Your weekly horoscope (10th to 16th Dec, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
You are still attempting to rebuild your confidence, but this is okay, it can take some time to do so. Indeed, establishing rock solid inner confidence can be a lifelong mission for some of us and requires consistency. At work, you continue to be a firework of proactivity and positivity. You get done what you need to do. Concentrating on your career gets you far. This is where your energy is best served this week. You are appreciated by those senior to you for the enduring effort you make. Your love life feels magical. Enjoy every second.
The resolution of outstanding conflicts in your relationships is central to your week right now. There may be some hidden tensions that have been allowed to flourish unchecked but now you are getting to the bottom of it all and putting your relationship first. Open communication is one way to achieve this. Although fiery, you are also known for your patience. A bit paradoxical yes, but possible. Try to avoid conflicts with the women in your life and find value in the feminine. Your body is filled with positive energy. Share this with those you love.
If you’ve been sitting still working hard, you may find that your joints are feeling sore and tense. Start stretching and lightly exercising to get everything in balance again. Your career continues to move in a great direction, so make sure that you keep working hard. Your love life continues to entertain you, but make sure it’s not a source of drama. Keep in light, as this is how you prefer love: airy, happy, joyful and full of laughter. You impress others with your mercurial, childlike personality and they gravitate to be near you. You are able to concentrate on an area of interest.
You’re itching for a big change, but what might that change be? Chances are, it’s a career change you’re hankering for. Finding a job with the right work/life balance is very important for your happiness. You can then use your free time to pour yourself into your relationships, which is gratifying for you. You may need to change your trajectory, but you’ll be prepared for this if it happens so don’t be alarmed. Even our best laid plans sometimes have to change course. This probably isn’t the best time to make a big new decision. You can think about it, but maybe don’t action it yet.
Friendship and fun are big deals to you, and this week you will be social and active, collecting friends like trophies. Being admired feels like lying out under the sun to you, and the sunshine of your friend’s appreciation means more than they could ever know. You’re full of confidence and your mind knows what it wants. You’ve probably never been calmer nor more aware of yourself, which is a very empowering position to be in. You will truly live like a King or Queen. It comes naturally. You are your most ‘Leo-like’ self right now, and this may attract a lingering love who gets to see you for who and what you truly are. Chances are they’ll like what they see!
Travel for work related reasons is on the cards and bring great success. You may accrue a few expenses as a result of this. With family you need to be patient as there’s a tendency to snap and be short tempered. You may need to work on your communication style as this will be the key to your success if you can get it right. Despite feeling stressed and slothful, the surprising key to happiness this week is to be social, so even if you don’t feel amazing about doing so, call up a friend and make some plans. You’ll immediately feel better. It’s a true tonic.
What’s on your mind? Chances are you’ll want to shout it from the rooftops. But it’s important that you learn when to hold back. You may lose your reputation for being a charmer. You want to spend time with your loved ones as this replenishes and recharges you. You simply love to share the love. You long to be active and you will be, but you may feel confused about your trajectory. Does everything need to be moving to the same direction to make sense? There may be some tensions in love, which could be both exciting and also dramatic. If single, this may add some flair to intoxicating new arrangements.
Are you used to others being jealous of you yet? It’s a strange sensation isn’t it. People are consistently jealous of you because you make everything seem effortless, even if under the surface you are peddling furiously to keep up. Being a Scorpio is a case of having tranquil waters that run deep and intense, and people seem to be able to sense this. Remember the envy of others is a sign that you are doing something right, so use this as fuel for your fire. Focus on your path. You are doing so well, and nothing can truly derail you.
Building on your sense of self is vital this week and you are taking steps to do this as best you can. Clashes in relationships may trouble you but being open and authentic will mitigate any problems. Don’t hold back your truth but deliver it kindly. Think about the future you want and make plans for it calmly. Tackle it in small steps. Remember, put your foot on the first wrung of the ladder and just keep climbing. You’ll be drawn to travel but you should be aware that your health may be affected by changes in climate so take adequate precautions and make sure that your own wellbeing is a priority.
Your confidence is at heavenly high levels this week. Your self-esteem is built on the back of your work ethic. As you continue to push yourself, you feel even better about who you are. Having a project in the pipeline keeps you motivated but remember to also make time for those that you love. They are just as important and should not be rejected in favour of earthy pursuits or material pleasures. There is a kind of treasure that is harder to commodify but that is even more enriching to the soul. At work you are deeply appreciated, and you feel harmonious and treasured. This makes you want to bring even more to the table.
This week you do well for yourself, buoyed by your own sense of confidence. You foster a natural and healthy sense of detachment that can be very attractive to others who simply want you on their side or team. Remember, showing people some of your hidden warmth can win you just as many fans. Aloof can only go so far. At work you are appreciated and rewarded for your fixed work ethic. When you work hard, you really work hard, and little can deter you. Serious issues are resolved, and you can know dissect what you have learnt from the experiences.
You are lucky in all that you do and this luck spreads from your career to your love life to every other facet of your life. Relationships particularly are well and truly flourishing. You can attract a really splendid partner, someone who is just right for you. You can turn any foe into a friend with your charisma. If some things go wrong, just dust yourself off and put yourself back on track. The key is in being true to you, and acknowledging that failures sometimes happen, not because of who we are, but just because someone has to win, and someone has to lose. Throw yourself back in the game and make things happen!
Source: www.Astroyogi #GPSforLife