Achieving wealth and property is one of the main goals of our lives. No matter what, people go to any extent just for the search of a good amount of money and give their best. This is because wealth, money, property are such things in life which can make us do anything in today’s world. Now, the question which arises is that, how do we get all this money, wealth and property or how will we know whether we will ever be able to have such fortune?
In Vedic Astrology, there are a number of parameters and the most famous parameter is the ‘presence of Raj yoga’. Some other important parameters are ‘Upachaya Houses”. In Upachaya Houses, there are primary parameters such as 3rd House, 6th House, 10th House, and the 11th House. The secondary parameters are the 2nd house and Lagna.
There are planets which rule these houses. These are your money giving planets.
The Sun signifies power, authority, or government control. A person with a powerful Sun can achieve a good amount of money.
The Moon is a planet which signifies liquid money or in other words, wet cash.
Mars is a planet which rules properties, houses, lands, etc. so people get to earn good money from it.
Mercury signifies money through business.
Jupiter is the planet which controls gold, jewelry, etc.
Venus represents all sorts of luxuries.
Saturn rules antiques, land, properties, mines etc.
Rahu & Ketu act in conjunction and can provide you with money if they have enough positive strength.
So people can see their planets and their houses in their charts and see whether they will achieve wealth and property and how they can earn more.
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You can take the help of astrology to find the answer to this question.