Find out how the month of March will turnout for you. Astroyogi’s monthly horoscope predictions for March 2018.
On the 1st March, the sun remains in galvanizing Aquarius, suggesting that your self-confidence will remain high. Professionally, this is a strong period promoting tenacity and consistency. For those of you seeking educational pursuits, the stars continue to shine upon you. The message of this placement, which remains in place until the 13th March, is that you should dive headfirst into your dreams. Whatever your goal or ambition, whether it is career or romance oriented in nature, you will feel excited as you propel yourself towards it. On the 14th, the sun moves into dreamy Pisces where it will remain until mid-April. The energy of Pisces reverses the effects of Aquarius suggesting that you will feel less motivated and confident. Fortunately, your love life will be a relieving sanctuary for you at this time. With Mercury in Aquarius until the 2nd March, you begin the month with a hyperactive energy which suggests socialising, travel and romance are on the cards. On the 3rd, Mercury moves into Pisces and you may find that social pursuits are not so important to you. Instead you desire space, reflection and introversion. Fortunately, all remains smooth sailing in your personal life. Venus moves from Aquarius to Pisces on the 2nd March, where it remains until the 24th of the month. In love, there is an ethereal sense of magic which keeps you feeling romantic and dreamy. If single, you very much desire a meaningful relationship. On the 26th, Venus moves into Aries which gives you the gusto to fulfil your desires.
As a steady earth sign, you desire material security. Your nature is one that is happy to slowly plod along and to drink in the magic of life, as long as there is a sense of reward coming your way. As we enter March, the sun remains in Aquarius until the 13th, ensuring that you maintain a high workload but that you are effortlessly able to chip away at it. There is a welcoming level of enthusiasm to your personality which wins over your colleagues. On the 14th, the sun moves into soft Pisces, and you have a desire to lock down a purchase such as a home or a vehicle – something that has long-standing significance. At work, you overflow with innovative ideas which may make sense in practical terms. Mercury continues in Aquarius until the 2nd ensuring that you progress in your career. Your fixed nature is greatly emphasised by Aquarius, ensuring that you dig your heels in and complete what you need to. On the 3rd, as Mercury moves into Pisces, you enjoy a good financial period, but your love life is especially affected. Pisces is tender and gentle in love and as a result, your personal life feels harmonious and satisfying. Venus jumps from Aquarius to Pisces on the 2nd March promoting your health, activity levels and financial status. You are prone to over-indulge in life’s pleasures, so you need to watch your weight. Be careful to avoid excess. Nonetheless, this period is one of joy and enjoyment. On the 26th, Venus moves into Aries, ensuring that you have a wonderful time. Plenty of fun is to be had this month.
At the core of all Gemini’s is the desire to learn. Curious as a cat, you want to see the world and to truly know people. With the sun in Aquarius until the 13th, you get what you wish for. Your life will be made up of social gatherings, meetings and parties. You will be a true extrovert although what you are really interested in is an exchange of ideas. It is easy for you to think things through before you act, which makes you a fine decision maker, although you could learn to trust that gut instinct that may help you reach conclusions quickly. On the 14th, the sun moves into water sign Pisces. This placement brings brilliant ideas that you can easily express to others. These ideas guarantee success and growth. In love, whether single or coupled, there is a sense of joy and excitement. You come alive when you are able to riff with another person one on one. Mercury remains in Aquarius until the 2nd meaning that the feeling of restlessness which has plagued you is on the way out. By the 3rd, as Mercury enters Pisces, you enjoy a period of tremendous luck. Your reputation cannot be tarnished, and you truly excel at work. You do not need to do anything other than be yourself. Venus moves from Aquarius into Pisces on the 2nd which sharpens your appreciation in the workplace and suggests that those of you who enjoy the realm of art and creativity will excel, especially if you are interested in performing arts. On the 26th, Venus moves into fiery Aries. You may enjoy plenty of short trips and in love, a new relationship may develop off the back of a friendship. Have you heard of the saying, ‘love is friendship set on fire?’
Cancer is an intriguing sign. Like all water signs it is inherently vulnerable, emotional, impressionable but Cancer is rigidly self-protective and a natural leader. Cancer is the protector of the home, family and country. It is moved to act and fight by its desire to protect. As such, all its actions are motivated by deep love. With the sun in Aquarius until the 13th March, you need to keep a close eye on your health and well-being. You are likely to be highly in tune with yourself, so it should not be difficult for you to be self-aware. On the 14th, the sun moves into gentle Pisces indicating fortunate luck is coming your way. In your career or in love, you may find yourself with many competitors but do not be deterred as you will perform brilliantly. Mercury remains in Aquarius until the 2nd and this placement draws out the very best of you. At work, this cannot go unrecognised. Those senior to you find themselves drawn to you and you will be rewarded. You may even find someone is attracted by your charm indicating a possible romantic relationship. On the 3rd, Mercury moves into Pisces and you may find that you have hurdles to jump in order to reach your goals. This can trigger a sense of frustration. The best way to manage this placement is to be honest with others and with yourself to avoid unnecessary conflict. Venus moves into Pisces on the 2nd where it remains until the 24th March. Financially, you are doing well and may make some exciting new purchases. On the 26th, Venus moves into go-getting Aries. This is a wonderful placement for mothers and for bonding with your own mother. Occupations that revolve around water do well and it is easy for you to go after what you desire.
Leo, you begin this month seeking resolution. With the sun in Aquarius until the 13th, you may be at odds with your romantic partner. For you, love requires warmth, loyalty and fun. You need quite a lot of attention to feel happy. It is very important that you communicate openly with your partner to resolve any issues between you, but it is also essential that you find a way to feed your desire for love in a way that is self-sustainable. On the 14th, the sun enters Pisces and you may find yourself worrying about the future and those you love. Meditation will ground you in the now. Remember that all we can influence is the present. Worrying about the future is fruitless as it only whittles away our power in the now. Mercury remains in Aquarius until the 2nd suggesting that your own health is at the forefront of your mind. Gentle exercise and relaxing pastimes will help you. On the 3rd, Mercury moves into Pisces and you profit from an unexpected source. At work, you manage to achieve a steady pace and can easily get things done. People respond well to you and you may find that your name is on everyone’s lips. Venus remains in Aquarius until the 2nd and romantic allegiances will be forged as will strong friendships. If single, you may meet a new love. On the 2nd, Venus moves into Pisces where it will stay until the 24th. This may be a challenging period for you, but you have strong willpower and plenty of grit and there is much you can learn. By the 26th, Venus moves into Aries and you find lady luck on your side. You seem to have the Midas Touch – all that you touch turns to gold.
Virgo, you have a finely constructed mind, wired for genius. With the sun in Aquarius until the 13th, you will be happy to know that you will be victorious in all that you do. You may be at the end of a process that has taken some effort and time but now you are seeing results. On the 14th, the sun moves into Pisces which can blur the lines and boundaries of communication causing misunderstanding between you and your partner. As Virgo and Pisces are both mutable signs, you may compound this issue by being passive or ‘wishy-washy’ about what you want. Make sure that you are direct and assertive so that there is no confusion or self-denial on your part. Mercury remains in Aquarius until the 2nd giving you robust health and finances as well as the determination to complete your goals. By the 3rd, Mercury moves into Pisces. Pisces is a highly sensitive sign and it has the ability to become easily stressed or to absorb the energy of others. Practice yoga and meditation for mental relief. On the 2nd, Venus moves from Aquarius to Pisces and your focus will be on love. If you are part of a couple, you may be more focused on strengthening the bond of love between you. If single, you are interested in meeting someone and are romantically inclined. On the 26th, Venus moves into Aries which can produce a degree of tension. Finding a way to relax is very important for you and you should start thinking about methods that can assist you and help you to re-focus your insightful mind.
Libra, you are a very image-oriented sign. With the sun in Aquarius, you may be more self-conscious of how you come across to others. If you are being true to who you are, you needn’t worry about how others perceive you. Spending time with those that you love, and value is important to you. On the 14th, the sun moves into Pisces producing mixed results. Firstly, you will be victorious over your enemies, but you may be susceptible to coughs, colds and minor illnesses. Mercury remains in Aquarius until the 2nd March and you may find that your mind feels scattered and unsure. All air signs are prone to this as your minds can literally fly miles a minute! Fortunately, you are able to train the brain to respond in the way that you need it to. Practices such as yoga and meditation make a huge difference especially if practised routinely. Once your mind is under control, you may consider changing your environment to one that is more fruitful and beneficial for you. On the 3rd, Mercury moves into Pisces and you enjoy good health and a solid financial life. At work, there may be a degree of unhealthy competition but ignore this and focus on your own work. If creatively inclined, you will produce amazing things at this time. On the 2nd, Venus moves from Aquarius to Pisces and you may find that your confidence takes a dip. Remember that we all lose faith in ourselves from time to time but re-building your sense of strength is so important. On the 26th, Venus moves into Aries indicating the beginning of a beautiful new phase. This is a wonderful time for love in all its forms.
Scorpio, this month is largely a positive one for you but as always with this life, there are also opportunities for growth. With the sun in Aquarius, it is very easy for you to focus on the end goal, especially at work. This is a stable, fruitful phase for you as your fixed nature pushes you to complete what you begin. You are able to lose yourself in a task more than most. On the 14th, the sun moves into fellow water sign Pisces, and this sparks great interest in who you are. You will be touched by a glimmer of fame. There is an opportunity for you to make something of yourself in a meaningful way. In love, it is advised to exercise caution as Pisces is a sign that can ‘blur the boundaries’ and be carried away. Mercury remains in Aquarius until the 2nd and you want to spend quality time with family, especially your parents. You are also able to connect with your elders in a deeply meaningful way. On the 3rd, Mercury moves into Pisces which can be challenging in that you may feel stressed and unsettled. There may be a degree of worry and you may fear failure. Your constitution is strong so remember to sit with yourself and to get in tune with who you are. Whenever outside forces feeling overwhelming, reunite with who you are at your core. On the 2nd, Venus moves into Pisces, which gives you tremendous personal impact and makes you impressive to others. Plenty of opportunities are about to come your way, you only need to decide what you will give your attention to. On the 26th, Venus moves into Aries and you may find that their areas in life you need to transform. Don’t worry, you have the courage and energy to do it.
As with Gemini, Sagittarius natives are intricately connected to childhood and youth. With the sun in Aquarius, you find yourself supported by those younger than you in all that you do. If a parent, your children encourage your endeavours. On the 14th, the sun moves into Pisces, fortifying your innate sense of luck. As Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, you find that you are lucky anyway as Jupiter expands all that it touches. Combining luck with hard work guarantees profit and joy. Mercury remains in Aquarius until the 2nd indicating that something may be worrying you. It is vital that you share anxieties with someone that you trust as divulging the truth to another will lighten you. On the 3rd, Mercury moves into Pisces and your personal life truly prospers. Be prepared to tap into a more romantic and sentimental side of yourself in love. Venus remains in Aquarius until the 2nd which indicates that you will take a great number of short trips. On the 2nd, Venus moves into Pisces indicating a harmonious home environment. It is easy for you to get what you want, especially in love. You come across as personable and likeable and people respond well to you. You have the guts and gusto to try something completely new! On the 26th, Venus moves into Aries and children may be a source of happy news. Ever been interested in acting? Now is a good time to pursue this goal!
With the sun in Aquarius until the 13th, your financial life is looking good. It’s very important to you to have a steady influx of cash so this is welcome news. Your self-confidence continues to rise making you a cool, calm and collected Capricorn indeed. In love, you may need to take a long and hard look at your relationship. Are you being neglectful in some way? If so, reinvigorate your love with some romance. On the 14th, the sun moves into poetic Pisces which makes you exceedingly enthusiastic when it comes to your career. Love is in the air so if single, be prepared to fall in love. With Mercury in Aquarius until the 2nd, students will enjoy a beneficial period in which they may be offered scholarships for studies overseas. On the 3rd, as Mercury moves into Pisces, it is vital that you keep a cool head and avoid disputes and conflicts with relatives. You may feel suddenly fearful which is not a comfortable feeling for you, but fear is an illusion and by pushing through you will expand your comfort zone even further. On the 2nd, Venus moves from Aquarius to Pisces and you will be active when it comes to performing tasks and duties. If single, the time for a relationship is perfect. On the 26th, Venus moves into feisty Aries and you will enjoy plenty of fun and auspicious events. This is the time for friendship.
Aquarius, you are by nature an innovative, brilliant thinker. A glimmer of genius always hovers around Aquarius natives. Your brain simply sees above and beyond. This month, with the sun remaining in Aquarius until the 13th, you benefit from your way of thinking. This is because your instincts are rarely wrong. Your self-confidence is high, and it continues to grow the more that you trust and believe in yourself. On the 14th, the sun moves into Pisces and you are inclined to travel with your partner to see raw natural beauty. You want to see the world in all its wonder. It feels good for you to be in nature as it yields healing, therapeutic qualities. Mercury in Aquarius can indicate a slight lack of concentration but by the 3rd Mercury moves into Pisces and these feelings fade. You are advised to use your powerful communication skills to excel and to push yourself further. You can truly win people over with the gift of the gab. On the 2nd, Venus moves from Aquarius into Pisces, and you are doing very well financially. There is also the possibility of an inheritance. On the 26th, Venus moves into the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, and you develop encouraging relationships with your younger siblings. This period is stable for you both personally and professionally. You can use this foundation as a springboard on which to delve into your dreams.
The sun remains in Aquarius until the 13th March and you start the month feeling slightly low in confidence. Luckily, you are supported by those close to you. Anyway, don’t we all develop such dips in confidence? The important thing is that you regain your faith in yourself and there are many ways that you can do this. Being surrounded by those that love you is a hugely helpful option. On the 14th, the sun moves into Pisces. It can be tempting for you to be lazy or far too laidback. The problem with this is that you may get swept up in endeavours that do not truly appeal to you ‘just because.’ You can set your own course. This is also a pleasant romantic period and there is a temptation for you to bask in the affections of your partner. You need to learn to concentrate and focus on what matters to you. Mercury in Aquarius can cause distraction, but this period ends on the 3rd as Mercury moves into Pisces. You want to go abroad, and you may harbour a sense of melancholy. As a highly emotional sign, this is natural, and you are prone to nostalgia. Remember that the future can be better than the past. On the 2nd, Venus moves from Aquarius into Pisces and your romantic relationships glow with warmth and harmony. You achieve desirable results in all areas. On the 26th, Venus moves into Aries and life continues along a wonderful course. You have much to be grateful for.