Your weekly horoscope (16th to 22nd July, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
Aries is a sign that automatically connects to youthful energy and this week, this will be heightened. This gift of yours enables you to become a beacon to children and younger generations who may need your guidance, enthusiasm and kindness to become who they were meant to be. You are also in a sociable mood and may want to get involved in sports. When it comes to making career decisions, you may be a tad hasty. It is better if you can think things through but hey, where would be the fun in that dear Aries? If you are an expectant mother, the stars bless you and all will go well. Children are a source of happiness, validation and good news in your life.
Your ability to communicate well with others remains above and beyond. You can use this skill in any area. It will also benefit you if you sing or do voice work for a living. Taurus natives have naturally pleasant and melodious voices, and this week enhances that. It sounds silly but sing in the shower more often and connect to your voice and how you want to use it. You have a desire to go on short trips to try new foods and see natural beauty. You may be drawn to moving to a new part of the country. You may be volatile and quarrel with younger relatives. You may want to redecorate and/on renovate your home as this is a favourite pastime of yours. If your home looks and feels beautiful, then you are content.
This is a great week for family, friends, health and positivity. Gemini’s are light souls and everything that you touch is infused with a light and airy quality and it’s infectious to be around you. People gravitate to the light that you shine. Because all is looking well, there is really very little that can go wrong. If you are artistic or creatively inclined, you will profit from your talents this week. You may create a novel, painting or other work of art that captures public imagination. You connect well with younger people and may be very extroverted and outgoing, wanting to be the centre of all that is going on. Embrace your inner Gemini essence.
Cancer, you attract a loyal and stable base and your partner is always immensely supportive of you. You seek depth in partnerships and that is what you tend to attract. This may be a difficult week for you, you may feel emotionally fraught and vulnerable, confused, low or anxious. You have an immense ability to protect and nourish others and this week you should seek to transfer some of this energy to yourself. Take care of yourself, be gentle with yourself and allow others to take care of you. Your mood may fluctuate so try to find some lifeline to stabilise you. Consistent habits and patterns, such as eating meals at regular times and meditation, will help with this. This is a good time to bond with others and yourself.
This is a great period for Leo natives, all of the hard work that you pour into your endeavours pays off. You may have low self-confidence, which is not a comfortable spot for the lion to be in at all, and you will need to keep a lid on your fiery temper as you may hurt someone’s feelings and you’ll certainly feel guilty if you do that. If you feel in a bad mood, honour time to yourself. Find an outlet that helps you to feel better. This may be exercise, meditation or locking yourself in your room and punching a pillow! Being in tune with your feelings is very important and not to be dismissed. You may feel a lack of love in life, remember love comes from within. Love is also a verb, to create love, you must actively demonstrate it in your own life.
Your career experiences a boost this week and it may lead you to change jobs or expand your business. In one way or another, you will be motivated to make a change at work. This makes sense as Virgo is a very work-oriented sign (being an earth sign, it comes very naturally to you to work hard for what you want, but you do need to be careful not to become all work and no play.) Your confidence is high, if only you could bottle this feeling, right Virgo? Because of this confidence, success comes naturally to you. Plenty of new opportunities come your way and you are in the position to pick and choose what is most beneficial for you. You also enjoy the benefit of great financial and physical health this week which is always a plus.
Libra is a lucky sign, you are aware of that aren’t you? Fortune always smiles upon you. This is largely because you get back what you give out which tends to be charisma, diplomacy and a certain aristocratic demeanour that suggests grace, loyalty and sophistication. This is all very attractive to people and draws them to you like moths to the flame. Of course, all signs are subject to karma, but Libra more than most is able to skate by on surface appearances. You are easy to like. Of course, you still need to work hard. Luck alone will not get you where you need to be, and you can become lazy despite your cardinal energy, for you need to be recognised and validated to want to continue to push on. Rarely will you create merely for the sake of creating, you want a receptive audience. Romantically, this is a fun time for you and there is an electric push and pull between you and a potential partner that is very compelling. Be cautious with money as there is a tendency to overspend.
Scorpio, so many words could describe you; serious, strong, sentimental and sensual are just a few that we would use. You must protect against unnecessary worry. Instead, you should take action. This will always feel more powerful than simply sitting and waiting, although you have a basic need to strategize which you should respect. When you feel vulnerable in yourself, you are most likely to withdraw from life and to cut off from others. You hate others to see your weakness and will do anything to protect yourself. There is a smoke and mirrors aspect to you that enables you to conceal elements of who you are. At work, you feel excited and more like yourself. This is where you shine. Something new on the horizon promises happiness, perhaps a new partner or baby. It won’t be a total surprise, it will be something you’ve thought about for a while.
Sagittarius, your liberty is all important to you and few things will cause you to relinquish it. What will enable you to give up some of your freedom is a captivating soul who promises you fun, someone who can keep you on your toes. Sagittarius is secretly drawn to challenges and experiences, despite your apparent disdain for anything too complicated in life. You may need to be more focused in your professional life in order to weather such challenges. Keeping life infused with fun and frivolity is utterly essential to your wellbeing. This week suggests good fortune and may indicate a marriage. This is a great period for every aspect of your life, although make sure you seek a balance in all areas.
This is a great week for love, an area of life you tend to ignore in favour of work! If already in a relationship, you feel so supremely supported by your loved one that not much can knock you off-kilter. You also crave expansion in life and this is something that you are prepared to work towards. You don’t like a life that is too rigid or small, it has to be moving, growing and evolving in some way even if incredibly slowly. At work there may be a low level of excitement but you will still turn up for tasks. You are happy to do what is required of you as it fulfils your self-esteem to be needed and to be of use to others. Avoid poor influences. Anything excessive should be avoided as this can lead you down a destructive track.
You are a little too aloof to desire recognition, you are happy doing your own thing, but this week recognition will come in one form or another. You are a natural student and drawn to learning and expanding your horizons. You also have an interesting slant on things that promises others will find you eccentric, intelligent and perceptive. You are deeply intuitive and able to get a good cold read on others whilst remaining maddeningly elusive yourself. Think of the eel, a slippery fish indeed! This is a great time for you romantically. Your fixed nature craves companionship, but the person has to be right for you. Do exercise caution and ensure that you have boundaries in love.
Pisces, you spend time with family and friends this week. If in a couple, friends may complain that you are spending all of your time with this person. You want to be in a bubble and are quite happy to stay there. It’s comfortable, peaceful and just what you need. Make sure you don’t neglect pressing duties too much but otherwise enjoy your imaginary world. You will receive happy news and will show innovation at work. If coupled, marriage may be on your mind. At work, there is an edge of competitiveness which only compels you to shrink further into your private world. You should be especially careful to avoid sugar which will only promote inflammation in your body. Embrace healthy habits. Life feels mostly stable and peaceful, and you will be enjoying the calm that comes your way.