Money is the one of the most important needs of an individual and Jupiter, the planet of abundance blesses one with it. Known as ‘the money planet’, it bestows upon the native all the good things in life. While analyzing wealth, money and other related aspects, a lot of importance is given to the placement of Jupiter in the horoscope and the house over which it rules. Those who are born under the Jupiter dasha are considered to be very lucky. If the native has a strong Jupiter in his/her horoscope, then that person will be in a financially blessed state.
Jupiter blesses one with prosperity, happiness and good fortune. It is seen as a positive planet which wants you to grow and flourish. Even in situations when it is a malefic, it tends to give mixed results. It has a lot of significance as per astrology because it highlights your capacity to earn and accumulate money. The house in which it is placed, the sign and the nakshatra are the other factors which determine in which area the person will benefit financially. For instance, if Jupiter is present in the third house, the native could gain wealth from writing, communication etc. This is the planet which governs power too. Let us have a look at some other facts of this planet of wealth:
As per Vedic astrology, Jupiter aspects the fifth, seventh and the ninth house and will give abundance, freedom, broaden one’s horizon and facilitate growth.
Since Jupiter takes 12 years approximately to complete a full circle of 360 degrees, it stays in each zodiac for about one year.
Jupiter’s two enemies are Venus and Mercury. If Jupiter is in the house of Mercury i.e. Gemini and Virgo and in the house of Venus i.e Libra and Taurus, it won’t give good results.
If Jupiter is present along with a friendly planet like Moon, it tends to give good results and will bestow one with wealth and good luck.
Want to know if you are blessed with a favourable placement of Jupiter in your birth chart? Click here to speak to an astrologer from the comfort of your home!