Does your boss always interfere in your work? Is your boss a dream boss to work with or working with your boss is almost like a nightmare? Hold on! Now, your boss’s sun sign can tell-all about your boss’s traits. It’s not possible to take your boss for a ride. But knowing their sun signs will help you in studying their nature. This may prepare you better when you have to confront your boss or find a way to their hearts. However, remember one thing never mess up with your boss.
Aries: If you are a lazy employee, not fully committed to your company, sorry to say, but you are not very popular with your boss. An Aries boss really hates lazy employees who lack that zeal for work. One way to enter into their good books is by showing some excitement for any damn work they entrust to you.
Taurus: Taurus bosses are generally sweet and calm; they let you work peacefully and never create any fuss. They have so much patience; however, don’t you dare try their patience. You never know what they are up to.
Gemini: Gemini bosses! Certainly, not the easiest bosses to work with. Your Gemini boss will keep track of how much time you take for coffee/lunch breaks. They are well known for their mood swings. Today your boss will be someone else, and tomorrow he will take another form. Difficult to deal with; aren’t they?
Cancer: Though a Cancerian has a good sense of humour, but when it comes to work, your Cancerian boss is really serious. So, be serious with your boss. Prove your worth before you ask for your salary raise, this is when your boss is likely to give you that mysterious grin. But, they are not at all bad.
Leo: A Leo boss has excellent management and organizational skills. Like a Lion, your boss loves to dictate and will make you do all the work. They prefer to give you a rough idea and will let you find out all the details, facts and figures. N.B., your boss hates gossip and backstabbing.
Virgo: Virgo bosses have very clear ideas about what they want and how things should be implemented. Make sure you organise things well, keep your files properly and of course, your working desk should be kept clean. Eh, not a bad OCD.
Libra: Your Libran boss is extremely restless, loves socializing and is very outgoing. This boss is an expert in juggling work and managing time. If you want to impress your Libran boss, make sure you always look your best and be ready to take on any challenge thrown upon you.
Scorpio: Your Scorpion boss would be keen to know your secrets. And like Facebook, this boss wants to know what’s on your mind. Well, he won’t force you, but your boss is very good at digging the dark secrets out of you. Be careful; don’t let the cat out of the bag.
Sagittarius: You will be one confused person in front of Sagittarius bosses. They will make you so confused that you will not be able to detect whether they are insulting or flattering you. They focus more on the wider version of the idea instead of looking for minute details.
Capricorn: All your Capricorn boss expects from you is reliability, dedication and adherence to rules. Be in office on time. Time is very valuable for your boss. And to all those female employees reporting to! Please dress decently; do not reveal more than required. Keep in mind that you cannot woo your boss by showing off your skin.
Aquarius: Have innovative ideas? Make sure that your Aquarius boss listens to it. They appreciate original and creative ideas. They are highly ambitious and set goals which are sometimes impossible to achieve. When this happens, your role changes from employee to motivator!
Pisces: Pisces bosses have innumerable dreams, ideas and they expect you to give in your best effort to make these dreams turn into reality. One nice thing about them is Instead of telling the brutal truth, they will tell you something else that will do you good in the long run. They are the sweetest of bosses to work with.