Understanding this Unique Science of Future Telling in the Modern Times
The Universe and its components of the stars, the sun, the moon and the planets have always instilled a sense of wonder in us - the mystery behind its formation, its rhythmic function and the binding force it seems to practise on all of us. Being a part of the universe and the sense of wonderment led us to study the movement of celestial bodies and their subsequent impact on human behaviour. It is now popularly believed that the time of our birth is of significant importance in the Celestial Clock. It provides us with cosmic clues regarding our inherent qualities, talents, likes and dislikes.
Tracing the Roots
Astrology has always been an integral part of Indian culture and tradition. It is a part of the Vedas and can be traced back to ancient India. The historic telling behind the science of astrology is that it was conveyed and attained through our Gurus and Maharishis who obtained Devik Gyaan. The study of astrology was considered to be a crucial part of the learning of an individual. It was thus widely taught in the Gurukuls to impart this knowledge. Due to constant studying and perpetual worship, people gained the insight required for Astrology.
Understanding the Perception
Astrology is perceived by most people through a narrow perceptive. This is generally through their Zodiac Sign which refers to the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. However, astrology includes tarot card reading, numerology, horoscope to name a few. Moreover, the study of astrology consists of numerous dimensions which require specialised knowledge. It is primarily divided into three parts. The first one is called Siddhant which is related to science. The second transcends the prediction of human behaviour alone. It helps to determine incidents of state and different occurrences to happen around the world. This is referred to as Madani astrology. The last division is called Hora. This specifically studies human behaviour and tendencies, and is the most common form of astrology. Hora is used for predicting the daily and yearly horoscopes of individuals in relation to their Zodiac Signs.
Holding its Relevance
Astrology, over the years, has seen its fair share of cynics and critics who questioned its very foundation and purpose. It has been criticised on various grounds over generations and has been dispelled by a large section of the population. Astrology, thus, like many other varied human beliefs has been poked and prodded for long. However, it withstood every storm that tried to uproot it from our lives forever, and it is this ability to hold its ground in the face of adversity that made our belief in this unique science of future forecasting even stronger.
Building the Faith
It may be argued that astrology is not an exact science but it definitely gives us an opportunity for introspection. It helps to sow the seeds of self-confidence and self-belief in the minds of individuals. At times, it even makes us contemplate longer on required issues while at times allows us to take risks which we otherwise wouldn’t have. Astrology illuminates personal strengths and helps us to work on our flaws. It may not be the answer to all of life’s problems but it does help to map the best alternative. And lastly, it helps in building and keeping the faith in our own selves.