Venus Transit in Gemini - Time to Bring Out Your Creativity

Fri, May 28, 2021
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Fri, May 28, 2021
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Venus Transit in Gemini - Time to Bring Out Your Creativity

In Vedic astrology, the planet Venus is considered the Karka of marriage, love, relationship, lust, wealth, beauty, clothing, designing, creativity, hospitality, good food, etc. On 28th May 2021, it will enter the friendly airy, and intellectual sign Gemini from his own Taurus sign. Venus is transiting to the third house of Kalpurush Kundli; hence it will be beneficial for creative people. Gemini is a dual sign and is owned by Mercury. 

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Mercury's environment and Venus fusion will bring haste in nature, so it would be better to avoid commitment. It is a very good time to negotiate things on your terms and conditions. During this transit, Venus will cross Mrigshira, Adra, and Punervasu Nakshatra. Those are Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter nakshatras, respectively. Let us analyze how Mars courage, Rahu’s Passion, and Jupiter’s wisdom will impact to different zodiac signs natives: -

Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Aries

The Venus transit will take place through the 3rd house, the house of courage, communication, short journey, younger siblings, planning, subconscious mind, etc. The articulated language will create good chances for financial gains. Salespersons can easily convince people through their diplomatic behavior and effective presentation. People in business could try selling their products online and will gain success during this period. It is a very good time for the artistic people; others will acknowledge their work. Writers and poets can create effective literature. A career trip will help achieve financial success. on the other hand, married couples will enjoy their romantic life. Your efforts to accumulate wealth may not be very fruitful as you may have some expenses related to luxury and comfort. Know more about Aries

Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Taurus

Venus will transit in the 2nd house; it is the house of speech, wealth, and immediate family. Relationships with the family will improve, and you will spend quality time with your loved ones. But it would help if you are careful while expressing your feelings as wealth-related issues can create problems in the family. People who want to start their careers can get a new break. For others, there is a possibility of promotion, increase in salary or bonuses. This is a strong period for analyzing your cash flow, income, and earning power. You will be more practical and rational in your approach to finance. During this period, you will be focused on money and possessions as well as personal values. This can be a strong period for gathering new money-making ideas. Single people can enjoy new relationships during this time. Know more about Taurus

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Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Gemini

Venus will transit in your Lagna. It will be a good time for you. People will be fascinated by your personality. Your creativity will be on a higher level, and there is a chance of new product creation. Your creative side will help you to get more gains in this period. You will be very confident and easily understand the gist of the subject. Your intellectual and judgmental ability will be at the top level. You can execute your plan successfully. Your communication skill will help you to develop foreign relations. Students looking for foreign studies will have a good chance of getting accepted. You would like to spend money on self-grooming and will try to update your personality. It is a perfect time for a love relationship. You will enjoy life with your partner. Expenses will be on an all-time high, so make a proper budget before spending money.  Know more about Gemini

Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Cancer  

Venus will transit to your 12th house, the house of expenses. You will face a lot of challenges to manage your expenses. The property-related investment will help you to gain prosperity. You may sell your small property and will try investing in a bigger one. You may buy a new vehicle during this period. People working in multinational companies could gain a small fortune. Export and Import related activity will be fruitful. You need to take care of your health; expenses related to health can finish your saved money. You will invest lots of your money in luxury and comforts, so please make a proper budget and avoid unnecessary expenses. This is the time of rest, retreat, and regeneration. These will help you to come out from all the challenges. Know more about Cancer 

Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Leo

Venus is transiting to your 11th house, the house of the elder sibling, gain, and fulfillment of desire. It is a favorable transit; Your wishes will be fulfilled during this time. Artistic people will get a reward for their work. Your focus will be on building a social relationship. Social life will improve, and people will enjoy your company. Social networking will help you to generate new leads in your career. Group projects will give you honor and glory. Online businesses will have a chance to see tremendous growth. Your gain in business depends on hard work; more efforts will provide you with more gain. Service professionals may get promotions in their job. It is a perfect time for a love relationship. Your subconscious mind will guide you to choose the right path. Know more about Leo

Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Virgo

Venus is transiting to your 10th house, the house of profession. This period will be fruitful for your professional life, which will provide you with fame and status. Information technology, Interior designing, Hospitality, film, and the food industry have a very good time to flourish, so people connected with this industry will grow with it. Your experience will help you to get out of all the difficulties. You will try to use the power of words to influence authority figures. Higher authorities will support you to achieve targets. You will have a joyful time with your family and spouse. Your luck will favor attained prosperity. Your attraction toward materialistic pleasure will increase. You would relish good food to control your craving. Know more about Virgo

Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Libra

Venus is transiting to your 9th house, The house of luck, father, dharma, long journey, and righteousness. Your luck will enhance during this transit. Students pursuing higher studies will improve; they will easily understand tough topics. Research scholars will come up with new findings. Religious activity may increase. You would like to serve people, so you will try to connect with social welfare organizations. You will focus on spiritualism and meditation. It would help if you were very careful about your father’s health. Relationships with your spouse will improve. You will try to balance things. This is a good time for single people who are looking to start a new relationship. On the career front, your hard work and strong dedication will not provide any good opportunity but do not stop, continue with your efforts; you will get the fruits of the hard work in the future. Know more about Libra

Impact of Transit of Venus in Gemini on Scorpio

Venus is transiting to your 8th house, the house of longevity, house of transformation, spirituality, inheritance, research, debts, thefts, and robberies. During this period, you may have to face financial challenges. This is a strong period for analyzing your cash flow, income, and earning power. You may face some sudden expenses. Do not take any loans. Do not invest money in business or any other source like the share market as there is a chance of loss. There is a possibility that the money you have invested is blocked in the market. The businesses will have fewer resources to work properly, so review your business model to avoid any losses. Your secret enemies may conspire against you, so be careful in this period. It is a good time for a love relationship. You will enjoy a romantic time. Take very good care of your health; otherwise, you may face trouble. Know more about Scorpio

Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Sagittarius

Venus is transiting to your 7th house, the House of partnership, marriage, and business. For people in business, you will be able to get a new business partner or expand your business which may help you create fame and prosperity. The popularity and goodwill of your business will increase its market value. Businessman’s management abilities will allow them to achieve new heights. Working professionals have the possibility of promotion. You tend to weigh the pros and cons of every issue during this period and make practical decisions. Competitive skills will help you to get the desired results. This transit does not support the good health of your spouse, so please take care of their health. There is a possibility of medical expenses during this period. Your bonding will strengthen, and you get good care and support from your partner for the love life. Know more about Sagittarius

Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Capricorn

The Venus transit will take place in your 6th house, the house of enemies, debt, disease, daily chores, service, duty, etc. Working professionals will be more dutiful towards their work and responsibilities and try to finish their daily routine activity confidently. They will look for quality at work so they would be at the top of their game. Based on your experience, you would like to separate the worthwhile from the worthless. You may face problems in your love life. Misunderstandings may destroy your relationship. Your competitiveness will increase in this period, so students preparing for any competitive exams will have a great chance of success. Your diplomatic conversation will help you deal with your enemies and will be able to create a peaceful situation. For a love relationship transit is not favorable due to miscommunication, you may have to face a breakup. The early period of this transit is not very favorable for your health to please take very good care of yourself. Know more about Capricorn

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Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Aquarius

Venus will transit to the 5th house, the house of education, intellect, mantra, progeny, fun, hobbies, creativity, romance, gambling, and risk-taking. For the relationship and love life. People will have a romantic time and can date more than one person at a time. Unmarried people have a good time getting married. For students, who are seeking higher studies, this is a perfect time. Their confidence and intellectual ability will increase, and there is a possibility of getting fame through education. Students who are looking for scholarships may achieve one in this period. Business people will be able to develop a new plan and execute it more efficiently, which will give you profits. This transit will strengthen your mind power. You may enjoy the mental games. It is a very good time for creative activity. Besides work, you would like to focus on the recreation of energy through entertainment. Know more about Aquarius

Impact Of Planet Venus In Gemini On Pisces 

Venus will transit to the 4th house, House of mother, comfort, early education, property, vehicle, and mental peace. So, this time is supportive to enjoy all kinds of materialistic comfort. People trying to buy a new vehicle and want to invest in property will have a beneficial time. It is a good time for the student who is pursuing primary education. 

Professionally, you will face lots of challenges; you need to prove your worth to maintain your position. People working from home can impress their higher authority through their impressive presentation. This transit is supportive for married couples. You will feel a strong bond with your partner. Love affairs may face a hard time. Know more about Pisces 


Astro Deepa

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