Expert astrologers of Astroyogi give out the monthly horoscope for June 2018. For personalised horoscope analysis and future insights consult our experts online. Click here to consult now.
Welcome to the month of June, dear Aries. The sun remains in Taurus producing a mixed effect on Aries natives. This is a brilliant placement for those of you who work in offices and agriculture, as well as marketing. In love, there may be some minor problems, but you remain in a romantic mood. On the 15th, the sun moves into flight footed Gemini, who is on an eternal quest for exploration and adventure. This placement makes you lucky and also enables you to bond well with the younger generation. You are social and utterly carefree. Mercury remains in Taurus until 10th June keeping you calm and focused making this a good period to get things done. On the 10th June, Mercury moves into Gemini, producing cordial relationships with friends and family. Financially, you do need to be cautious. On 25th June, Mercury moves into nourishing Cancer ensuring that your mother enjoys good health and creating a harmonious home atmosphere. Venus move from Gemini to Cancer on the 9th, and you suddenly feel restless and in need of change. This may manifest as a home revamp or a new vehicle. The women in your life are essential for your happiness.
With the sun remaining in your own sign of Taurus, you enjoy a beneficiary period. Others are supportive of all that you do which is vital for a family-oriented sign such as yourself as you are liable to take more risks and express yourself more readily when you have a foundation to fall back on. Take some care to shield against minor health ailments. On the 15th, the sun moves into playful Gemini which indicates financial gain and a harmonious personal life. The key to your success is in your ability to communicate so tap into Gemini’s expertise. With Mercury in Taurus your communicative abilities are enhanced, and you are personally popular. On the 10th, Mercury moves into Gemini which improves relationships with family members and enhances musical ability. On the 25th, Mercury moves into Cancer which can trigger a degree of moodiness so watch for this. Venus remains in Gemini until the 9th June before moving to Cancer, which increases the likelihood of bonding with young siblings. This is a lucky period for you on all fronts so enjoy the many benefits that are flooding your way.
The sun enhances your already brilliant mind and allows you to tap into some truly revolutionary thought. Your confidence reigns supreme and a confident Gemini is much like a whirling dervish – unstoppable. Fortunately, you are also bolstered by those close to you giving you a tight security network when your mind begins to wander. In love, you bring a mischievous enthusiasm which is intoxicating to potential partners. You promise a good, light time. On the 15th, the sun moves into Gemini which sharpens your positive outlook and mental agility. You also enjoy good health and a stellar career. Mercury in Taurus can leave your mind feeling all over the place and there’s a sense of worry and restlessness. Try to meditate. On the 10th, Mercury moves into Gemini and you deepen your interest in the world of performing arts. You are able to master anything that you turn your hand to. On the 25th, as Mercury moves into Cancer, you find that you turn a profit when you explore the artistic realm enabling you to tap into your boundless imagination. As Venus moves from Gemini to Venus on the 9th June, you effortlessly impress others with your natural wiles and ways. Gemini is intrinsically likeable and charismatic, and others respond well to you.
This month you will find yourself feeling carefree and relaxed due to the presence of Jupiter. Your work will move forward smoothly and you will benefit by completing your work on time. Your seniors will be keeping an eye on you, so make sure you perform. Personally, you will work hard at improving your relationships and bringing harmony to your home. Everything will fall into place due to the influence of Mars. Keep your eyes open as some opportunities are likely to come your way. You will also get a chance to travel. This will benefit you and will help you gain financially as well. Renovations at home will happen well and you will be satisfied with the results. You are selfless due to the influence of the Moon. If you face any problems at work or at home do not give up easily as this could make the situation worse and try your best to find a solution. The month ahead will also bring in some changes on the personal front. A close friend moving away will create some stressful situations. The Sun indicates you will remain busy planning an occasion towards the end of the month. Celebrations are on the cards. You will enjoy yourself and will mostly be in a good mood.
You will have to pay more attention towards loved ones. Motivate them to take part in extra curricular activities. You enjoy the company of someone special; his or her company will keep you in high spirits. Stay away from negative people as they can have a wrong effect on your health. Whenever possible, delay confrontations or being put on the spot. There could be a fallout if you say something that is later taken out of context. Be very careful about conversations, debates or interviews. Don`t be worried as everything will be back to normal, say the Moon and Jupiter. Your hard work and new strategies will improve your financial position. Also, your love life brings you joy as you share some great moments with your beloved. A positive and creative approach towards family problems helps you to heal old wounds. Don`t plan anything exhausting or strenuous. Some good news flows your way from those who are close to you, due to the Moon and Mercury. There’s no telling exactly what form this news will take, but surely you will have a few moments when you can enjoy the sense of accomplishment and joy that it brings. Nature, art, your favourite food and drink, and of course, you favourite companion are just right. All in all, this month sure spells contentment and peace of mind for you folks, according to the Moon and Venus.
This month the influence of the Sun will ensure that it turns out to be pretty good for you. For most of the month you will be in an upbeat mood, which in turn keeps the people around you happy. You will see marked changes in your life this month. All these changes moreover are for the better. Your attention is mostly on home -related matters with a practical approach towards money and expenses. An unexpected surprise awaits you, which will be wonderful for your future. You are very much in demand this month! You feel much closer to your friends and will not hesitate to discuss your problems, as Saturn turns direct. You are willing to share details of your personal issues which you don`t normally do. You'll just take the reins and organize for those that don't comprehend. You finally get the satisfaction you've been hoping for during some point this month! This month you`ll fare much better if you do not force your opinions on others. Don`t indulge in any unnecessary argument this month. Certain questions and doubts loom large, but you will see them through provided you keep your words in check. Your calm attitude will help you deal with the trickiest of problems and will also help you get your work done much faster. The position of Mars and Mercury makes this a good time for new love relationships and your chances of meeting someone you find exciting are quite high.
Partnership is very important to Libra natives. You are the sign of love. You want a partner and all the romance and expectation that comes with that. With the sun in Taurus, tensions may emerge in your love life which will feel uncomfortable for you but actually, this may be a good thing, as conflict resolution is a vital skill to learn in any relationship and only by testing how you and your partner resolve fights can you have true faith in the strength and sturdiness of your relationship. On the 15th, the sun moves into Gemini and you are supported by a strong sense of luck. Your appreciation for the spiritual or religious is brought home with you and becomes part of your daily life promoting good habits. With Mercury in Taurus, you may experience some minor health ailments which you should guard against. On the 10th, Mercury moves into youthful Gemini and you may lose interest in some things that have been a dead cert to you in the past, but this is okay, we all go through ebbs and flows. On the 25th, Mercury moves into Cancer and hard work generates many results for you including a possible promotion. As Venus moves into Cancer on the 9th, you truly shine at work and perform with a calm, still attitude, nothing can fluster you. You may decisions based on sound, reflective judgement.
Scorpio, it’s a bit of a secret that you like to win. You hide it behind such a tranquil demeanour that most would never know. With the sun in Taurus, it is impossible for you not to win. Victory is guaranteed. You are subject to some positive life-changing event, and as Scorpio is the sign of transformation, when one doesn’t naturally occur, you will seek it out. You enjoy the sense of growth, exploration and adventure that comes as a result of metamorphosis. Life prospers and evolves in all ways. On the 15th, the sun moves into Gemini and you may worry as this is the default Gemini position! There may be a delay in some things coming to you which can bring about low self-confidence. Don’t worry, a delay is just that, an elongated pause. Good things are still coming your way. With Mercury in Taurus, you may lack focus. On the 10th, Mercury moves into Gemini. This is a perfect time for those of you with political motivations. On the 25th, Mercury moves into Cancer which can generate a moody, tempestuous feeling. Find ways to maintain a sense of calm. On the 9th, Venus moves into Cancer and relationships feel blissful and rewarding. You may wish to intensify this bond with marriage.
Education and children bring good tidings to you this month and you enjoy immense professional success. For a while now you have been aligned with your fate, and as though you are being supported and guided along your path. This is a beautiful and rare feeling and it can continue to propel you on an amazing journey. Life is at its best when it responds to you. You are in an amorous and romantic mood and if single, will be on the lookout for someone to explore this with. On the 15th, the sun moves into Gemini and marriage may be a priority or a focus for varying reasons. New challenges will present themselves in your career and there will be competition, but your positive response will make this tolerable. You will glide over such problems. With Mercury in Taurus, you progress at work in a slow and steady manner which is probably the best way as its easier to maintain. On the 10th as Mercury moves into Gemini, you may be more quarrelsome than usual due to Gemini’s frenetic energy but ultimately things will still be smooth. On the 25th, Mercury moves into Cancer and you become more interested in how you can help with various social issues. On the 9th, Venus moves into Cancer and you may experience an energy dip. Cancer has a moody energy that must be handled with care. Be gentle with yourself.
Try to strike a fine balance between work and home by making a flexible schedule, with help coming in from the Sun and Venus. Try to avoid important business or financial face-offs. Don't put yourself through that sort of mental grinder. Wait until mid month when things are less tense and uncertain. This is going to be quite a mixed time where you will need to keep a tight control over your words to maintain domestic peace, advise Mercury and Mars. Learning a new skill will help you move ahead in your career. Essentially, this is a time to take it easy. You will benefit by being positive and taking decisions carefully, say Mercury and the Moon. What seemed impossible gets transformed and things look a lot better. Don't plan long trips or massive, exhausting shopping excursions. Be lazy for a change. Give yourself a break. On another note, the planets Mars and Jupiter urge you to be large-hearted in your relationships, professional or personal. Your personal achievements will lift the spirits of your family. It is a golden opportunity for you to become a role model for others. It is time you worked hard to achieve your goals. You may find yourself engaged in some form of social work, too.
This month you will find yourself feeling carefree and relaxed due to the presence of Jupiter. Your work will move forward smoothly and you will benefit by completing your work on time. Your seniors will be keeping an eye on you, so make sure you perform. Personally, you will work hard at improving your relationships and bringing harmony to your home. This month everything will fall into place due to the influence of Mars. Keep your eyes open as some opportunities are likely to come your way. You will also get a chance to travel. This will benefit you and will help you gain financially as well. Renovations at home will happen well and you will be satisfied with the results. This month you are selfless due to the influence of the Moon. If you face any problems at work or at home do not give up easily as this could make the situation worse and try your best to find a solution. The month ahead will also bring in some changes on the personal front. A close friend moving away will create some stressful situations. This month, the Sun indicates you will remain busy planning an occasion. Celebrations are on the cards.
With the sun in Taurus, you start this month in a financially strong place. It’s easy for you to save. Your confidence is also very high which helps you to get things done. You are craving a change in your career, but things are also heating up romantically. If coupled, there is the desire to travel with your loved one and to explore the world. On the 15th, the sun moves into Gemini and you begin to see things happening and progressing in your life, which only encourages you to do more. You receive appreciation for all that you do. You also long to spend quality time with family, which you should do, as being with them grounds you. Mercury in Taurus can cause you to feel unexcited and somewhat lazy. There may be the urge to chase pleasure rather than anything concrete. Socialising may help to snap you out of this funk. As Mercury moves into Gemini, you may move to a bigger home and make new friends. There is a sense of expansion and growth. On the 9th, Venus moves from Gemini into nourishing Cancer and this is a very good period for you. Your brain overflows with innovative ideas and you are encouraged to pursue these. Who knows where they might lead?