Venus is known as Shukra in Vedic astrology. It is also known to be the key significator of love life, marital harmony, fertility, and affection. There are many aspects of life which are attributed to Venus-like artistic talent, beauty, wealth, and fortune. Venus, which is considered to be the Lord of zodiac signs Taurus and Libra in Vedic astrology is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo. Being a major influence over certain key aspects in life, a Venus transit may bring about some significant changes in our lives. This month Venus will transit from Leo to Virgo on 23rd October 2020 (Friday), 10:58 am. Let’s take a look at the impact of this transit on the 12 Zodiac Signs.
Please note that these predictions are based on Moon signs. (Know Your Moon Sign)
With Venus moving into your sixth house after the transit, you might see a rise in the number of enemies or competitors. You are advised to stay strong and determined. These are just rough phases of life which will make you more tough and competent, just believe in yourself. However, you will surely enjoy some well-spent time with family and friends during this period. You should be careful while driving or when near hot or explosive objects as there are chances of an accident. You don’t need to worry as you can avoid this by being careful.
You will enjoy a very favourable time period as Venus moves into your fifth house, dear Taurus. You will spend some quality time with your family which would enhance the bond which you share with your family members. There are also chances of financial gain on the cards. Couples who are planning for a baby will get the good news during this tenure. Those who are trying their luck in competitive exams will be able to excel in the competition.
As Venus visits your fourth house you would tick off a few items from your bucket list. You would be proud and delighted about your achievements during this time period. Don’t get carried away by your success as you would need to be humble and persistent with your efforts to sustain these achievements. You may make a big purchase like a property or vehicle during this time period. Friends and relatives may overwhelm you with their support and concern for you. Make sure that you reciprocate to their warm and helpful nature when you get a chance to be helpful.
Cancerians would find Venus in their third house after the transit. You would enjoy your social life during this time period as you would make new friends and would also enjoy their company. You would be noticed for your good work on the work front and would this would be helpful for your future career growth. You would clearly have an edge in any competition due to the high energy and vigour imposed by Venus.
As Venus moves into your second house your love life would be blissful. Single natives may find new love during this time period and married natives will sort out any disagreements which they had. You may tend to overspend on gadgets or lifestyle goods. You deserve to be pampered but before making any such purchase consider your financial goals and your necessities thoroughly. A new healthy habit like jogging or regular exercise would be initiated during this time period, but be sure that you stick to the plan to see the desired results.
Virgo is a sign in which Venus is debilitated and after the transit, Venus would enter your second house. This indicates that you would be successful in any new tasks which you undertake during this time period. Your competitors and enemies will have a hard time trying to catch up to your pace. You may forge a new romantic relationship during this time period. There are high probabilities for unmarried natives to tie the knot during this time period. You may be inclined towards doing do something unethical or illegal, but you should restrain from such acts advise Astroyogi astrologers.
Venus will move into your twelfth house after the transit Libra. Though there are chances of financial gains during this time period you would also see an increase in your expenses. You may leave for a vacation which you were planning for long. Enjoy the trip to the fullest as you deserve some enjoyment after all that hard work which you have done. You will improve your lifestyle and comfort level during this time period which would enhance your social status.
Planet Venus - The Significator of Love | Planet Venus | Venus Transit 2020
It is a time period of socializing and celebration for you Scorpio as Venus moves into your eleventh house. A family reunion is on the cards and you can expect guests at your place during this time period. Enjoy the time which you spend with your friends and family during the time period as this would help in purging the stress and strain from your mind and to refresh your mind. You should be careful when you are near hot objects as there are chances of burn injuries during this time period.
Venus will visit your tenth house during this time period. This might cause minor health ailments for you. So you should be wary of what you eat and drink. You should give time to your near and dear ones despite your busy schedule, they might not ask for it but you should sense their need and act empathetically. You might see an increase in your expenses during this time period, cut down on your frivolous expenditures, then you would be able to control and channelize your content the way you wanted.
As Venus enters your ninth house and there are indications of good financial gain. Though you would be earning substantially you may also tend to spend on gadgets, clothes and accessories. Make sure that you are spending on useful accessories which are required. You may find new opportunities on the work front and may also consider a job change. Be sure that you analyze this new opportunity from all angles before going ahead with it.
Venus will enter your eighth house after the transit. There would be an increase in your earnings which would lead to an increase in materialistic comforts. You would be attending a lot of social gatherings and family get together during this time period. You are advised to be nice and warm to people whom you meet during this time period because You might get inclined towards sensual activities. There are high chances of gains and happiness through your family. Success in the field of education is expected.
This Venus transit will bring the planet to your seventh house. A friend or colleague may try to malign your image by manipulating the facts. Beware of such people, tact and diplomacy will see you through such rough patches of life. You would be investing in lifestyle-enhancing products and accessories during this time period. You would recognize and appreciate the love and support that your better half offers you and how important the person is in your life. You should probably take a day off from your busy schedule and spend some time with them.
Read Also: Venus Transit in Leo < - > Venus Transit in Libra