Ever wondered what people find irksome about you? Well, here’s a little something to shed light upon facets of your personality that are likely to stand out for all the wrong reasons.
Aries: Arians are known for their temper and when you talk about flaring tempers and rage issues, no one’s prone to these problems as much as Aries. Being hot headed is fine, but it’s important to do something about this habit of saying harsh things whenever you are angry, which is most of the time.
Taurus: Taureans may look calm and appear to be pleasant, but underneath that facade lies a temper that can give Arians a run of their money. They are equally capable of losing their cool and no catastrophic reason. Touch something that belongs to a Taurean and wait for their temper to flare. Expect fireworks!
Gemini: Gemini may appear friendly but underneath that overly friendly exterior lies a person that’s self-centered to the T. The two-facedness does not go unnoticed in Gemini’s case as they are an easy sign to read. To avoid misunderstanding, people who belong to this sign must not overdo their playfulness.
Cancer: Your moodiness is not just spoiling your day but everyone around you. Being overly sensitive you read into a situation too much and over analyze. Don’t expect things to be perfect as they never will be. What you aspire for most of the time is a fantasy.
Leo: Your inflated ego may keep you happy and satisfied but as far as those around you are concerned, they may find you to be too pompous for your own good. Tone it down a little and you’ll soon have people admiring you for all your real talents.
Virgo: Stop nagging, will you? Virgo may think it’s fine to point out the obvious, but other signs may not take kindly to your good natured advice or suggestion. Sometimes, it’s important to let people be and not take it up on yourself to reform.
Libra: Don’t keep changing your mind! It’s one of the worst habits Libra has. Their decisions, opinions and their thoughts - they change and keep changing with every passing hour and sometimes after a few minutes go by. When they announce their final decision, it’s anything but the final word on the issue. The vacillations never stop!
Scorpio: Scorpio is known for disappearing all of a sudden. One fine day they are in and the next day they are out. They may communicate with you after long gaps which may sometimes be over 8 months or sometimes even years! Will they explain? Don’t bet on it!
Sagittarius: Sagittarius may be one of the most unthinking signs of all. They live in a world of their own and are known for losing their interest a little too soon for your liking. There’s no logical reason behind why they are the way they are. They have a clean heart but most often come across as people not capable of any real feelings.
Capricorn: Capricorn may indulge a little too much in all things morbid. They give into depression easily and may not be as sound as you want them to be when you desperately need their help. Things get worse when they start feeling the universe is against them.
Aquarius: Aquarians can’t deal with anything negative and no criticism or feedback is considered constructive, ever! They get hurt easily and are known for being thin-skinned. If they behave rudely with you, it’s probably because you have said something that they did not like.
Pisces: No one gets hurt as quickly as the Piscean. But instead of fighting off these feelings by being strong, Pisces likes to dwell upon how things are wrong in their life. Even a casual remark may cause deep, unexplained hurt to Pisces. And how will they react? They’ll swim away. They withdraw physically and mentally, away from anything that causes hurt.