Expert astrologers of Astroyogi give out the monthly horoscope for September 2018. For personalised horoscope analysis and future insights consult our experts online.
This month due to the positive influence of Sun in Leo, you can afford to go about doing your work without having to worry about any obstacles. Work will be satisfying and you will take decisions that are just right for you. Your intuitive skills will work to your advantage and will help you avoid problems on the professional front. You may also be able to deal with unpleasant or difficult situations in a more matured manner without losing your cool. This change in your attitude will do you good and your efforts may bring you handsome rewards. The month ahead will be good for you in all aspects of your life however you may have to face some minor problems on the personal front. Some unexpected issues may test your resolve due to the presence of Venus in Libra but do not be intimidated by these. On the domestic front, you will have to be careful about what you say to others; your words may end up hurting someone who is really close to you
Love has a way of exalting you, and this month there is no lack of it in your life. With the sun remaining in Leo until the 16th, you are magnetic and make a lasting impression both at work and in the world of romance. Your better qualities are emphasised particularly your warmth, sensuality and preference for passion. You are the exact opposite of Capricorn, in that you prioritize play over the profession. On the 17th, the sun moves into Virgo which can bring about delays, procrastination, and indecision. You may find that your career slows down and you aren’t progressing as steadily as you once hoped. Such a placement can be disconcerting but it is an invitation to try an innovative approach. If you are required to play a part, you will find that it comes to you naturally. If you’ve struggled with health problems, you will enjoy a renewed sense of vigour. Venus in Leo is a continuing placement from last month which put your focus solely on your home. You may finally complete a renovation project that you had on the go and you’ll enjoy the results of your slick, aesthetically pleasing new abode. On the 19th, Mercury moves into Virgo and new children or family members will bring you immense joy and happiness. A family oriented sign, you enjoy watching your clan grow. This is the time to revel in quality time with those you love.
A new month brings change and change is always on your mind. With the sun remaining in Leo until the 16th, it’s likely that the kind of change you crave is of the career variety! Being bored at work is a big no-go for you. Gemini’s excel in careers that require communication, logic, imagination and self-expression so do look for work that encourages these characteristics. Mentally you may feel scattered and anxious but this is certainly not unusual. Have you been consistent with your spiritual practices? Guided meditations may be more suitable for you. On the 17th, the sun moves into Virgo and this double whammy of air energy will make you want to travel the world. If you decide not to travel, this can be a great month for you professionally as Libra makes you likeable and charismatic in a way that is hard to forget. You may reunite with an old friend or an old flame. It’s up to you whether or not you go down this path or look forward. Venus in Libra encourages you to be highly active and sociable. You are a hit with the younger crowd. You want to be everywhere and doing everything but try to be discerning about what you dedicate your time too. Are you planning on moving to a new house? Are you beginning to fall in love? The beautiful thing about change is that we don’t always know how it will materialise. It’s all part of the surprise of life.
Cancer, as a water sign you process the world through an emotional filter. This is both your greatest strength and weakness. This month, you will continue to learn how to use your emotions wisely and to trust your intuition. With the sun in Leo until the 16th, you have an uncharacteristic restlessness that pushes you to explore new countries or cities. You don’t need to go far to satisfy this urge but you should follow it. On the 17th, as the sun moves into Libra, you may feel a greater sense of emotional tension but your personal and professional lives are good. You may have put your love life on the backburner so this is a good time to rekindle old magic. Tap into Libra’s sense of romance and flirtation and you may charm your love once again. With Mercury in Virgo until the 12th, you may feel restless and negative and take this out on those you love. if you can, take some time away, go to the water and meditate. Your element will heal you. On the 19th, Mercury moves into Virgo bringing out your social side. You want to be with friends enjoying all that life has to offer. You will bond with family and friends and you may feel more romantic and heated. If single, there is a real desire to find love and to create something enduring and real. If coupled, a relationship may deepen and prosper.
Welcome to September, dear Leo! It’s always nice to start a new month on a high and you certainly enjoy the benefits that the sun in Leo brings. You’ll experience a hike in income and investments will pay off. Good karmic deeds performed in the past come back to bless you now. Remember this going forward – what you give, you get. On the 17th, the sun moves into Virgo and you’ll be keen to mingle, attending parties, gatherings, weddings and anything else that you can get your teeth into. You’ll probably travel with friends and family and this month, you’re all about fun. You don’t feel so motivated professionally. In fact, your focus is totally on play, friendship and love. it will be hard for you to take anything seriously! Do you need to do a lot of talking this month? You can’t help but dazzle others with your communicative abilities whether verbal or written. When you spend, you spend big! Are you devoting less time to your love life lately? Your partner may be missing you. Your love is like a spotlight which can only shine on one thing or person at a time. Make sure that you don’t exclude your partner from that light for too long. Leo’s are very tightly interconnected with their egos and when this is the case, you may feel that there is never enough love in your life. Of course, this is untrue. How can you fill this void on your own? Well, there is meditation and self-love. you need to practice this continuously.
There are times in life when everything feels perfect. Your querying mind might say, ‘well that’s too good to be true’ but you’re wrong, this month all truly is well. You enjoy a favourable period with the sun in Leo because you continue to project all of your energy into your own wellbeing. You are focused on your path, your journey and some interesting insights are coming out of this process. Rather than being stuck in knots in your own mind, you are making progress and thinking clearly. On the 17th, the sun moves into Virgo which brings financial profit. Have you got a plan for the future? Where do you see yourself living? Working? What do you see yourself doing? What does happiness look like for you? These are good questions to ask this month. Your only problem is getting lost in your mind and allowing anxiety to make you feel unwell. Have you considered work as a nutritionist, nurse or doctor? Any career in the health profession would suit you well. Perhaps it is time to consider this career change? You have hidden skills that you may not yet have tapped into…
Libra, you start this month with the sun in Leo and you may feel tense and anxious. Are you being over analytical? Try to be decisive. There is a little voice that you should learn to listen to more often. This voice belongs to your intuition. If you can access it with meditation and spiritual practice it will be far easier for you to take action. Pamper yourself with lavish baths, healthy food and plenty of self-care. On the 17th, the sun moves into Virgo and you may struggle to concentrate. This will be particularly problematic for those of you who are studying. The solution is to pray to the Lord Sun and to seek advice from elders or those whose experience you value. You will learn that many walked your path and that you should not be deterred. Mercury moves into Virgo on the 19th and finally your brilliant mind is kicked into gear. If you are in business, you are considering expansion and you are always developing a deepening interest in spirituality. If situations around you appear to flare up, remember that diplomacy will assist tremendously. Such topics are right up your street. You might consider increasing your own awareness about health matters or consider starting a business in the health and well-being industry.
August was an amazing month for you Scorpio and September is set to be better. The sun remains in Leo until the 16th which ensures that you remain supremely confident in all that you do. It will take a lot to shake your faith in yourself. A confident Scorpio is totally unbeatable so whether you are interviewing for a new job, studying, trying to find love or starting up a new hobby or business, you will be victorious. If you turn this energy outward, you will be a healing force for your family and community. If you champion a cause, huge improvements will be made. On the 17th, the sun moves into Leo and you may seek the advice of experts rather than relying on your own judgement. This gives you the opportunity to see things from a different perspective and to consider whether your own perception is accurate. On the 19th, Mercury moves into Virgo and your attitude switches from intense to laidback. During this time avoid making big decisions. You have exhausted the ability to do so temporarily! Instead try to sit back and ‘relax.’ This is a tricky thing for a Scorpio to do as you are always ‘on.’ You thrive when a challenge comes your way so it can be hard for you to switch off. Exercise is a good way for you to actively relax.
When Sagittarians feel under pressure, they run, for you do not like to be confined in any way, shape or form. Sometimes when the pressure is on, you have to stay and fight. Symbolised by the archer, you know deep down that you have the clout to stand your ground, even if it is not your first impulse. Work may come with stress, but by the end of the month you will be rewarded for your efforts so make sure that you persevere. It is nothing that you cannot handle! On the 17th, the Sun moves into Virgo and this is a time of focus on romance and love. There is tremendously good understanding between married couples enabling you to smooth over previous struggles and to build a stable future together. If single, you are in the right frame of mind to find love. Sometimes you run from love as it can make you feel caged. Love that liberates is what you desire. On the 19th, Mercury moves into Virgo and you enjoy spending couple time with your partner. This is a time of powerful health so swimming, marathons, travel and rock climbing may be on the agenda. You may rise amongst the ranks and you will do so in your own unique way, without compromising who you are.
Luck remains with you this month and when combined with hard work, you become an unstoppable force. Even when you face obstacles, challenges and headaches, you come out on top. You are a hard worker and no-one could doubt that you put your all into your chosen career path. If anything, you need to learn to relax and smell the roses more. This month the stars are centred on the world of work. This is where considerable progress will be made! On the 17th, the sun moves into Virgo indicating that you will be introduced to competition in the workplace. You will need to have strong will power but you have this in spades. Tap into your resourcefulness, ambitiousness and consistency and you will find that you are head and shoulders above your peers and contemporaries. You aren’t one to compete but a little competition can certainly give you a push. Mercury in Virgo keeps you lucky and profitable. Women remain important to you at this time as they lend you warmth and emotional support, things that you often find hard to ask for. On the 19th, Mercury moves into Virgo and you are keen to accept challenges and develop further at work. Your colleagues, who like you, will be immensely supportive.
As a fixed air sign, you are always in a position to come to a decision. Unlike Libra and Gemini, there is little indecision. This month however, we advise that you don’t make any big life-changing decisions. Instead, seek advice from those you trust. With the sun in Virgo, you aren’t best placed to make big choices about love and work. If your mind feels louder than usual, remember that yoga and meditation will always bring relief. On the 17th, the sun moves into Virgo and you will find that the problems of the past no longer trouble you. In love, you want to advance a romance either by transforming it into a relationship or marriage. Maybe you should wait for them to make the first move? In the game of love, try to savour the little moments. There is no need to rush. On the 19th, Mercury moves into Virgo bringing with it immense luck. If you add hard work to the proceedings, you will notice big changes come your way. There is a feeling that all is well. If only this feeling could be bottled! Try to remember this feeling when you feel down. You are a gutsy, robust sign with an excellent ability to read situations and people. You also have the courage to stand by your convictions. You truly are a force to be reckoned with.
Previously Pisces we spoke with you about the need to separate from the ego. Affiliating with ego too closely can be painful and limiting. Severing from the ego is true freedom. With the sun in Leo until the 16th, these ego disputes may manifest as differences between yourself and your partner. This is a good time to practice the lessons you’ve learnt and put them into place. Can you avoid the need to be right? Can you avoid arguing for the sake of it? This month you are physically powerful but mentally may be misled. Meditation can help strengthen you and ensure that you aren’t open to bad or negative influences. On the 17th, the sun moves into Virgo and your mind goes back to professional tasks that need to be completed. This focus on work serves as a positive distraction for you and may even feel meditative. On the 19th, Mercury moves into Virgo and unexpected financial gain comes your way. People appreciate you for your winning ways, artistry and easy manner. As a sweet, peaceful sign you can easily enthral. This is a pleasing period and things will tick along nicely. You should be in good spirits. Enjoy what this month brings and be sure to head its lessons.