Your weekly horoscope (18th to 24th June, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
The sun continues to sit in Gemini and the better qualities of this sign leach through. You are sociable, active, energetic, youthful and communicative and you are easily able to get on the wavelength of young children. This is especially helpful if you are a parent or teacher. You understand the meaning and value of friendship and your family ties deepen. You do need to be careful that you don’t overspend. Gemini has a tendency to be somewhat superficial and carefree with cash. Saving and investing are good ways to be wiser. Have a few cash free days. You have been in the mood to make a change, perhaps to a new home. Look at your options and figure out what you want to do. A change here and there helps clear the cobwebs from life.
With the sun in Gemini, you enjoy a harmonious personal life and financial prosperity. Gemini is quite clever about how it accrues money and Taurus is saintly when it comes to saving it (other than the occasional elitist purchase.) This week, it’s all about communication. Being direct and clear about what you want, and your own boundaries is very important and will open doors. With Mercury in Gemini, you enjoy a prosperous and charming love life as well as strong relationships with family and friends. This is an affectionate period for you. You are drawn to singing and using your voice, perhaps as a voice actor or public speaker. With Venus in Cancer, you are lucky in all areas and this is a very enjoyable stage of life for you.v
With the sun in your own sign of Gemini, you feel positive and enthusiastic about every area of your life, especially romance and friendship. The very best of your nature shines through. This placement sharpens and reinforces the better qualities of the Gemini native, friendliness, curiosity, adaptability, youthfulness and intelligence. Because you throw yourself into love with a flourish, other people are drawn to you and react well to your magical nature. Your desire to express yourself creatively and artistically draws you to performing arts. Although this may make some Gemini’s nervous, this is a natural fit for your energy and can be very rewarding. Your voice and communicative abilities impress others both at work and at home. Remember, communication is your thing.
With the sun in Gemini, you are adjusting to a huge energetic shift. You may feel less focused, less consistent and anxious. The people who love you in love will be supportive of you as you embark on this shift so do utilise them. Remember, no man is an island. If you are lacking confidence, take time to regroup and remind yourself of all that you have achieved as well as all your finer qualities. For instance, Cancer is a hugely warm, lovely, nourishing, tenacious and funny sign. You are a nurturer for others, you simply need to turn that energy inwards at times to reap its benefits. If single, you want to travel. If coupled, you want to embark on the adventure of marriage. You are drawn to what comforts you as well as to what appeals to the eye.
A combination of luck and hard work really pushes you forward this week. Yes, you can sometimes be lazy, but you feel encouraged to put the work in as the rewards promised at the other end are very appealing. Being forward focused is very useful for fire signs as you have a goal to pull your energy towards. You feel excited about life and being in this zone is really half the battle, you are keen to experience life and the excitement replaces anxiety. You can choose to be excited rather than nervous. With Venus in Cancer you face new challenges in the office, but you can easily achieve the targets you set yourself. This is an enjoyable week for you and you will get out what you put in. .
The sun in Gemini pushes you to make changes. Gemini is all about change – it thrives on the new. Change is also a perfectly natural part of life. After all, none of us want to stagnate. How this change manifests in your life is utterly dependent on where you see yourself. Do you want a new career or business? Do you want to move to a new part of the world? Does your relationship need shaking up? If something feels like it’s going through a lull, don’t be afraid to shake things up. Regardless of what changes and what stays the same, people at work like you and support you in all that you do. This gives you the confidence and faith in yourself to know that you can make it anywhere if need be. Your thirst for education leads you into new places.
With the sun in fellow air sign Gemini, you feel lucky and deeply interested in spiritual pursuits and matters. You are able to view the spiritual realm through the prism of intellect. Your desire to connect with a deeper and more meaningful level of life is strong and all-encompassing right now. You are growing and evolving as a person and your potential is enormous. Your desire for travel is strong and this may be linked to spiritual matters or the desire for exploration and fun. There is a need to break with convention and to experience something off the beaten track. With Venus in Cancer, you enjoy a successful professional life and you shine at the workplace thanks to your calm attitude. There may be good news in the office and you will make sound professional judgements.
Worry may cling to you this week. You may feel concerned for others. Try to focus on what you can do in the now and relinquish control. Remember, other people are in charge of their own destinies just as we are only in charge of our own. Focus on what you are doing in your own life. You may even inspire and motivate others. You should spend time with your partner especially if things feel stagnant between you. Have you lost the spark? It can come back if you nourish it. It’s all a matter of where you place your attention (and intentions.) You want to spend more time at home and if you have plans to get out and about, you’ll really have to push yourself to do them. Home is a place of enchantment and safety to you now and it’s the only place you want to be.
Marriage may be on the cards for you Sagittarius, especially if you have been in a long-standing relationship for a while. You may have fun planning a wedding and feel giddy about the big day. At work, things are busy and there is lots of competition, but you seem to sail through. Others envy how ‘easy’ you make things look. In your private life, you may quarrel and bicker with your partner, but no real damage will be done. You have to resist your laissez-faire attitude towards money. Don’t buy what you don’t need. Investing and saving is vital and establishing and maintaining good monetary habits is very important. Try to have days where you don’t spend at all and if you do spend, focus on what you truly need and on quality.
You remain on strong form this week dear Capricorn. Your confidence and will power are sky high, making this the ideal time to abolish old habits and initiate new ones. You can make a lot of positive change in your life if you are motivated to do so. This is a great time for your love life as your life partner is immensely supportive of all your endeavours. At work, you are a true powerhouse and can easily accomplish all that you need to. You live life to the fullest and are an inspiration to others who wish to follow your example. Capricorns often gravitate to positions of authority and power, as it is easy for others to follow your poise, calm and ambition. You may fulfil a function like this at work.
This week, you continue to embrace the never-ending possibilities of education. There is nothing an educated mind cannot do, and you are well aware of the potential open to you. As an air sign, you always want to improve your brain power and capacity and you are probably drawn to a great many subjects. If working, you also receive a boost to your career which puts a smile on your face. You continue to feel lucky in all that you do, and this generates a strong feeling of well-being. Try to stay on a positive tangent and avoid being drawn into gossip or conflict. You are quite an enlightened soul and there is an element of detachment and aloofness to your nature which can keep you out of the fray somewhat.
With the sun now in Gemini, your self-confidence may begin to falter after starting off sky high. Natural ebbs and flows should be expected and we all endure them. Remember, human emotions are like waves, no matter how consistent we think we are. Nonetheless, you will see things beginning to materialise in your life and you will be appreciated for your efforts. This is a gratifying time for you. You want to spend quality time with your family and loved ones. There is lots going on in your life right now, you are surrounded by friends, fun and frivolity and life feels exciting and engaging. Your brain is in brilliant shape and you consistently cook up innovative new ideas. Take a chance on one of them and see where it leads you.