What Zodiac Sign Am I?

Tue, Jun 18, 2019
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Tue, Jun 18, 2019
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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What Zodiac Sign Am I?

The stars have been looked at for information since the Babylon period. 12 constellations in the sky, representing the 12 months gave rise to 12 zodiac signs. These signs are also associated with the different planets. Each sign occupies a sector of the sky which makes up 30° of the ecliptic.

Astrology has 2 branches- Western astrology and Vedic astrology. While Western Astrology uses the Tropical Zodiac to determine your particular zodiac sign, Vedic Astrology uses Sidereal Zodiac. Hence, when consulting an astrologer, you should know which system they follow.

Consult our expert astrologers on Astroyogi.com to get to know which zodiac sign you actually are, and what traits and qualities underlie your personality.

In Western Astrology, on the basis of the path the Sun follows in the sky, the following 12 Zodiac Signs have been established-

Aries (March 21-April 19)- Zodiac sign, Aries, covers 0° to 30° of celestial longitude, and is represented by The Ram. Aries is associated with the First House, which represents the ‘House of Self’. Fire is the element for the Rams, and the planet, Mars, rules this zodiac.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) - The sign of Taurus is represented by The Bull. This zodiac covers the sector of 30° to 60° of celestial longitude. Taurus is associated with the Second House, and represents the ‘House of Value’. Ruled by the planet Venus, the element for Taurus is Earth.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)- The zodiac sign Gemini covers the sector of 60° to 90° of the celestial longitude. It is represented by the symbol of The Twins. This zodiac corresponds to the Third House, which is known as the ‘House of Communications’. Gemini is associated with the element of Air, and is ruled by celestial body, Mercury.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)- Cancer, which covers 90° to 120° sector of the zodiac circle, is represented by The Crab. This zodiac sign is associated with the Fourth House, which is the ‘House of Home and Family’. They are ruled by the Moon, and in terms of the elements, they are associated with the element of Water.

Leo (July 23-August 22) - People born under the sign of Leo are ruled by The Sun. This zodiac covers 120° to 150° of celestial longitude, and is represented by the symbol of The Lion. The zodiac sign, Leo, corresponds to the Fifth House, which is the ‘House of Pleasure’, and is associated with the element of Fire.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)- Zodiac sign Virgo, covers 150° to 180° sector of celestial longitude, and is represented by the symbol, The Maiden. This zodiac represents the Sixth House, which is ‘House of Health’. Associated with the element of Earth, Virgo is ruled by the planet, Mercury.

Libra (September 23-October 22)- The zodiac sign Libra, covers 180° to 210° of celestial longitude. It is represented by the symbol of The Scales, which is believed to be the personnification of Lady Justice. Libra is part of the Seventh House which is the ‘House of Partnership’. This sign is associated with the element of Air, and is ruled by the planet, Venus.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) - The sign of Scorpio covers 210° to 240° of celestial longitude. Represented by the symbol of The Scorpion, this sign is associated with the element of Water. Scorpio represents the Eighth House, which is known as the ‘House of Reincarnation’. While it was earlier believed to be ruled only by the planet Mars, it is now also influenced by the celestial body, Pluto.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)- Sign Sagittarius covers 240° to 270° of the zodiac circle and the symbol for this zodiac is The Archer. Sagittarius is part of the Ninth House, which represents the ‘House of Philosophy’. This sign is associated with the element of Fire and is ruled by the planet, Jupiter.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) - The sign Capricorn covers the 270° to 300° sector. Represented by the Mountain Sea-Goat, they are associated with the element Earth. This zodiac represents the Tenth House, which is The House of Social Status. The ruling planet for this sign is Saturn.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) - Zodiac sign Aquarius spans 300° to 330° in celestial longitude. It is represented by the Water Bearer. Since this is the 11th zodiac in the circle, it is part of the Eleventh House, i.e. the ‘House of Friendship’, and is associated with the element of Air. Earlier, this zodiac was believed to be ruled by the planet Saturn, but astrologers now believe that Uranus rules it.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)- The zodiac sign Pisces covers 330° to 360° of celestial longitude and is represented by the The Fish. This zodiac is part of the Twelfth House, which is ‘The House of Self-Undoing’, and is associated with the element of Water. This sign marks the end and the beginning of the zodiac circle. It was originally thought to be ruled by the planet Jupiter, but it is actually believed to be ruled by Neptune.

Many astrologers argue that people born on the first two and last two days of any zodiac sign may not have the personality traits of only one zodiac. The time of your birth, hence, plays a vital role in getting a more accurate birth chart. You could find your zodiac sign online on the various sites available, but they may lack accuracy and may not provide a detailed and personalized analysis.


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