India’s thirst for gold might finally get quenched if P.V Sindhu is able to bag one in the upcoming match in the category of Women Singles Badminton Match scheduled for 6:55 pm today, in Rio Olympics 2016. If she manages to win this gold, it will be a watershed moment for India. There exists no short cut formula to success except persistent determination, courage, and hard work; nevertheless, there are things that lie beyond our control. In astrological jargon, there exists no control over the movements of planets either. Our stars end up playing cruel jokes on us when we least expect it. As predicted by astroYogi astrologers, let’s find out what the horoscope of P.V. Sindhu contains –
Name – Pusarla Venkata Sindhu
Date of Birth – July 5, 1995
Time of Birth – Not Available
Place of Birth – Hyderabad
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Due to the lack of information regarding her time of birth, astrologers have classified her moon sign as Virgo on the basis of her horoscope. According to the analysis, her Ascendant in Sun and Venus along with the presence of Mars in Leo creates a favorable environment for her. This arrangement of the planets encourages an increase in power and helps its natives earn the respect of people. Her moon sign of Virgo activates a new found vigour, enthusiasm and instills a desire to succeed. The visibility of Jupiter in Virgo heightens her chances of winning that much-coveted medal. The presence of Mars and Saturn in the competitive spot weakens the rivalry but also makes Saturn susceptible to fluctuations and mutations. Ms. Sindhu would need to remain extra vigilant toward her health, therefore. Her Tarabala (strength of her stars) looks to be quite potent and impressive while the Chandrabala (strength of the moon) is comparatively weaker. It would be necessary for her to keep her wits about herself, and play with great agility and alertness.
The old adage of fortune only helping people who have the zeal in them to put up a good fight comes to mind. Here is hoping that P.V. Sindhu brings in the golden showers over India’s parched land of insufficient medals.
astroYogi wishes the budding champion all the best.