The Venus transit from Libra to Scorpio on 26th of November could have a significant impact on your destiny and future. Venus is called ‘Shukra’ in Vedic astrology and it roughly translates to lucid, clear or bright. Shukra is the key significator of marital life, beauty, fertility, wealth and material comforts. The transit will happen at 22:20. Expert astrologers at Astroyogi explain the impact of this transit on the lives of each of the 12 zodiac natives.
For an in-depth horoscope analysis in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
(Please note that these predictions are based on Moon signs)
The transit will place Venus in your eighth house from your Moon Sign, and there are high chances that property investment during this time period which you have been planning for long. This tenure will also provide you with opportunities to mingle with the opposite sex and enjoy their company. You might have a special inclination sensual activities and luxuries during this time period. You may find a new and exciting opportunity on the work front. astroYogi astrologers advise you to be strong enough to overcome your physical weaknesses and grab this opportunity as it would be a boost to your career. You should not take any impulsive decisions during this time period, take your time and consult your near and dear ones before taking any crucial decisions.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Aries natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
With Venus in your seventh house, there are chances of minor disagreements and friction with your love interest or spouse. The transit can increase your libido and your sexual drive would increase considerably. You need to be careful in your daily activities as there are chances of an injury. Good health along with mental peace is indicated. You need to take care of the emotional needs of your near and dear ones rather than their materialistic needs. Financial gains are also on the cards. You will hear some good news from your younger sister or brother.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Taurus natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
Venus will be visiting your sixth house after the transit. You may finally go for that dream vacation which you have been planning for long. You have worked hard and when it’s time to have some fun, you should enjoy it to the fullest. Be wary of what you are eating and drinking as stomach related ailments are on the cards. You will recognize and appreciate your partner's support and contribution in daily life during this tenure.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Gemini natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
Venus visits your fifth house which is the house is pertaining to children and education. Couples who are planning to have a baby can expect to hear the good news during this tenure. Students will do very well in exams and competitive examinations. You may have some disagreements with your siblings or cousins, but things will be sorted out. So don’t be very much tensed about these issues.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Cancer natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
The transit of Venus into your fourth house is good news for you. You may be bestowed with a new designation or responsibility on the work front during this time period. Those who are into politics will enjoy a favourable time. There are chances of meeting and spending time with an old friend of yours who have been out of touch for long. You might have to leave on frequent errands during this time period which would be fruitful.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Leo natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
Venus will move into the third house after the transit. There are good chances for financial gains during this time period. Your intelligence and wisdom will help you become influential among your peer group during this period. You would vanquish your enemies with your hard work and determination. You are likely to make this big investment during this time period. You may also consider refurbishing your home during this time period. Virgo natives who are living away from their parents have a good chance of spending some time with them. Both you and your parents will enjoy this to the fullest.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Virgo natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
With Venus in your second, you would enjoy financial gains from multiple sources during this time period. The financial gains might be from inherited property or even an increment or incentive in the workplace. You are likely to have a very good time with your friends, as you would be socialising a lot during this time period. Single Libra natives may forge a new relationship during this time period. You would also notice that your communication skills and tact to impress the opposite sex have improved considerably.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Libra natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
Venus will be placed in your first house after the transit, which would cause some negative impacts on your health. You are advised by our expert astrologers to stay safe from fire and hot objects, as there are chances of burn injuries. You will enjoy a healthy family life during this time period. Natives who are living away from their mother will either get the chance to meet her and spend some quality time with her.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Scorpio natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
The transit will place Venus in your twelfth house. If you have been enjoying some gains without putting in much of your efforts, you might have to work a bit harder for sustaining these gains after the transit. Since the key significator of luxuries and comfort- Venus is positioned in your 12th house you would have a hectic work schedule and the overall stress level may increase. So you need to take good care of your health and not get carried away by work. You might consider investing in properties or buying a new vehicle during this time period.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Sagittarius natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
The transit will happen in the 11th house of your zodiac sign also known as ‘Labh Ghar’ in Vedic astrology, which is a favourable positioning for Venus. A new energy and enthusiasm will be kindled inside you due to this transit which would make you proactive in the workplace. If you were feeling enslaved by your lazy habits for some time, this transit will break you free. You may have to stay away from your beloved family for a while during this tenure. You will reap the fruits of your hard work during this time period.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Capricorn natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
The Venus transit will happen in your 10th house which is known as the ‘Karma Kshetra’ in Vedic astrology. You will feel energetic and proactive after the transit. However, you may find it hard to take some critical decisions, as you would be having a lot of dilemma regarding the same. Financial gains are also on the cards. You will hear some good news from your younger sister or brother. Our expert astrologer advice you to maintain your inner peace and consult your well-wishers before taking any crucial decisions.
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Aquarius natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!
Venus will move into the ninth house from your Moon Sign, and during this period you may be more inclined towards religion and spirituality. You will be busy socialising attending family gatherings a lot during this time period. Your love life would be very happening during this time period and you will spend some quality time with your love interest or spouse during this time period.You will also have financial gain during this time period but at the same time spend a lot on clothing and accessories
For an in-depth and personalised horoscope analysis of Pisces natives in the light of this transit consult the best astrologers in India through Astroyogi.com. Click here to consult now!