The Venus transit in Aries will occur towards the later portion of April, and people can expect life-altering changes.
Venus Transit in Aries Date- 25th April 2024 (Thursday)
Venus transits from its exalted sign, Pisces, into Aries at about 12:07 AM, after which it will move to its own sign, Taurus.
Venus is the most desired planet because it represents everything materialistic, from money, luxury, beauty, and sexuality. A person with a strong Venus will have passionate love affairs, money and prosperity, and comfort and luxury in life.
Venus or Shukra rules the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra. As per Vedic astrology, it is a natural benefic planet and the significator of art, culture, creativity, and materialistic comforts.
Venus is transiting in the Aries sign, and the Aries zodiac sign is known to be bold, passionate, energetic, intelligent, and charismatic. Their passions, hearts, and desires guide them. They are an unstoppable force of energy and love the fire of competition. Their ruling sign is Mars (Mangal).
Venus's transit in the Aries zodiac sign, the first sign of the Bhachakra, will bring a lot of vibration and movement throughout the chain and affect all the signs immensely.
Venus will go through the three Nakshatras (constellations) of the Aries zodiac before marching into its own sign, Taurus. The Nakshatras are as follows.
Ashwini- From 00 degrees 00 minutes to 13 degrees 20 minutes
Bharani- From 13 degrees 20 minutes to 26 degrees 40 minutes
Krittika- From 26 degrees 40 minutes to 10 degrees 00 minutes
Hence, the Venus transit 2024 is significant as it impacts everyone. After all, everyone wants to be happy and rich at the end of the day. Isn't it?
Scroll down to get to know the Venus transit effects on zodiac signs.
This Venus transit 2024 will happen in the 1st house with the Aries sign and Mars as the Lord. You will pay attention to your outward appearance. You will also become tasteful and choosy when it comes to your choice of clothes and accessories.
Self-expression will mean a lot to you, and you will indulge in making yourself look classy and trendy as per the latest fashion trends.
Remedy - Worship Goddess Lakshmi to enhance your Venus. According to our ancient scriptures, Shukhra is the son of the Sage Bhrigu and his wife Khyati, an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi.
The 12th house, or Bhava, will be impacted by this Venus transit. As Venus is the Lord of Taurus, this transit will be super beneficial for the Taureans. Due to Venus's transit impact on the horoscope, many Taureans will make and build on foreign connections. Some of you will hear good news from offshore as well.
The Taurus natives hoping to go abroad for higher academics or job opportunities will get financial gains and success.
Remedy: Wear white clothes to strengthen your Venus. Venus is the God of peace and harmony and has more energy with the white color.
This Venus transit will hit the 11th house. The transit will take place in the 11th house for Geminis, and the Lord, Mercury, will impact your friendships and social circles.
During the Venus transit in Aries 2024, you will collaborate with many people and companies for abundant gains. You will also socialize quite a bit, making your networking much stronger and more meaningful.
Remedy - Groom yourself and make yourself more trendy and classy, as Venus is the Karaka of self-grooming, sensuality, and sexuality. Hence, by working on your self-grooming, you activate the planet more.
This excellent Venus transit will fall in the 10th house. The 10th house (Bhava) is the Karma Bhava. Hence, this transit will certainly impact your work and professional lives.
When Venus transits in Aries, you will focus more on your work domain and achieve success. Many of you will target getting promotions and salary hikes, so be prepared to sweat it out for the same.
Remedy - Wear a diamond to make your Venus (Shukra) more powerful, and have the diamond energized by an Astroyogi astrologer.
This Venus transit in Aries will happen in the 9th house for Leo natives. Since the 9th house is for the Dharma Bhava, your spiritual and religious energies will get activated.
Due to the Venus transit impact on the horoscope, you will start doing Yoga, Meditation, and other spiritual practices for your well-being. There are also chances that you may get involved in a lot of charity work and social causes.
Remedy - Wearing a Shukra Mani will benefit you and certainly improve your Venus.
This Venus transit will be in the 8th house for Virgo natives, which is for transformation and significant changes. According to the Venus transit predictions, you will introspect your actions and life. You will resolve to grow and transform yourself into a higher version of yourself.
During this time, you will be full of positivity. Your nurturing nature will inspire everyone around you.
Remedy - Fasting on Fridays will be extremely powerful and beneficial as Friday is the day dedicated to Venus.
This Venus transit will be in the 7th house, which is the seat for all your partnerships, including personal and business partnerships. Due to the Venus transit and its effects on relationships, you are advised to spend more quality time with your spouse or partner.
Before starting any new business partnership, you may call and consult Astroyogi astrologers about the same and get proper astrological predictions, the astrologers can guide you on how well and beneficial the partnership will be for you.
Remedy - Donate honey on Fridays or feed honey to a cow to strengthen your Venus.
Scorpio natives will have this Venus transit in Aries in the 6th house. Hence, due to the Venus transit impact on the horoscope, you must watch out for your enemies, especially the Gupt or the hidden ones. Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Be very careful of any politics happening around you.
Focus only on your tasks in your work and professional life. Be self-motivated and self-driven under all circumstances.
Remedy - Keep a Shukra Yantra in your temple.
The 5th house for Sagittarius natives will be the house of the Venus transit in Aries. Children and siblings will become the center of attention and demand your time, energy, and focus.
You may review your Share Market investments according to the Venus transit predictions. This will be important for those trading in the market, as they may book profits. You may also sell some of your stocks to reinvest in new ones for higher gains.
Remedy - Donate milk to needy people and kids on Fridays.
Give this a quick glance: Which Is The Most Attractive Zodiac Sign?
The Venus transit will happen in the 4th house of Capricorns. Some people will renovate their homes, whereas others can move to a new abode.
When Venus transits in Aries, Capricorns can purchase new cars or vehicles. There is also a strong possibility that you can upgrade your old car to a higher, more luxurious vehicle.
Remedy - Place a Shukra Yantra in your bag and carry it wherever you go. You will see its effects on your life in a few days.
The Venus transit in Aries will take place in the 3rd house of Aquarius. Due to the Venus transit effects, this will be a high communication time for you, and you will involve yourself in a lot of writing, editing, and public speaking.
Most of you will be active on social media. You may also be involved in playing online games and other activities, as the 3rd house activates your social media interactions. Now is a favorable time for those wanting to start a new Podcast.
Remedy - Apply perfumes and creams on Fridays. It would help if you worked extra on your self-grooming, as pampering yourself on Fridays will increase your Venus's effects.
This Venus transit will happen in the 2nd house for Pisces. Due to the effects of Venus transit in Aries, you will successfully create and accumulate wealth, as the 2nd house is for wealth accumulation and financial gains. This could come via the Stock Market, mutual funds, real estate, gold, and other avenues.
Your family life will be happy and content. All your family members will be relaxed and calm, expressing their love for each other.
Remedy - Wear a 6 Mukhi Rudraksha to make your Venus stronger.
Remember, these are generalized forecasts for the Venus transit in Aries 2024. If you want to learn more about the Venus transit's effects on your life, get on a call or chat with Tarot Sonia on Astroyogi.