Your weekly horoscope (14th to 20th Jan, 2019) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
This week you enjoy the benefits of good luck and are drawn towards spiritual pursuits, bringing your own fiery brand of enthusiasm and boldness to more conventional domains. In your personal life, there may be a degree of disappointment. You can get so excited in an almost childlike fashion, that when things don’t go to plan, your high spirits are dashed on the rocks. Learn moderation – understand that things cannot always go our way and that this is okay. Try not to allow workplace anxiety to impact you day to day. Finding a way to manage any anxiety and compartmentalise your work from your life is vital. There may be a restless urge to move physically, emotionally or mentally ‘away’, creating some distance and a place to think.
With the Sun in Capricorn, you may feel physically and mentally sluggish and low. Problems may crop up in your personal life that force you to take stock of where you are in life. Financially, you may also be a little all over the place, spending money frivolously to fill some void. Take stock of where you are. Ground yourself. By the end of the month, your fortunes will turn around. Venus in Scorpio lends excitement and passion to relationships but be careful that this flair for the exciting does not border on an addiction to drama. Beyond infatuation, there is a deeper love to experience. Your self-confidence will re-emerge with Mars in Pisces. Life is still favourable even if your spirits feel off-kilter. Yes, competition is about but you will still perform well. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
With the sun in Capricorn, you feel confident and grounded, and you definitely deserve it after a period of intense anxiety. A confident Gemini is a spirited creature indeed – charismatic, magnetic, sociable, gregarious and tremendous fun. Getting in tune with your airy energy is exciting and invigorating for others, it inspires them to get in touch with their own inner child and sense of whimsy. You feel that anything is possible, and, in many ways, this is true. You may find yourself in conflict with your partner, possibly because you are coming from different energetic perspectives. Understand that they may not feel as full of the joys of spring as you do! At work, you may feel slightly bored and uninspired. How can you change the state of play? Get thinking.
What’s that sound? It’s the sound of the sweet sigh of relief. Recently you’ve felt misunderstood and emotional, but fortunately you now feel things unclamp and relax. The tremendous sense of personal relief you feel is immensely rewarding. This benefits your intimate relationships – you feel a sense of harmony. Your perspective shifts to a more positive one. Others may envy how things seem to slot into place for you, but this shouldn’t impact how you carry on with your life. Instead, use it as fuel for your fire. Love feels deeply fulfilling and guarantees happiness, whether the relationship is old or new. Mars in Pisces suggests that some spanners will be thrown into the works, nonetheless things will work out well. Take time to check in on your emotional world. Having a survival plan in place is a big help!
Leo’s are always destined for fame. Your fixed fire makes you a natural for any stage or event. You are so confident, so full of life and warmth and a natural leader and authority figure. This week, fame is a tad more certain than usual thanks to the Sun in Capricorn. This placement may fast track your level of success, regardless of the arena you enter. You’re also able to remain calm, steady and composed. With Mercury in Sagittarius, you are encouraged to listen to advice before acting spontaneously. Venus in Scorpio suggests a new purchase such as a car or home. Struggling with a fundamental lack of self-confidence or fears about the future may be a theme this week with Mars in Pisces, but by taking some time out for self-care you should feel a million times better.
A clean, smooth trajectory greets you this week, thanks to the Sun in Capricorn. It’s easy for you to be efficient and effective, smoothing over any conflicts or tensions comes naturally. You find it easy to smile and feel positive and happy, and your confidence is right where it needs to be. Your domestic life feels harmonious, peaceful and enjoyable – you get a great deal of pleasure from spending time at home with loved ones, you may even become a home body. Although your enthusiasm levels may not be high, things still go well for you and there’s an intrinsic sense of luck that benefits all areas. Mars in Pisces can trigger relationship conflicts, especially if communication falls by the wayside. Remember, relationships are about managing the expectations of two unique and different people. Learn to work together and you can heal any rift.
This week is one of great social activity which means you will be in your element. Libra, alongside Gemini, is the social butterfly of the zodiac, prancing from flower to flower with glee. There may be some confusion because you are filling yourself with so much stimuli. Learning to be discerning and understanding where to focus your attention may be challenging. Mercury in Capricorn is a wonderful placement for mothers who will feel respected, nourished and supported. This is also a good time for elders who also feel intimately connected in their communities and as though their word counts for something. Life feels harmonious, favourable and successful – even when obstacles do come your way, you conquer them with enviable ease.
With the sun in Capricorn, you start this week in a financially strong position. Your relationships with relatives improve and become better and more harmonious. Friends gravitate to you magnetically, you don’t need to make any effort! Mercury in Sagittarius ensures robust health especially if you remain dedicated to a healthy regime. You have a fixed, focused energy, and if you direct it in the right place, success is guaranteed. You may only need to find a reason to inspire and motivate you. You have itchy feet to take risks but do make sure that you don’t do so just for the sake of it. Mars in Pisces can trigger some indecision and uncertainty, but don’t be afraid to dig deep. Face your demons and they’ll have no power over you.
It’s easy for you to feel positive – your joyous mood can clear the cloudiest of days. A sense of harmony runs through your family life and there may be an opportunity to travel with loved ones. Your attitude is so beautiful and infectious that people are drawn to you with ease. They want to be around your great spirit – you encourage them to be better. Your popularity soars amongst your friend circle. You also exhibit kind-heartedness towards the needy and leadership qualities amongst those who need to be led. Avoiding bad habits will keep your chakras well-balanced and keep you positive and happy. Avoid people, situations or chemicals that make you feel low. Your goal is to remain as enthusiastic and merry as possible! If you lack concentration, re-focus your attention on a desired goal.
With the sun in Capricorn, your will-power weakens and your confidence level is not at its usual height. Hold in there, things will improve, and you will feel like yourself again. We all go through times where our moods and self-image begins to fluctuate. It is part of being human. You may feel anxious that things are not going right, or as well as they could be, but this may just be your own negative self-image. Look closely. Are things really so bad? With Mars in Pisces, there is an urge to travel, expand your horizons and learn. Hard work ensures good results and friends and family are supportive of you. In love, there is a sense of commitment and tranquillity that melts your heart. You seek a sweet Venusian partner who can add a little honey to your day.
With the sun in Capricorn, your confidence levels reach sky-high proportions. This confidence is also transferred to your partner, family and friends. You become a true champion for others. This is the humanitarian aspect of your nature. This is a great time for professional growth. With Mercury in Sagittarius you will be celebrated by the public and in love you may find that you want to step up a commitment and make things feel more official. If there is a future, you want to progress in it together. To combat the occasional dark cloud or negative thinking habit, be committed to meditation, yoga and other practices designed to focus the mind and spirit.
You are on top of the world this week, with a great career, endless opportunities in business and great health. You are enjoying all the riches life can bring. With Mercury in Sagittarius, you are able to blend and balance work and family – making great steps in the office and enjoying blossoming personal relationships. Venus in Scorpio attracts you to spiritual matters, especially short trips to places of spiritual interest or to retreats where you can practice your craft. Mars in Pisces urges you to seek advice before acting. You feel calm and a calm mind is one that is open to the signs and lessons of the universe. Do whatever you need to do to keep this sense of calm with you at all times.
Source: www.Astroyogi #GPSforLife