Yes, we all know what men want - women, sex and time alone with friends when there's a match on air. This may be the only time when women do not dominate the thoughts of men. Otherwise, life is all about getting lucky and getting laid. Men have simple desires and are not as complicated as women. They are not emotional about their first crochet work; they do not stay glued to the TV set to watch Prince William and Kate Middleton's display of affection for the benefit of the masses and they certainly can't understand women's fascination with their skin.
Astrologically, what are the traits that are likely to be a turn off for men? Is it your constant nagging or your good-natured suggestions to drive him away from his boisterous buddies that'll do the trick? Find out what Astroyogi.com astrologers recommend as a big no-no for women of the 12 zodiac signs. These are traits that you need to keep a lid on. Balance is the key!
Aries: He fell in love because you are a strong, independent woman. Yes, he's convinced you are confident, but, should you not take a break from driving home this point at every given opportunity? Leadership qualities are great but your man is looking for a woman he can love and hold, and certainly not a dictator who's bossing him around. Know when to stop, Aries.
Taurus: Taurean females are sensitive and they are known for the many sacrifices they are always willing to make. It's sweet. But, there are times when your man wishes there was more to you other than sweetness. Be mysterious, charming, but never, ever a doormat. Don't let him walk all over you.
Gemini: As far as talking is concerned, no other sign does this better than you, Gemini. You sure can talk! Men need peace and a constantly talking female may prove to be a nightmarish situation for men once the passion wears off. If you need cerebral stimulation, look elsewhere, your man deserves a break.
Cancer: Being sensitive is good but if you go through a breakdown every now and then, your man may find it tiring to keep cheering you up. Your man needs to know you are capable of being independent and are not going to cling to him for dear life.
Leo: Leo women love to remain in the spotlight but men want to be the center of attention too. This fight for supremacy may lead to ego clashes and both sides may put up a strong front. If kept in control by being reasonable, Leo women will not have to fight at all.
Virgo: Virgo loves to nag but when this habit starts dominating; life can be a little difficult for men. Men like to follow good advice but Virgo's constant criticism can drive anyone crazy. The need to keep this habit under wraps is a pressing one. Stop being a flaw-finder, Virgo.
Libra: Libra's constant attempts to keep things around hunky dory and brushing serious issues under the carpet in order to avoid unpleasant situations can make a man feel highly frustrated. Libran women and their forever changing minds can also be a serious turn off for men who are clear about what they want. Make up your mind, Libra.
Scorpio: Scorpio women love to be mysterious but they take it too far. They keep their men guessing all the time and soon, this game turns into a wild goose chase. She pulls off a disappearing act and has exited from the relationship before you had your chance to say what you had to say. This can frustrate the hell out of any man.
Sagittarius: It's good to seek adventure but it's also good to make up your mind about staying faithful and in one relationship for the long haul. If not, make it clear while you start dating that it's merely a fling. Sagittarius has often been accused of not being entirely into a relationship and their need for change and excitement can create serious trouble in paradise.
Capricorn: Capricorn impresses with her honesty, hard work and down to earth nature but there are times when she can bore a man to death. When he wants to have a little fun, the Capricorn female may not prove to be an ideal companion. Being practical and ambitious all the time can put off men.
Aquarius: Aquarius has many great qualities but when things get a little too weird, the guy may start thinking about clearing the air with this eccentric woman. She charms and impresses with her kind thoughts but she's too busy to focus on her man and men may feel drawn towards women who are ready to seduce and be playful.
Pisces: She's reserved and romantic but she's always worried about one thing or the other. Pisces women have insecurities and being a water sign, it's easy for them to be overly emotional about relationships and life in general. Men may find it difficult to deal with their mood swings.