Your weekly horoscope ( 8th Oct to 14th Oct, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
You may be more prone to quarrelling with loved ones this week. Chances are, it won’t be over anything big, just petty inconveniences. This slightly frenetic edge works wonderful for single natives however, who may draw a new love with the buzz of excitement that surrounds them. Your career is also bolstered and doing well. You may be more direct when you need to be. You may feel somewhat moody and anxious, less sure of yourself than is typical, which is naturally alarming for a sign who so likes to take charge and lead the pack. Don’t stress too much. This state will pass. Channelling your energy into sport or exercise would be very useful for you.
This is a wonderful time for you in terms of your career, and this is true regardless of what direction you take. You have the perseverance, dedication and patience to work well in any arena, and people tend to warm to you. You are also very good about not letting work become your life and appreciating the other gifts life has given you to the full. You may be drawn to education or parenthood. There is a sense of wanting to lay down roots, progress or grow in some way. You want to get to the next level. You feel positive and this is infectious and helps to draw better things into your life. You don’t owe anyone this positivity but remember it does help.
Gemini’s are eternally restless, and although this can be a frustrating trait, it can also lead you onto plenty of adventures, though you must be cautious about abandoning things at the first hint of boredom, rather than building something sustainable. This restless energy is directed at your career. A job where you use your communicative abilities is preferable. Others respond well to you this week, making it a great time to book an interview, catch up with friends or go on a date. Relationships mean a lot to you at this time and you could meet a great and enduring love. For the Gemini’s that simply want fun and frivolity, there’s plenty of that too. Be open to what life brings you.
You have itchy feet and want to explore and travel and this you most certainly should do, even if the trips you take are to local places of interest. You want to expand your horizons, see new places and meet new people, and this would be a great experience for you. A lot of new things are coming into your life. It could be a home, course, job, friendships, romantic partner or opportunity of some kind. Whatever it is, a degree of transformation is guaranteed. You will evolve through your experiences. You will live like royalty. You may worry about the future, but we can only ever control the present. Try to focus in on the present moment and you’ll find that there is plenty to be grateful for.
Financially, this is a great week for Leo natives. Money that you’ve saved or invested will grow and you’ll be in a very secure position, although you still don’t want to fritter money away on meaningless, superficial things. You want your money to grow, don’t you? Relationships with relatives which may previously have been rusty, will improve. You are drawn to travel and will enjoy the experiences and memories you make. You may rekindle a former friendship or love affair and this time, it may be more meaningful in your life as you have matured and developed as people. Take care of the little things to do with your health and keep a watchful eye on your skin.
Your quest to focus on the self continues to bring favourable rewards. You will be expanding, growing and developing as a person and this is a time of tremendous change for you. You’ve managed to dive and delve deep into your dreams and are now in a position to make them come true. For those of you who feel more indecisive, continue to keep up with consistent spiritual practice. Meditation and yoga will be especially useful as they quiet the mind and will bring you into your body, enabling you to trust your gut instincts and responses. It will then be easier for you to know what to do. Remember, your ability to communicate with others is your strong point. Use it to your advantage.
How are you coping with your thoughts? Does meditation quell the tide? What about yoga? Remember that we have ultimate control over our thoughts. Understand that your mind can impact your physical health, just as your emotions can, and in this sense, it’s vital to care for the body holistically. You’ll find that things you’ve been dreaming of continue to happen. It’s almost like you have an intuitive sixth sense that you are very much in line with. Listening to this sixth sense is powerful and the more you harness it, the more you’ll learn. You’ll easily complete any task you start so don’t be afraid to begin that novel or start that course. You’ll see everything through to the end.
You continue on in high spirits and with plenty of self-confidence. However, you use this, you will enjoy strong results. This is a great time to start something completely different or new and to explore new horizons and avenues. Your confidence will propel you forward, and others will be amazed at how magnetic you truly can be. You enjoy spending, perhaps a little carelessly, on items that mean a lot to you. Scorpio can be sentimental and possessive too and as such collecting things can feel comforting. It’s not a bad habit to indulge every now and again, especially if it brings you joy. Happiness comes from something new, such as a relationship, baby or career.
The pressure is on at work, but you navigate this well due to your naturally light and joyous spirit. It is hard to rile you up. You will be rewarded for your hard work so take comfort in this. You are in a financially strong place but will spend money on auspicious events. This is a wonderful time for relationships. If you are starting a new relationship, you begin with honesty, fairness, sunshine and adventure. If in a long-term relationship, you re-inject some of these qualities into your love life. Be sure that you counteract your plentiful eating this week with some exercise too! Try to balance your professional and personal life’s. You may be putting more into one than the other.
Capricorn, would you say that you are lucky? It’s true that you work hard and much of what you have is a by-product of this, in fact you’d argue that you make your own luck, but whatever your perception, do you feel lucky? Well, you should, because things seem to be effortlessly happening for you right now. Although work brings its challenges, you manage to sail through and outlast your competitors. All you need to watch out for, is giving into to self-destructive habits as a stress release, whether it’s drinking too much, eating rich foods or watching too much TV. Find a healthier outlet and don’t wait until things get too much to blow off steam. Be gentle with yourself.
Aquarius, as a fixed sign, once you set your sights on something (or someone) or understand the importance of it, you find it easy to follow through. This is useful when you direct your mind to something that’s good for you, a healthy eating regime or exercise plan, for instance. It’s not so good when you direct it in an area that’s not particularly useful. Take this advice to make sure that you pursue only that which will enrich your life. You have the attitude to take it a long way. Someone in your family may marry, leading to many auspicious events. You continue to grow and develop as a person, adding many new strings to your bow. Be cautious if meeting a new love. Take time to truly get to know them.
You are a mixed bag of energy this week, feeling physically strong, well and fit but mentally weak and fatigued. Remember, we must also nourish our minds and emotions as well as our bodies. You need to look at yourself holistically, only when you do this will you realise that you can heal your whole self uniformly. Make sure that your ego doesn’t infiltrate your relationships – it has no place there. Make sure that you are honest and direct rather than passive and vague. Although there may be some pressure and competition at work, you will succeed and do well so don’t be deterred. Love is mostly harmonious, as long as you are present and authentic.