Your weekly horoscope (17th Sep to 23th Sep, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
With the Sun in Virgo, you will be ecstatic to win over your competitions or even enemies in any sort of confrontations that you can face, be it in business or the workplace or whilst playing sports. Happiness is bound in your personal life. Go enjoy quality time with your romantic partner while you can so that you will have more memories to cherish. When Mercury moves into Virgo, take care of your health especially with the right side of your ribs. It will be sensible to keep a check on your expenditures and financial stability. Be cautious so that you do not put yourself in tight situations.
Being that the Sun is in Virgo, Taureans who work in marketing fields, hospitality and culinary services will enjoy growth by establishing their name and achieving fame as well. Do not stress too much about it as well. Enjoy this ride with smiles but stick to your regular routine in life as if you overdo it, you may go through some level of fatigue. When Mercury moves into Virgo, it will be in good intentions to keep a strong check on your finances and avoid unnecessary expenditure. You will enjoy the fruits of your romantic life whereby a new member will be soon coming into the family to bring in more joy and happiness.
With the Sun in Virgo, you will enjoy your personal life and you will appreciate the little things of life with your loved ones. Travel around to nearby beaches or recreational parks to make more memories. You will likely find interest in a new line of work which will inspire you to change careers with a smile. When Mercury moves in Virgo, your elders and parents will be very supportive of your endeavours and will shower their love upon you. Financial situation will be quite stable and comfortable as you will receive a significant profit through inheritance. You will enjoy good health and be strong with vigour.
Cancerians, with the Sun in Virgo, you will be going on long-distance travel which would be quite enjoyable and you might end up taking some important decisions in your life during this travel which will be good for you. Travelling indeed makes everyone open up their mind in many new dimensions. The travelling part will take your mind off any restlessness you go through with negative thoughts. When Mercury moves into Virgo, you would experience some misunderstandings with your relatives or siblings. Clear it up at a later happier time. You may find a new friend in the crowd sharing good moments like long lost times. Over-expenditure is not going to suit your wallet or bank account right now.
You will be happy to know that you will be receiving a significant amount of hike in income. You will also receive other sources of monetary gains which can make your financial situation very comfortable. Past investments will also bring a good amount of surplus profits. The departure of anyone close is irreplaceable and only time will heal the wound. When Mercury is in Virgo, You will be in a position to convince people around you significantly with your communication skill and composed behaviour. Health-wise, you will enjoy good health as long as you follow your routine with a regimen. It is sensible to play some sports or go for regular walks to keep yourself active.
With the Sun in Virgo, this period is quite favourable yet it is recommended to take care of your health especially in matters related to your stomach. On the other hand, you will possess a significant focus on yourself, your career and growth. If you play it right, you will receive considerable benefits both personally and professionally. Others may find themselves in dilemma and become indecisive. When Mercury moves into Virgo, you will attain a name in your respective industry and also achieve fame around your community. You will be creative with innovative ideas which can be practical in terms of business or expansion of the business. Personal life will be quite exciting right now with advancements in marital life with pure bliss.
There will be a significant rise in expenses with the Sun in Virgo. Tensions will arise on a regular basis until this subsides down. Keep yourself calm and composed as problems will occur within your loved ones and with you during this period. It is not sensible to take this stress upon your health by overeating or partaking in the social evils. When Mercury moves into Virgo, the financial problems will be constant as this phase is destined to be like that. You will also feel unfavoured at the workplace but can be managed with a strong mind and attitude. Focus on your own work and complete the given tasks so as to show you will or can thrive under difficult situations too.
It is all good for you as you will be on a strong level of self-confidence. Your desires mentally and physically will be fulfilled to the core to let you focus on other important matters. Your romantic life will be superb with pure happiness. When Mercury moves into Virgo, you will need to check your health properly by visiting a doctor and doing the needful tests and required. You will also be travelling for pleasure and adventure, enjoy it to the maximum. You will also receive significant monetary gain through past investments or so. Invest it again wisely so as to gain much more returns when the time requires.
With the Sun in Virgo, you will need to be cautious of your own health as the pressure at the workplace will be quite high. You will be highly rewarded for your hard work in the end. You will be required to work out or exercise daily to keep yourself fit and active and also avoid any health issues. When Mercury moves into Virgo, you will have the opportunity to find new work with better amenities and pay. Financially, you will be stable and comfortably happy. You romantic partner will give significant relief from all the stress of the outside world and professional life stress.
With the Sun in Virgo, you will be favoured significantly with luck. You will be ahead of your tasks at hand at the workplace despite obstacles hence you will be appreciated well in the workplace. Professional life will be quite favourable to you with benefits coming your way as well. When Mercury moves into Virgo, you will receive some significant profits through inheritance. You will possess sharpness in memory and will be useful in many situations. Your women friends will be quite supportive and helpful. Health-wise, you will be in good spirits and energy and have an overall vitality towards physical endurance.
With the Sun in Virgo, you must check on your health. Avoid eating junk food and slacking around. Additionally, the health of your parents and spouse will also trouble you. This is not a good time to take major decisions in life. You will also endure some obstacles in your professional tasks. When Mercury moves into Virgo, you will be facing issues with your children. Considering that most of the elders in the family are not keeping well, attention may be needed to be given to the children as well as to avoid ruckus and bad behaviour. You will get unexpected gains monetarily mostly through lottery or prizes.
With the Sun in Virgo, you will have ego problems in your life which will especially conflict with your romantic partner or spouse. Go easy on them and be the better human being by watching yourself and improving. Professional life will be good during this period. When Mercury in Virgo, those of you who are single can expect marriage to take place. At the workplace, there will be mounting pressure from the management on a regular basis. It is best to ensure all facets of your completed work before submission to avoid conflicts or redundancies in the future. Consider doing yoga and meditation to relieve yourself from the stress.