Of all the habits I have inculcated in my life, for which I am truly grateful, is my habit of reading. It has truly played the role of a catalyst in my entrepreneurial journey.
Introduced to me at a very young age, I was left to browse in book shops, to go through a multitude of colourful story books that held my fascination. While many children played games, I could often be found curled up with a story book that would capture my imagination like little else could. I found that the seeds for exploring my imagination were sowed at this time, as I daydreamed for hours on end, on all that I could be, all that I could achieve like the protagonists in my book. As I grew older, my passion for reading only became intenser. At times it was an escape from what was happening around me at the time, and at others it was the sheer joy of exploring uncharted territory through a book. They were usually the gifts of choice in our home.
I remember a turning point in my life that was provoked by a book. I was traveling with my family and during the course of our travels I complained incessantly. It was more like grumbling but it had its peaks and troughs, and everyone with me was a little fed up. As I came from a family of voracious readers, this time too I was presented with a book, quite aptly named..."Being Happy"
I have never forgotten that trip, nor have I forgotten the book. It was a book written by Andrew Mathews, who I had the good fortune of speaking to in person many years later to share his impact on my life. The books message was simple, "If you want to be happy, be happy." I was like, what do you mean if you want to be happy....BE HAPPY. That's it! That simple? How can that be possible? But I realised in due course, that it was. We are all just a decision away from our own happiness. Andrews books unlocked something inside me, and when I read his next book How Life Works, there was no turning back. I believe it's at this point that my exploration of my spiritual self began. A few years ago I gifted How Life Works to all my team members at Astroyogi. I desperately wanted them to experience what I had.
Read also: 👉 The Magic of a Word Hug!
Each book has unlocked a new dimension for me. Osho's books have also had a profound impact on how I approach my life as a whole. How much his work has impacted my nurturing of not just my own self but people close to me. Just to be in rhythm with nature, and as such the universe.
I have always loved books that can inspire and uplift me. Many ideas and often solutions to annoying entrepreneurial problems have been more often than not been solved while reading a self help business book. Much underlining and scribblings done on the pages that literally contain so many treasures of wisdom.
If you want to travel to unknown places and discover their culture, meet people you would have never met otherwise, seek wisdom from the masters who live in all corners of the world...read. Reading brings a dimension to your life and your knowledge quite like any other. While many associate books with the drudgery of school, it is anything but. A book is a time machine that can take you anywhere, anytime.
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