Expert astrologers of Astroyogi give out the monthly horoscope for August 2018. For personalised horoscope analysis and future insights consult our experts online.
You are hasty and bold at the best of times, but you may make speedy decisions due to an innate restlessness that lurks within you. Sometimes such decisions can have a basis in instinct and intuition. We act quickly because we know it’s right. Other times, we are simply responding, reacting without thinking through the ramifications of our actions. Only you will know whether you are doing the right thing for you. Trust in yourself but be aware that not every impulse should be followed. You enjoy good health and plenty of joy. Try to avoid worrying about things that don’t matter. It’s easy to fall into the worry trap but it heeds no results. With the sun moving into Leo, you enjoy a high degree of self-confidence and improved health. This is a wonderful placement for those of you who wish to rule or enter into positions of leadership. You are so positive, and your will-power is high, enabling you to take responsibility and be consistent in all you do. With Jupiter in Libra, you impress and possess a natural charisma that could charm the birds from the trees. For those of you who are expectant parents, Venus in Virgo ensures that children bring happiness into your life. With Mars in Capricorn, you may have to deal with some heavy emotions but if you do the work, these will subside.
This month, with the sun in Cancer, you are drawn to taking short trips, preferably alone. There is a longing to reconnect with yourself and it’s important that you follow it. In solitude, we grow. You may be tempted to move to a new place and re-do your life in some way. Drawn to change, this is something you should honour although you need to be weary about throwing things out just for the sake of it. With the sun in Leo, you may move to a big, grandiose or expensive home. Taurus has a taste for style and elitism, and the grandiose desires of Leo help to put you in a home with status. With Mercury in Cancer, you may be more quarrelsome and moody, taking this energy out on those you love. It’s important that you think and respond, rather than react. The impact of Venus in Virgo focuses you in on the little details of your home. You may want to renovate or redecorate. Your personal life also feels smooth and free. With Mars in Capricorn, good news is expected, and a new family can bring you immense happiness, but you must still exercise some natural caution.
You are always ingenious with money although you may spend more than you save. This is largely due to your Jack of all trades nature, there is usually something you can do that brings money to you. You like to be busy and you are smart as a whip, so you may explore avenues that wouldn’t even be a consideration to others. Uncovering a new source of income works well for you. Your health is good but be careful not to burn yourself out with busyness and nervous exhaustion, both of which are hallmarks of the Gemini character. You are social and active. You can always tell when a Gemini is happy because they will turn up and be there with their killer smiles and charismatic ways. If you are an artist or work in politics, you’ll make money and money gained from loans or investments will be returned to you. As a communicative sign, you impress everyone around you and this can lead to big things both personally and professionally. You work the room without meaning to and come across authentically. If single, love may be close. You’ll always have admirers, but love is obviously the next level. Always drawn to something new, a new abode may be on the cards.
With the sun in your own sign of Cancer, there is a degree of volatility surrounding you. You may be under emotional stress and feel lacking in self-confidence. This leads to procrastination and self-sabotage as you don’t feel confident in your ability to see things through. These delays can lead to an influx or overload of work that feels near impossible to complete. Be honest with your struggles and take baby steps. When the sun moves into Leo, you benefit from monetary profit and sharpened communicative skills. This is a good time to discuss work-related or personal developments as you will come across well and people will be responsive. With Mercury in Cancer, you may feel unstable. Don’t be afraid of this word. When we are destabilised, we operate beyond our comfort zones and this can assist us in figuring out where we really want to be and what we want to be doing. When Venus enters Virgo, you are promised a good time. Virgo is all about the details, it knows how crossing the t’s and dotting the I’s makes everything run smoothly. You’ll bond with family and relatives and enjoy a time of great romance. There is a rhythm to life that suits you well. With Mars in Capricorn, there may be some anxiety about the future as time weighs heavy on Capricorn’s mind. Embrace the present. It is all we ever truly own.
The Sun in Cancer starts you off on a moody note. This is because Cancer fluctuates frequently, just as the moon does and it is perceptive and intuitive enough to pick up on the emotional nuances. It’s hard not to absorb this energy, which is why erecting boundaries is so important. You will also need to control your temper as there’s a natural inclination for you to want to take things out in ‘rage.’ You know this won’t suit you in the long run, especially if you hurt the feelings of someone near and dear. Embrace the occasional bad mood. You don’t need to be a constant ray of sunshine. Once the sun moves into Leo, your famed confidence level returns and you are recognised for the unique qualities you bring to the table. This is a great placement for leaders who finally get their time to shine. With Mercury in Cancer, you need to keep your mind clear and occupied. Venus in Virgo suggests a sense of inferiority or a lack of love. You may be single and craving companionship or in a relationship where you feel your needs aren’t being met. Remember, the love you seek is something you can generate from within. With Mars in Capricorn, you need to take care of your throat and skin.
The sun in Cancer keeps your confidence levels high ensuring that you achieve success and begin new projects. Those senior to you appreciate your efforts. You’re the golden child, the one to watch and if anyone is to rise through the ranks, it will be you. There’s a humble side to you that conceals a natural brilliance that when given the chance to shine, is enrapturing in the quietest of ways. Be open to something new and transformative and be aware of the form it could take. With the sun in Leo, this self-confidence may take a slight hit. You may suddenly feel too big for your boots or like an imposter. Remember, you deserve all your success. Mercury in Cancer suggests financial gain and excellent health as well as plenty of delightful new opportunities. Venus in Virgo suggests your expenses may rise but you should have money squirrelled away for a rainy day that you can make use of. Mars in Capricorn can generate problems. You may be distracted, and your mind drawn towards unwholesome pursuits. Try to get yourself back on track with your goals and passions.
To get to where you want to be, you can only rely so much on luck, the rest involves a tremendous amount of hard work. The sooner we implement both, we notice real changes and manifestations in our lives. Those senior to you will be supportive of your endeavours so in this sense you have little to worry about. If you put the effort in, you will be acknowledged. With the sun in Leo, you are in a favourable position and able to complete challenges that you undertook in previous months. This is a great time to make investments and to foster cordial relationships with relatives. Love life is tremendously exciting, and you may travel with a partner. With Mercury in Cancer, the idea that work and luck must co-exist is fortified. The stars are certainly trying to make sure that you get the message! With Venus in Virgo, you enjoy an excellent and harmonious period as well as stellar health. If single, there is no doubt that romance is lingering. Someone is powerfully interested in you with an intensity and sincerity that may surprise you. With Mars in Capricorn, exercise caution with your finances.
This is a favourable phase for Scorpio natives. With the sun in Cancer, luck supports all that you do, and you are enthusiastic about love, which feeds into drawing a new love to you. This is also a beneficial period for those of you who work in marketing. Your magnetic charisma helps you rise to the top. As the sun moves into Leo, your professional life is further emphasised, and your financial life improves. If married, you enjoy an exciting and comforting marital relationship. Scorpio more than most likes to dig deep into the depths of intimacy and mystery, which can potentially be frightening for more sensitive or shallow lovers. With Mercury in Cancer, you may face some obstacles, but you will be able to weather them all. As Venus moves into Virgo, you’ll enjoy growth and promotion in the workplace and you bring a level of constant excitement that generates quite a buzz. With Mars in Capricorn, you are supported and fortified. Students need to concentrate especially hard on their studies as they may be distractible. This is a favourable phase for Scorpio natives. With the sun in Cancer, luck supports all that you do, and you are enthusiastic about love, which feeds into drawing a new love to you. This is also a beneficial period for those of you who work in marketing. Your magnetic charisma helps you rise to the top. As the sun moves into Leo, your professional life is further emphasised, and your financial life improves. If married, you enjoy an exciting and comforting marital relationship. Scorpio more than most likes to dig deep into the depths of intimacy and mystery, which can potentially be frightening for more sensitive or shallow lovers. With Mercury in Cancer, you may face some obstacles, but you will be able to weather them all. As Venus moves into Virgo, you’ll enjoy growth and promotion in the workplace and you bring a level of constant excitement that generates quite a buzz. With Mars in Capricorn, you are supported and fortified. Students need to concentrate especially hard on their studies as they may be distractible.
You begin this month with a few worries plaguing you. There may be some minor health issues, such as sight or stomach disturbances. Take extra care of yourself. You need to be more focused at work and be careful not to let thoughts or frustrating emotions distract you. This can produce a mixed impact on your personal life. When the sun moves into Leo, you become instantaneously lucky and they’ll be plenty of celebrations at home, you especially want to enjoy quality time with your family. With Mercury in Cancer, you may earn money unexpectedly and you will be drawn to social activities with your happy-go-lucky attitude. Venus in Virgo suggests good fortune, perhaps in marriage and most certainly in health. This is a time of prosperity and harmony. With Mars in Capricorn, there is some pressure at work, but this is ultimately a good placement for you. You make waves and show what you’re made of, which turns out to be pretty impressive stuff.
With the sun in Cancer, things are going well at work but there may be a few domestic issues to iron out. Remember, life is a balancing act. It’s rare that we can have everything flowing perfectly at all times, but it is certainly something to strive for. You’ll feel happier if things begin to fit neatly into their place so that you have time, energy and of course the inclination to ensure it’s all working. When the sun moves into Leo, you may have lower self-confidence than usual, so be careful not to rush to finish what you start. Feel free to take your time. With Mercury in Cancer, marriage is indicated, and a luck comes your way that builds steadily with time. Others may be envious of what you bring to the table. With Venus in Virgo, you may not be benefited for all that you do, which is frustrating, as ambition is at the forefront of your mind. This can result in a low level of excitement. With Mars in Capricorn, avoid being influenced by hedonistic habits which might derail your purpose.
Aquarius knows how to be victorious, but your way of getting there can come as a surprise. You are very unpredictable, even to yourself, and there’s a certain cool aloofness that can be maddening to more personal types. You do always manage to get what you want as there’s a fixed, stubborn edge to your nature that is almost impossible to shift. As the sun moves into Leo, you enjoy an interesting new phase of life and joy is everywhere. At work, you have a laser-like focus that enables you to achieve whatever you need to. This tenacity and devotion with a touch of effortless cool does not go unnoticed. With Mercury in Cancer, you enjoy an artistic and creative period especially if you are a writer. You connect easily with the written word and generate material that resonates easily with the public, and that may even be ahead of its time giving you a degree of success that comes retrospectively. With Venus in Virgo, you are beautifully supported by your partner. With Mars in Capricorn, take precautions with your health and be watchful of your love life.
Some good news may be on its way to you this month Pisces, and at work you will do something new and innovative. No-one could accuse you of being formulaic, you are always different, whether you intend to be or not, because you tend to follow your heart and that guides you to respond in a particular way, one which tends to be more authentic. As the sun moves into Leo, you need to take precautions with your health and be weary of those who may not have your best interests at heart. Naturally, being so perceptive and intuitive, you should have an understanding for this immediately, but whether you act on it or not is another matter entirely. Mercury in Cancer suggests high competition at work, and you don’t really like to compete. It’s totally against your go with the flow philosophy. In that case, do your own thing and stay out of any games. With Venus in Virgo, you need to reduce your sugar intake. Virgo is the health nut of the zodiac and you’d be well-advised to implement some boundaries in line with Virgo’s approach to life. With Mars in Capricorn, life feels deliriously delightful and smooth. Enjoy!