There is always something magical about every New Year from the love and romance point of view for everybody. The singles hope to meet their soulmates while those in a steady relationship aim to finally tie the knot. Those already married and postponing their plans for a baby, swear to each other,”Maybe this year”! The stars have something new waiting on the romantic front for everyone each year and we do wish happiness for every beating heart in 2019.
One of the most auspicious planets, from the Vedic astrology point of view, whose positioning and transit has a positive effect on love, marriage and parenthood, is Jupiter. Jupiter will transit in Sagittarius on 30th of March and will retrograde on 11th of April. On 22nd April it will transit into Scorpio and remain there till 5th November 2019. Saturn is responsible for more intimate relationships and marriage commitments. It becomes retrograde on April 30, 2019 and then progressive on September 18, 2019.You get time to learn your lessons from your past experiences. Rahu, which has a significant effect on marriage and sexual hunger, will transit into Gemini on March 7, 2019 around 2.48 AM.
Brace yourself to make that extra effort in the romantic sector in 2019, Aries. Polish your Arian charm, pull out the love antenna a little more longer to catch the love signals and get set to pick up the right vibes, as the love of your life may not express the feelings, the way you would like to hear it. Those married, stay away from the come-hither signals of anyone other than your spouse!
Singles may have to work hard to find the right partner and their efforts will bear fruit in the second half of the year.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
A typical Earth sign, you like stability in your relationship. The year ahead will mostly bring luck in your love-life. Don’t waste your time in flings and instead spend quality time in building up a safe relationship. Those already in one, may need to show more understanding for the partner by being more available for them.
The little upheaval that you may face in your love life, will settle by the end of the year. It is advised that you keep yourself groomed well and be more social in order to attract the right partner.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
What may start off as challenging on the romantic front for the Gemini’s, would end up in smooth sailing as 2019 comes to an end. Your ever-changing nature and flirtish tendencies always manage to send mixed reactions to your partner, keeping them confused. Try and be more committed to a relationship as this year could turn out favourable for those intending to tie the knot. The singles who are looking for love, may be disappointed in the first half of 2019, but the year will be kind to them by mid April.
For some lucky Gemini, an old flame may reappear this year, with the promise of a lasting liaison.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
The crab is promised a romantic 2019, provided they keep a check on their ‘crabby’ nature. The stars will be in favour for alliances and if earlier there was a protest from the family, things would turn in the crab’s favour. Singles will find their soul mates and for some, love could rekindle with an old flame. Even divorcees may find a suitable match. The married could have some quality time together and some may even get lured outside their marriage-something they need to be cautious about.
Mid year is specially good for improving relationships with the loved one.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
If the year starts off on a low key for romance for the lion, don’t fret as love will bloom with the approach of mid year. Just be a little gentle while courting. The lion’s aggression will not work in bringing your love closer. If you handle things right, your relationship has the possibility of moving to the next level.
Chemistry between married Leo’s will be great as they usher in the new year while the singles will have to put in some extra effort. Those in a relationship will need to make some compromises. Flirty Leo’s! Curb that cupid in you in April.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
With Saturn and the Sun in your fourth house in 2019, Virgo’s need to be careful about their love relationships. Singles may have to wait till March to meet the right partner. Those in a relationship could get into a disagreement with their loved one in April, which could turn quite nasty. If a compromise is not reached, they could even go their separate ways. Virgo’s who are ‘taken’, should resist the temptation of getting lured outside their relationship.
The important thing for you to remember this year is not to look for perfection in your partner and instead focus on their positive points.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
The Librans need to be careful of their expectation of their partners this year, at least till April. Remember to be a little more realistic and practical about relationships and not seek excitement all the time. Singles need to be cautious about choosing a partner during this time, as a wrong one would simply stress them out. They may make a better choice in May. Troubled relationships have a good chance of getting patched in September, provided they take the initiative.
The later half of the year is more favourable for both married Librans and those wanting to take approval from their families for tying the knot. Do make sure you are ready for this, though.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
What will start off as a beautiful start for love in 2019, could become destructive if you do not keep a check on your possessive emotions. Everyone needs a loyal and loving partner, but you need that extra touch of emotional support too. So, work your charm on your love interest without taking them for granted. Singles will be able to woo someone around August and those undergoing some friction in their relationship, will be able to mend it by September.
Friends will play an important role this year, in helping you maintain your relationship. The last quarter of the year will leave you with some memorable moments with your loved one.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
The Archer needs to understand that in 2019, maintaining relationships will also require some effort on their part. While being professional about work ethics is desirable, so is investing energy in matters of the heart. The previous years ‘tiff’ with the loved one should be sorted out or it can create unnecessary stress, which could have a negative effect on your professional front too. The year could also be strenuous in relationships with friends and family.
2019, though, will end on a satisfied note, with you learning important lessons on the ‘hows and whys’ of maintaining personal relationships.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
For the workaholic Goats, 2019 spells as fun and excitement on the love front. You have always liked to tread cautiously and exhibit mature behaviour even in relationships. This will stand you in good stead in 2019. April/May could be decisive months for those wanting to narrow down on deciding who their soul mate would be. Singles would find their partner and shouldn't hesitate to propose.
The workaholic Goat, who is unable to give time to the family, should make it a point to spend some quality time with the spouse and understand his/her point of view too.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
2019 will bring love for those who are divorced or single as they will meet someone they find interesting. Married Aquarians should handle situations with a cool head as they may get distressed with their partner. As the second half of 2019 starts, it will bring stability for most Aquarians but come September and there could again be hiccups in the relationship because of some financial issues.
Try and not rekindle any feelings with an ex, as you may meet them by the year end. Your happiness in 2019, will lie in spending quality time with your family.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
2019 comes with a message for you Pisces-Be more open with expressing yourself to your loved one and don’t allow people’s opinions to cloud your judgement about any situation. You will have the clarity and hence, the courage, to let go of any toxic relationship you were in, in 2018. Open yourself up to your loved one and you will be happily surprised at the response you receive. Cupid will strike the singles in the later half of the year.
You could be prone to spats with your lover in the last month of the year, but whats love if it does not give you a chance to make up with cuddles.
Consult our expert astrologers online, for a personalised relationship analysis for 2019, based on your birth chart.
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