intellect, money and vitality and almost all the tangible well-being that the world can provide. The planet Venus motivates a native to be truthful, affectionate and uphold honesty in all their actions towards others. The negative effects of planet Venus can bring disgrace and cause rifts with the members of the family as well as misfortune. Astroyogi's Expert Astrologers have predicted the impacts of this transit on each of the 12 Zodiac signs.
(Note: The predictions are to be seen as per the Moon Sign.)
The planet Venus transits into your twelfth house and will lead to an increase in income. This is a great time if you have any plans for financial investments. Natives will have the pleasure of taking short trips. It is advised although to avoid any unnecessary expenses. Your romantic partner or spouse will be all smiles with romance in the air and lot of feel-good tingles will come along. Continuing your regular adrenaline rush of sporting activity is recommended to release any tensions in the workplace.
Venus transits in the eleventh house which will be beneficial for your health. You will be full of vigour and keep yourself extremely active. Natives will see a sharp increase in their financial strength. Physical pleasures will be on a high. Your partner or spouse will be extravagantly romantic and everything will be sailing smooth. There is an opportunity for travelling abroad. Being jovial and sharp at the workplace will surely be noticed by your superiors to your benefits.
Being that Venus is in the tenth house, promotions at the workplace is highly likely. Your hard work will not go unrecognised. Financial strength will grow stronger. Being involved in performing arts will likely be rewarding. You will feel energetic and uplifted with all the positive vibe around you. Natives will the opportunity to travel with their lover or spouse adventurously.
Venus being in the ninth house indicates a mix of positivity and negativity. Your financial condition will be on a swing of up and down. It is advised to invest wisely and it is a great time purchase the car you have been keeping your eyes on for so long. It is advised to do a routine check-up with the doctor. As for your romantic relationship, you will find it quite relaxing due to the mutual understanding. At the workplace, it is inevitable to find some upsetting situation.
The Planet Venus transits into the eighth house which is the indication that natives have to be careful. In the matter of health, natives are advised to be cautious. In business and professional life, there may be some challenges to be faced. Natives may not be able to recognize their own abilities and talents now. It is advised to strengthen one's willpower. Romantic relations will turn sour whereby it is advised to let things run its course.
With planet Venus coming in the seventh house, your spouse or romantic partner will be very supportive during this time. Your romantic relationship will be going to the next level. You will be the emerging superstar at your workplace. Going to the gym regularly will prove to be fruitful in the future. Investments in property are profitable for the long run.
Venus is travelling through the sixth house. It is advised to take good care of your health. A routine checkup with the doctor will not hurt. Rivals or persons of negativity are seen to be affecting your vibe. There are challenges to be faced in the workplace. Your romantic relations will be sailing smoothly with no hiccups.
With Venus in the fifth house, name and fame are in the forecast. In the professional life, promotions are expected. You will be climbing the next step in your romantic life. A nice dinner with a movie or some entertainment will a long way. Go for long walks or take up a sport to keep yourself active. You will see a steady inflow of income however it is advised not to make any investments.
The Planet Venus is in the fourth house, with possibilities of networking on a high. In your professional life, you will be making new networks that will be beneficial for you financially. Your romantic relations will be on a new high and your partner will be quite generous. Physical pleasures will be on a high. You will be feeling a bit tired whereby it is advised to take rest as much as you can.
Being that Venus is in your third house, your relationship with your siblings will be really sweet. You will be very much active in your workplace which will not go unnoticed. Short journeys will be planned and relaxing. You will be quite happy to be the missing piece of the puzzle in your romantic relationship, by fitting in perfectly. Visit the gym frequently to be more active.
With Venus in the second house, your financial strength looks great. Investment in property or other materialistic things, this is a perfect time. Benefits will be reaped from your heritage. Your spouse or romantic partner will require some attention with plans for the future. In the workplace, it is advisable to avoid mingling with devious minded colleagues. Going to the gym may be boring but it will certainly help you in the future.
Venus is in your house, the first house where your romantic life will be on a high. Taking your relationship to the next level is highly recommended. Your financial situation will be stable and a steady inflow of cash will be seen. At the workplace, it is recommended to prioritize of pending projects so as to make sure of your promotion. Natives will find themselves to be healthy, happy and joyful. Regular exercise should be maintained for long-term benefits. Physical pleasures will surely be on a high.