Your weekly horoscope (1st Oct to 7th Oct, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
With the sun in Virgo, your priority should be your health. You are such a rambunctious sign. You like to be first, and as a cardinal fire sign, you naturally accrue scrapes and bruises. It’s part of the way you navigate life. If you are studying, you will need to sharpen and hone your ability to focus and concentrate because it will be more of a struggle for you to do so than usual. Your career continues to build at a slow but steady pace. With Mercury in Virgo, you need to be cautious when it comes to your body. Perhaps you’ll be more clumsy than usual. Watch for accidents. Towards the end of this week, Mercury moves into Libra, and you’ll need to make time for meditation and yoga in order to keep calm. Romance is on the cards.
A degree of fame is practically guaranteed this week, whether you want it or not dear Taurus! You aren’t one to do things for prestige, nevertheless, you do enjoy basking in the warm glow of your peers respect and appreciation. You have a very focused, zen-like quality that keeps you on the proper path, even if you do occasionally stop to smell the roses (as you should.) You feel positive physically, mentally and emotionally and this infectious energy encourages others around you to feel the same way. You are a supercharged beacon of goodness and light. New job opportunities are plentiful. Good news may come via your family. Auspicious events are just around the corner and will keep you busy.
A change in career is on the horizon. What have you always wanted to do? Embrace the need for change and see it as an adventure, or an experiment. Throw yourself in with aplomb and see what happens. Your elders will be supportive, nurturing and encouraging during this period of transition so do remember that you can go to them for advice or words of wisdom, should you need them. You impress others this week in an utterly effortless way, which could accrue you new jobs, friendships or relationships. Charming is certainly a word that we would use to describe your character. This is a romantic phase during which relationships become immensely important to you – this should be nurtured. Mars in Capricorn suggests that your love life may take a new, and improved, direction.
Your mind is astute, and you are able to make good decisions this week. You may even be called upon to assist others with their own decision-making process. Your love life feels splendid and utterly enjoyable. Negative thoughts may make you feel restless and can be so difficult to quell. The key is to be consistent with meditation, exercise and other spiritual endeavours. If you can do this, you will keep your tank full to call upon in emergency situations. The trick is not to wait until you feel bad to start meditating – do it consistently. This is a time for newness, a new home, career, lover. Be open to what life brings you. Don’t close any door. If you feel worried about the future, remember you can only control the now. Focus on what you can do in the present. All else is futile.
This is a great for you financially and personally. Your relationships with relatives improve, and auspicious events are frequent. Your calendar may be busier than usual. People are impressed by your ability to communicate, which is bold, authoritative, commanding but also warm and jovial. This combination certainly enables you to make friends and influence people. If you are studying, you are bound to excel in your education. You will enjoy taking numerous short trips and catching up with old friends and acquaintances. Be cautious in terms of both your health your savings. As a confident, buoyant soul, you can sometimes lose yourself in optimism and forget about practical, earthy matters. Make sure that you keep a watchful eye over what is yours.
This is a time to focus on YOU, and doesn’t everyone like to hear that? You can be very selfless, focused on caring for those around you, but it is essential that you take time for self-care. What about your own growth and evolution? Is this not equally important? There are many ways that you can care for yourself, including eating well and taking steps towards achieving your dreams. If you feel unsure about what to do, turn to consistent spiritual practice like meditation and yoga to help quiet the mind and tap into instincts and impulses. This can help drown out all of the noise and nonsense that aims to distract you from you. You have sharp communication skills this week and people will sit up and listen to you. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth. Avoid bad habits or people who may lead you astray. You are making too much progress to fall back now.
Air signs are prone to mental tension, as they process the world through their thoughts, and you are no exception. What can help you at a time like this? Consistent meditation and positive practices. Remember to keep your cup fall full, to do this, you must be consistently filling it. Your health should be your first priority, particularly your mental health. Take note of any patterns in thinking that feel unhelpful and not useful. With Venus in Libra, your dreams may begin to come true and everything may take on a ‘Disney’ quality. You’ll find that what you can think of, can manifest, and in this sense, use your thoughts for good. When it comes to money, be cautious about over-spending, which can definitely be a Libran habit!
Your self-confidence could not be better this month, and this serves you well in absolutely every area. A self-confident Scorpio is a dangerous creature to trifle with. As a fixed sign, it can be difficult to deter you, which is why Scorpio’s have a degree of the fanatical about them. You most certainly can be intense! People appreciate your hard work and efforts, which encourages you to work even harder. You are drawn to beautiful, comforting and useful things. You may start a collection of some kind. You are also drawn to travel, you want to have an adventure of some kind. At home, relationships and family support you and bring you much joy. A new relationship or some change within in, such as parenthood, may be on the cards for you.
Your priority this week should be your health. All fire signs are prone to burning out, it’s part of being a fire sign, but Sagittarius is especially clumsy, in part due to a free-spirited ability to bumble through life without a care. Just watch for silly accidents and mental fatigue. This is a financially strong period for you, where you can enjoy the money that you have managed to accrue. Your love relationships are at their best, nothing can beat it. You happily shower your partner with love and affection. You will enjoy travelling and trying new foods together. Mars in Capricorn urges you to intensify this bond by spending more time with your life partner. Enjoy the connectedness.
Capricorns always complete what they start, and this week is no exception, although there will be some obstacles. You can set a pace and keep going when others have fallen by the wayside, so keep that in mind this week, although make sure that you also take time away from work to spend doing things you enjoy and of course, spending time with those that you love. It’s important to take a break. You may feel that your personal life is out of balance with your professional life, so be sure to put some attention back in this area. Your relationships are also hugely important support structures. Try to avoid bad influences. There may be a tendency to drink too much after work for example.
This is not the time to make any big, life-altering decisions. Your mind is whirring and restless and it needs to experiment and wander before it can truly settle on anything. If you feel you must make a decision soon, seek expert advice or speak to your elders or someone that you trust. Consistent mediation and yoga may also help re-calibrate you and settle your mind. Self-soothing is valuable. All signs benefit from meditation but air signs especially due to their wandering minds. You will be lucky this week, and growth is guaranteed. You are evolving, transforming, and you are already lightyears ahead of your peers. Be cautious about your health and wellbeing, prioritise your stomach and digestion. Find an outlet for emotional stress.
How are your relationships? How are things romantically? Take time to check in with your partner. What can you give to your relationship to help it to grow? Have you been ignoring a loved one for too long? Your professional and personal life is a mixed bag right now, so make sure that you take the time to get things working in tandem. Balance is very important for Pisces natives. You can feel cast adrift otherwise. There is some pressure at work, but you should manage this by focusing on your well-being. If you feel well, you will be better able to deal with stress. Love is harmonious, although you need to be present and bring some of your sensual, intuitive brand of romance to the table.