A common experience with every newbie tarot reader is-
1) Getting cards that don’t resonate with the question asked! What at first can be quite daunting becomes easy after years of practice.
2) Trying to manipulate a reading to get the answer that you want to hear. I must confess that there are times I do that even now when I get a card I do not like. I pretend I didn't shuffle the cards well and do it all over again; sometimes with another deck; ‘looking’ for an answer. But I realise its simply fooling one’s own self. The cards are the windows to Universal Wisdom and only reveal the ‘right’ answers.
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To understand the first point we need to know the general meanings of the Tarot Suits -
Cups represent matters of the heart, our emotions and feelings. And so, when the Cups Suit comes up in a relationship reading, it becomes easy to guide the querent accordingly.
Pentacles represent matters related to career, work and finances and give a clear answer in career related readings.
Swords represent matters of the mind, knowledge, communication and ideas and symbolises the fine balance between intellect and power.
Wands represent creativity and inspiration and answers a lot of questions related to being energetic, strength, ambition, travel etc.
And so, when a querent comes up with a love related question and Pentacles or Swords tumble out of the deck, one wonders how to proceed from there. The client sitting opposite would specially be quite confused looking at Swords and Stars/Discs. What happened to hearts, they would wonder!
Actually Tarot reading goes much deeper than what is depicted in the archetype pictures or other imagery on the cards. It brings to the surface what is actually deep inside our sub-conscious mind - something that you know but do not want to acknowledge.
Thus, when a client wants to understand why his love life is not smooth and the 4 of Pentacle pops up in the past card in a 3 card reading, 2 of Swords in the present and 4 of Swords in the future, the answer is right there!
While the seeker would still be wondering where he went wrong in his attitude towards his loved one, the cards spill the beans. The 4 of Pentacles in a love relationship can mean that the seeker is either being very possessive of his partner and this could be quite claustrophobic for his love interest or he is too busy concentrating on his career that he has little time to devote to his love life.
Because of this clinging/not attentive nature of the seeker, his lover would be in two minds whether to take this relationship further or not(2 of Swords). This withdrawal aspect of the lover was what was confusing the seeker. In future, both needed to follow the suggestion given by the 4 of Swords to pull back and get new insight in their relationship. The stress and quarrels that may have ensued during the relationship, exhausting them both, needed some rest. Both will be able to see how they could work on their relationship so that they would be happy.
Thus, tarot reveals the truth even if the seeker does not want to acknowledge his fault.