Your weekly horoscope (March 12th to 18th, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
On the 14th March, the sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces, and as a result of this, your usually heightened sense of confidence falters. You may not feel like yourself. It’s possible that you may feel indecisive, cautious or doubtful over your abilities. Fortunately, your love life is a sense of relief for you this month. With Mercury in Pisces, you want to take time for yourself. You may be less active or social. Being a homebody appeals to you at this time! Look at this time as a period of hibernation. All of us require these periods to hide away to reconnect with who we are and to process our thoughts and feelings. With Venus in Pisces, there is a desire to travel and an appreciation of the good things in life. Love may also come into your life in a surprising way, even if it doesn’t feel like the greatest timing.
On the 14th March, the sun moves into Pisces. Pisces and Taurus are both home-oriented signs. As a result, you may be keen to purchase a home or vehicle or furniture for the home. Your brain is a mix of grounded and magical and as a result, you will be innovative and brilliant at work. Life feels good and you will be smiling wherever you go, which proves to be infectious and may win you friends and allies. Mercury in Pisces promises you an excellent financial situation and your love life feels outstanding. Those of you who are studying may go overseas for further study. With Venus in Pisces, you need to remember to temper your adoration for the finer things in life. Taurus likes to earn their pleasures but they like their pleasures nonetheless. Remember that fun can lead to excess which can be detrimental to health.
This week, there is a lot of Pisces energy in your chart as Pisces appears in the sun, Mercury and Venus. You’ll have to make an adjustment as the sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces, but this is an excellent period for professionals. It’s easy for you to be flowing with unique ideas. Your brain is forever on. Your challenge is to bring these ideas into the physical realm, to bring them into being. However, if you can follow through with your thoughts, you will notice success and growth. You have a strong sense of needing to go with the flow and this can bring some interesting new experiences into your life. With Mercury in Pisces, luck continues to sit on your shoulder. Good things come to you simply by being yourself. Venus in Pisces is a wonderful position for those who are artistic, creative or interested in performing arts. This placement enables you to intuit emotion as well as to think about what makes a person tick. Merging these qualities together creates a very perceptive performer.
As the sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces on the 14th, luck is the word of the week. Pisces energy naturally communes with Cancer energy. They are of the same element after all. Whilst Cancer is fixated on the home, culture and community, Pisces is more spiritually inclined and in this sense, it’s energy range spreads further and can be more scattered. Your luck can manifest in any area of your life, but you will acutely feel its impact. With Mercury in Pisces, there will be hurdles to clear but you will do so effortlessly. It’s important for you to be honest and direct about what you want so as not to be accused of passive-aggressiveness. It is essential that you are understood. You continue to enjoy a favorable time thanks to Venus in Pisces. If anything has been undesirable, you will notice that things begin to improve.
A feisty fire sign, dear Leo, be prepared to welcome lots of elemental water into your world this week. With the sun moving into Pisces on the 14th, you may find yourself feeling anxious about the health and well-being of your family, particularly your father. You may feel tense and agitated about the future. If this is the case, ground yourself in the present and do what you can in the now to forge a better future. Remember, power cannot be given to the past or future, only to the present. Mercury in Pisces continues to bestow you with monetary profit and at work, you remain on target. Very little, if anything, can deter you. You remain the life and soul of social gatherings, which is a secret, or not so secret, desire of yours. Venus in Pisces advises you to take precautions when it comes to your health. Yes, you are busy but taking time to care for yourself is vital.
On the 14th, the sun moves into Pisces which may trigger misunderstandings between yourself and your partner. Pisces is an emotional, sensitive, psychic and intuitive sign, and it can be impressionable and acutely sensitive to any impact. A good way to weather this storm is to keep the channels of direct communication open. Speak to your partner about what you need, want and fear. If they do the same, then together you should reach a level of comfortability. Such misunderstandings may make it difficult for you to focus at work making it essential that you find a way to make this situation work. Keep up with practices such as yoga, exercise and meditation. The more consistent you are able to be, the more effective they will be for you. Venus in Pisces ensures that you are supported by your partner and if single, love is on the horizon.
On the 14th, as the sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces, you may find that you are more susceptible to coughs, colds and minor ailments but you will be absolved of a more chronic or difficult health complaint. You may find that you are more perceptive or intuitive when it comes to reading and interpreting others which can produce exciting results in your love life as well as in your friendships. Mercury in Pisces ensures strong health and a solid financial condition. Your creative instincts are piqued this week and you may return to interests such as art, performing, writing, designing and making. Venus in Pisces may hit your confidence, but you will be back on top form before you know it. Remember that within every Libra lies a leader. If you ever feel self-doubt, just fall back on this cardinal energy and it won’t do you wrong.
This is a week of powerful Pisces energy and the element of water is very prolific this week. This elemental excess can lead to name, fame and definitely recognition of some sort. For instance, say you have been unemployed for some time, you may receive a new job offer. In love, you may meet a new partner. That said, it is important that you exercise caution. Scorpio and Pisces are both perceptive and intuitive signs however Pisces especially is impressionable and intense in love and there can be a blurring of boundaries especially if you are deeply drawn to someone who may not be right for you. Stress may find its way to you this week so make sure that you take it easy and seek advice when needed. Venus in Pisces suggests novelty in love and at work. This is a time of transformation.
This week, the sun moves into Pisces and in your chart, this indicates that you may purchase a new home. If you work hard, a combination of your efforts fused with luck, will bring both profit and joy. With Mercury in Pisces, your personal life is truly prosperous, and you enjoy spending time at home with family and loved ones. Although a wanderer by nature and truly nomadic, this week home feels like the place to be. You may gain from previous investments that you have made. Pisces lends you a dreaminess and sensitivity that is quite appealing to the opposite sex and may serve you well in other areas of life too. Venus in Pisces keeps up this vibe of harmony and comfortability. Somehow, you seem to get what you want, especially in love. This gives you the confidence and encouragement to venture into something new.
Capricorn, most people would never see you as a worrier. The truth is, you worry just as much as the next person, but you hide it better. You aren’t always one to talk about what scares you. You prefer to battle on and keep your cards close to your chest. This week, with the sun in Pisces, there may be a sense of anxiety around those you love. If you can express how you feel, this will be beneficial for you as well as others. Can you feel that beguiling, mysterious pull in the air? That might be love, you may meet a new love. Isn’t it exciting to consider the possibilities? Mercury in Pisces urges you to exercise restraint when it comes to family conflicts. Think before you speak. Venus in Pisces fortifies the idea that the time is right for relationships and falling in love may happen whether you want it to or not!
Aquarius, are you prepared for a very exciting week? As the sun moves into Pisces you enter into a financially beneficial period. If single, love is very much on. If coupled, you and your partner amp up the romance between the two of you by travelling together and sharing experiences. You are especially drawn to natural beauty both in a partner and in terms of the natural world. With Mercury in Pisces, you may profit from cash or jewellery. Those of you who study or wish to study will perform well. You may introduce an interesting component to your fitness regime which will keep things adventurous and exciting. Venus in Pisces takes care of your finances. All you need to do is think sensibly and wisely about where this money will be best served.
As the sun moves into your own sign of Pisces, it is essential that you do not allow yourself to become too lazy or idle. The temptation may be to disappear into a dream world or fantasy. You may sit around day-dreaming or wishing away the hours. Remember that dreams can become reality if we are productive enough. Think about how you can be proactive in terms of bringing things into the real world and making them tangible. This is a lucky time for love and marriage however single Pisceans should be conscious that they do not give away their power to a new partner. Your desire to go overseas is strong and if possible, should be listened to. Who knows what new experiences you may have? Venus in Pisces ensures that love is blessed with warmth and devotion. Romantically this is a pleasing time.