In astrology, planetary movements can significantly change a person's life. With the Venus transit in Scorpio sign soon to happen in November 2022, find out how this cosmic event will affect your life. Keep reading this article to get expert predictions and remedial solutions to help you get through this important transit.
Venus is the planet associated with love, marriage, beauty, and comfort. It's a female planet. Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra, as well as the second and seventh houses of the horoscope. Taurus is an earth and fixed sign, whereas Libra is an air and movable sign. Venus becomes exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo sign. In men's horoscopes, Venus represents wife and marriage. The Karaka (factor) of the seventh house represents partnerships in marriage and business. Because of its feminine quality, Venus is associated with professions such as music, cinema, drama, media, music, transport, agriculture, fashion, and beauty. Venus has a feminine quality that encourages peace and patience in people.
The Venus transit in Scorpio sign will happen on 11th November 2022 at 08:20 pm (according to IST or the Indian Standard Time), and it will stay there until 5th December 2022. This transit will have a positive impact on Scorpio's love life. Your feelings and desires will get fulfilled. Venus's transit will heighten senses of romance, sensitivity, and the desire for sensual fulfillment. Scorpio is a water and fixed sign. It represents change and transformation. You will be able to build a long-lasting relationship thanks to this transit. Venus's transit in Scorpio is the right time to realize the value of relationships and money. Additionally, now is a good time to resolve any physical and emotional problems involving money or relationships.
The zodiac signs will be affected by the Venus transit in Scorpio in 2022 in the following ways.
For Aries, Venus is the lord of the 2nd and 7th house and is placed in the 8th house. The 2nd house is our family, money, and finances. The 7th house is for partnership, marriage, and spouse. And the 8th house is for sudden changes in relationships, benefits, and losses. Those who are in business will expand their business in foreign countries. This time is good for investing money in the long term. You can invest in property also during this transit. Those in a job will not get good opportunities to change their job. And students will travel abroad for higher studies. In a love relationship, you will get your desirable partner. During this transit, you will be deeply connected in your love relationship.
Remedy - On Friday, donate white clothes and edible juicy fruits to the temple.
For Scorpio natives, Venus is the lord of the ascendant and 6th house and is placed in the 7th house. Ascendant (1st house) represents personal growth and self-respect, 6th house is for job enemies and loans. During this transit, you will get support from your partner and family. This time is for financial growth in your business. You will invest money in your family business. At the workplace, you will get support from your seniors. You will get a good opportunity to change your job. And at this period, students will concentrate on their studies. In a relationship, some problems may arise because Venus is the 6th lord. Be aware that some conflicts in relationships can occur.
Remedy - Every Tuesday and Friday, donate some food and sweets to those in need.
In the Gemini sign, Venus is the 5th and 12th lord and is placed in the 6th house. The 5th house represents our relationship, the 6th house represents fighting, enemies, loans, and disease, and the 12th house represents separation, increased expenses, foreign travel, and hospitalization. During Venus Transit in Scorpio, your expenses will increase. Those in business will invest during this transit, but there will be no returns. Your siblings and friends will be there for you. This is an excellent time to change jobs, and you will be given an amazing opportunity. You will be happy in your relationship. It would be a good time if you were looking for a partner.
Remedy - Offer curd every Friday to the Shivling.
In the Cancer sign, Venus is the 4th Lord and 11th Lord and is placed in the 5th house. The 4th house is for vehicles, comfort zone, properties, and peace. The 11th house is for desires, and the 5th house is for our feelings, relationships, and kids. During this transit, you will travel to a spiritual place with your family. You will invest in property and vehicles. You will do hard work in your business, but your business will be slow during the transit. You should not invest more money. This time is not favorable for good opportunities in a job. It is the time for spending time with your social circle. Your family life would likely involve conflicts. During this transit, students will pursue higher education.
Remedy - Every Wednesday, offer raw coconut to Lord Ganesha.
Venus, the lord of your 3rd and 10th houses, is placed in the fourth house. The 4th house represents family, home, and comfort, the 3rd house represents efforts, siblings, and short travel, and the 10th house represents Karma (profession and job). During this transit, you will feel relaxed. In business, if you are in partnership, misunderstandings could be there. On the job front, you will get good opportunities for changing jobs. Your seniors will support you. The negative impact of Venus Transit in Scorpio will be seen in your inability to focus on your studies. Some problems will arise without reason in your married life, so remain calm. At this time, your siblings will be supportive. During this transit, you will do some construction in your home.
Remedy - Offer water that is mixed with turmeric to the Shivling daily.
For the Virgos, Venus is the 2nd and 9th lord and is placed in the 3rd house. The 2nd house is for our family, finances, money, and savings. The 9th house is for higher studies, long traveling, and our destiny. The third house is for our siblings, efforts, and short travel. During this transit, you can sell your properties. Financially you will grow during the transit. It will be a good time if you want to expand your business abroad. Financially, you will be strong. You'd like to change jobs on the work front, but it would not be possible. You will feel some politics in your workplace. If students focus on their studies, they will achieve their goals related to higher studies. There will be some issues in your love relationship. Your partner will not commit to you. However, Venus Transit in Scorpio 2022 will benefit your career.
Remedy - Every day, feed birds a mixture of seven different grains.
Venus is the lord of the 1st house, 8th house, and ascendant for Libra natives, and it is placed in the 2nd house. Ascendant is the house of our self, image, respect, and personality. The 2nd house is for family, money, and finances, and the 8th house is for sudden losses and gains, hidden things, and deep spirituality. During this transit, financially, you will be satisfied. In business, you will get sudden changes and growth. During this period, your family will support you. If you lend some money at this time, your money will be stuck. At work, you will experience financial growth and success. Your business will grow overseas. During this transit, you will concentrate on your higher education and have a good opportunity to study abroad. Things will not go well in a love relationship. The impact of Venus transit in Scorpio will be not so favorable for your love relationship and marriage life.
Remedy - Chant the Surya Mantra 108 times every morning.
In the Scorpio sign, Venus is the lord of the 12th and 7th house and is placed in the 1st house. The 7th house represents marriage, spouse, and partnership. The 12th house is associated with hospitalization, losses, expenses and meditation, and foreign travel. With this transit, you will have access to the world. You will have excellent employment opportunities abroad. This time, your expenses will go up. You ought to make an effort to save money. You will excel in academic competitions. However, you will be unable to concentrate on your studies as your emotions will interfere with your studies. According to the Venus transit in Scorpio horoscope, you should take care of your health. If you give someone your money, you will not receive it back. Your money will be used to invest in the business. Think carefully before investing.
Remedy - Make 108 wheat flour balls and feed them to the fish every Saturday.
For the Sagittarians, Venus is the 11th lord and 6th lord and is placed in the 12th house. The 11th house is associated with desires, and the 12th house is for expenditures for our extravagance, extramarital affairs, foreign travel, and hospitalization. And the 6th house governs employment, enemies, diseases, and loans. During this transit, some family problems would develop. You won't have a good relationship with your partner. There will be business-related tours or travel which will be beneficial to you. You will be able to get good job opportunities from abroad or in multinational companies. At this time, you will not focus on your studies. Regarding your career and personal life, situations will not be favorable, but they will improve after some days.
Remedy - Give your spouse or partner a gift. Also, use aroma oil to boost your energy.
Venus is the lord of your 5th and 10th house and is positioned in the 11th house. The 5th house is associated with our feelings, kids, speculation, and intelligence. The 10th house is for our Karma, profession, and job. And the 11th house is the fulfillment of desires. During this transit period, you will do lots of hard work. Your expenditures will increase at this time. During this time, there would be some brief travel. This is a good time to sell your property if you want to. In competition, you will succeed in your studies. You'll make adjustments in your married life and work to maintain a balance in your family relationships. There will be some disputes with your father and siblings. If you don't like your job and want to change, this transit will give you a good chance to do so. According to the predictions of the Venus transit in Scorpio 2022, this transit will be favorable overall for Capricorn natives.
Remedy - On Friday, perform Rudrabhishek with white sandalwood and curd.
Venus is your 4th and 9th house's lord and is sitting in the 10th house. The 4th house represents mother, comforts, vehicle, and property. The 10th house is for our Karma and profession, and the 9th is for our destiny, spirituality, and long journey. You may buy a vehicle at this time. You can invest in real estate during this transit, but you will face some government-related issues. Those in the fashion or media industries will benefit from this transit, and your destiny will improve as per the Venus transit in Scorpio predictions. Students will attempt to complete some work related to their field and will be successful. Time will be fine in the love relationship. During this transit, you and your family will visit a spiritual location. Overall, this is a good time for Aquarius natives.
Remedy - Offer a Banyan tree some water that is mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder.
In the Pisces sign, Venus is the 3rd and 8th house lord and is placed in the 9th house. The 3rd house is for our siblings, the 9th house represents destiny, and the 8th house is for sudden losses or uncertainty. During this transit, your siblings will support you. Investment in your business is not advised during this transit period. You should save money because someone might try to cheat you, and your money will get stuck. Avoid trying to interfere in other people's affairs. Things will get better after a few days. You'll notice some politics at work. At this time, exercise patience and refrain from arguing with anyone. If you try to concentrate on your studies, then it will be possible. Avoid entering into a relationship. You will not be at ease at work or in business. Losses are indicated during this transit, so try to save money and focus only on your work. For Pisces, this transit is not very favorable.
Remedy - On Friday, light eleven Desi Ghee-filled Diyas in a Mahalakshmi temple.
✍️By - Astro Nancy