As we herald in the New Year, most wait with bated breath to see what the stars have in store for us. For those in love, we wish you happiness in your relationship, as the world looks so much more beautiful when one is in love. So, how do the various planetary positioning and transits affect relationships for the various zodiac signs?
The planet Jupiter is one of the most auspicious planets in Vedic astrology and positively affects love, marriage and parenthood. In 2018, it will transit from Libra to Scorpio on October 11(Thursday), at 20.39 and will bring luck to all the Zodiac signs. Planet Saturn is responsible for intimate relationships or long-term commitments resulting in marriage. Saturn remains positioned in Sagittarius and there are no transits in 2018. Rahu has a significant effect on marriage and sexual hunger. Rahu is placed in Cancer in 2018 and shows no transit.
2018 will come with a mixed bag of emotions. Since last year Jupiter was moving through your partnership sector, many of you fell in love. But circumstances left some seeds of doubt on whether you should go ahead with the relationship. This year too, you could be going ups and downs. Do remember that relationships are supported by healthy communication and compromises and that no alliances is a perfect one.
While the first quarter of the year will be testing your commitment, the last quarter will take the romance to another level. Many would even be tying the nuptial knot.
Don’t be disheartened if 2018 starts on a shaky note, where relationships are concerned because it is going to end on a promising one. When you encounter some disturbance in the love life, simply concentrate on honouring each others opinions by talking things over. Dispute in the family or with friends could crop up in the second quarter. Be forgiving. You will have your partner’s support through this trying phase.
In the third quarter of the year, you will start reaping the benefits of your patience shown. A trip taken with your loved one could be the start of an ever lasting relationship.The year could end with talks of marriage.
The year starts favourably for the lover in you. You will love the chase and saver the prize. As the first quarter will close, your toleration for any shakiness in relationship will start ebbing. Remember, relationship works two ways and if you don’t respect your partners desires, there could be conflicts. Being weighed down with professional responsibilities and ego, in the second quarter, the balance may tip, causing unnecessary differences with your loved ones. During this time, try and spend some constructive time with them.
As the year comes to an end, your partner may be battling some health issue and will need your support. There could be some conflict with your father, but you will have the backing of a motherly figure.
Cancer’s being such an emotional sign, you seem to be on the top of the world when your love life is stable. 2018, promises the crabs, some good innings in matters of heart. The year will begin with some good times spent with their loved ones. By the end of the quarter, you may be facing some finance or health issues, but support from your loved one will help you tide over the period. In the second quarter, singles will find love.Married Cancers; tread carefully around your spouse.
Any strain in relationships; is removed in the second half of the year. You will share and enjoy what you reap now, after the efforts you put in the first half of the year.
2018 will be a challenging year for Leo’s relationships. You could face some stress in other areas of life in the beginning of the New year, which could reflect poorly on your personal affairs. Keep a check on your tongue, if you value your love. Matters could turn sour by the second quarter, if you don’t practice restraint. By the beginning of the third quarter, relationship will improve so much so that you can look forward to beginning a family.
You and your partner need to understand the importance of support of a spouse in the hour of need, as the year draws to a close.
For someone who doesn't believe in being too demonstrative in love, 2018 demands that you allow yourself to be a little more explorative in this department. Be careful of what you say in the first quarter of the year while being considerate to your partner's feelings. Your efforts will pay off in the second quarter and you may commit to matrimony. Their quarter may create some dissent with your partner; smoothen out the glitches before they worsen.
The last quarter will bring you closer to your object of affection if you work at maintaining peace and harmony.
Since relationships mean so much to you, you must learn to balance your other responsibilities and love, well. You will be lucky to have a partner who supports you through the first quarter when you will be bogged down with other issues. If you are not grateful for the support your partner continues to give even by the second quarter, there could be some consults between you two. Situations would be better by the third quarter and it will be a good time to plan a family if you desire.
In the last quarter, not only will you enjoy an increase in your social status, but also better emotional commitment.
The passionate lover in you, knows the importance of true love. So don't let anger and frustration come between you and your loved ones. The conflicts you may face with your partner in the first quarter will give way to support from family and siblings, reminding you of your blessings. The third quarter of the year will be the luckiest for you and you should take advantage of this period to express yourself freely to your lover.
Keep a check on your temper in the last quarter. Divide your time well between work and family, as the latter are an important part of your overall growth.
The ‘non-committal’ you; need to divide your time well between work and personal affairs this year or you will be inviting tensions in your relationships. A brief estrangement with your partner in the beginning of the year is a warning for you that love requires effort. Emotional stress created by the second quarter, will alienate you briefly from your siblings and friends too. By the third quarter, conflicts start easing and importance of love will dawn on you.
But by the last quarter, you may realise that some relationships need to end for your peace of mind. Don’t fret over it. Instead direct your energy in worthwhile actions.
2018 suggests that you should be prepared for some ups and downs in your family front. While the year could usher in good news from children, the first quarter may end with some squabbling with people you love. Don’t allow misunderstandings to fester. Let your love over-ride all qualms. An elderly figure may ruffle your feathers; ignore that. Learn to be grateful for what you have. By the third quarter, relationships would be stable, with couples even planning matrimony.
By the year-end, there could also be an addition to the family.
For the better part of the year, you need to constrain that independent nature of yours so that you can have an amicable relationship with your loved ones. Try and understand what they feel and connect more with them. There is no harm in letting your guard down once in a while, where matters of the heart are concerned. The second quarter could make you withdrawn from family. Things will start becoming positive as you enter the third quarter of the year.
Relationships will be stable by the year-end and romance would bloom.
2018 spells a good love life for you provided you are open to being committed. You will have your family’s support in the first quarter of the year. Learn to share your concerns with your love or they may become distant. In the third quarter, you will be blessed with support from a motherly figure and improvement in your personal life.
The year will end on a harmonious note with the loved ones. Those planning a family, could be taking a step in that direction.