Sundar Pichai, the new Google CEO is the man of the moment. The 43-year-old unassuming man who hails from Chennai has now joined the list of the Indian CEO’s heading the top companies. He studied Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at IIT Kharagpur and also bagged a silver medal for being the highest scorer in the department. Later, he went to Stanford and Wharton for his MBA. In 2004, he joined Google and played a pivotal role there as he is the man behind the success of Chrome and Android. The rest as they say is history. So, what is that has made Pichai a success? Of course, it is his efforts and persistence that brought him where he is today. But, we cannot ignore the role of his stars which supported his efforts and have been smiling at him. astroYogi takes a look at Pichai’s birth chart in order to assess what lies ahead for the Google’s CEO.
Name - Sundar Pichai
Date of Birth - July 12, 1972
Time of birth - Not known
Place of Birth - Tamil Nadu (Chennai)
Ascendant - Libra, Moon sign - Cancer, Mahadasha - Venus, Antardasha - Ketu, Pratyantar dasha - Ketu, Nakshatra - Pushya pada 4 Charan.
According to astroYogi astrologers, Libra ascendants are easygoing, nice, assiduous people who are blessed with creative and artistic talents. In Pichai’s birth chart, Swagrahi Moon with Mars is forming a good Yoga in the tenth house (House of social status). As a result of which, the native gets blessed with success and good fortune in areas such as career, name, fame, money, finance and property. On the work front, Moon and Mars are forming Lakshmi Narayan Yoga which is very auspicious; he got the news of being promoted to the level of CEO during this time. Lakshmi Narayan Yoga will also benefit him in the time to come and bestow him with fame and success.
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Lagnesh is aspecting the house of wealth and also Venus’s Mahadasha will bless the native with all the luxuries and success. Libra ascendants’ work aspect is related to Saturn. Saturn is a Yoga karak for the Libra ascendants. The Libra ascendants, who work in the technology sector and related fields, benefit a lot as Saturn favours them. In Pichai’s horoscope, Jupiter in its own house is aspecting the house of luck and gains which may prove to be auspicious for Pichai in the time to come.
As per astroYogi astrologers, there is only one problem in Pichai’s birth chart and i.e. Rahu and Saturn aspecting Mars. Due to this, Pichai’s opponents may create some troubles for him. astroYogi advises him to be cautious and not indulge in something which may give his opponents or detractors a chance to outwit him.
astroYogi congratulates Sundar Pichai and wishes him great success with his new role.
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