Your weekly horoscope (19th Nov to 25th Nov, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
This week you feel the continued impact of placements that are already well underway. The learning point here is that you have time to really get stuck in with the energy, lessons and challenges that these placements are bringing you. The stars are settled where you are, and this gives you the opportunity to really learn. Your first lesson is to build enduring confidence which is not the same as bravado. What you’re looking for is real self-esteem that is dependent on nothing external, it’s something you grow from within that blossoms like a flower and never wilts. You are also invited to step up in love. The fates have smiled upon your love life, but will you show gratitude and appreciation for the gifts you’ve been given?
You’ve not felt so positive for a long time, and this feeling is set to stick around. Positivity is a driving energetic force. When we feel positive, we push for things. We believe we deserve good things. We feel that we are worthy. We treat others well because we feel happy ourselves. Being positive certainly goes a long way. Put that positive energy to good use and share it with friends, family and your loved one, as well as your community and the world at large if you can. The world needs more good vibes and can never have too much. There are also exciting opportunities in the pipeline for work, giving you options to consider. If in a relationship, your partner feels warmly towards you, and you respond in kind.
Gemini’s are often well tolerated by others because they are the chameleons of the zodiac. You are able to blend in well wherever you go, and you charm and dazzle others with a pleasant demeanour, witty conversation and a sparky personality. This week you come across even better than usual. Friends want to see you, people want to date you and employers want to work with you. Remember that your personality is your greatest asset and communication one of your most poignant skills. Gemini’s were put on earth to talk, communicate, mediate…. whether vocally or by the power of the written word. The pen is your sword, take it up.
Have you given any further thought to what you’d want to do career wise? As a nurturing water sign, you excel in careers where you have to be of service to others. You don’t need to make a strict decision yet, but it’s good to be thinking about your options. It’s sending a call to the universe to bring forth what you desire. New things come into your life and you welcome them with open arms. Remember to practice gratitude and appreciation for what life gives you. It will sense your pleasure and bring you more. Be mindful of your health. Eat well and often, exercise, drink water and focus on what you want in this one pure life. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.
Leo, you are a true people person. Being around others energises and invigorates you. For the past few weeks you have been an unstoppable social machine and your spirit has been high and positive as a result. It’s important that you keep this momentum going as you truly enjoy your social forays this week. Of course, make sure that you are taking to rest and reflect, but life can be fun and who shouldn’t you enjoy it? Merging old friends with new is rewarding for you, and although you may dominate social occasions, you also imbue them with loyalty, warmth and generosity. Others are drawn to your resonating light, like a beacon in the dark. Others enjoy your companionship. Perhaps you could parlay this into some sort of social career change?
You don’t feel particularly active this week, but it is important that you push yourself out into the world. Remember that we can’t always trust how we feel. Sometimes it’s a form of self-sabotage. Once you push yourself you will understand this and be better at pushing through emotional walls and barriers. Our mind can push over how we feel, and this can be a good thing, especially if we get into woe is me moods. Balancing your needs with yoga, meditation and time for yourself with spending time with others and being social will be a good thing for you. You don’t need to retreat completely, just partially. This is often enough. Your words carry weight and will serve you well.
You get whatever you want thanks to your charm, hard work and good luck. Do you feel like a Disney prince or princess? Life is unfurling to give you whatever you desire. Consider it the law of attraction. Because you continue to put out good energy, life has a way of bringing it back to you. Dreams are destined to come true, so don’t be afraid to dream big! Whatever you can think of you can make happen. There is tension in your love life, but this could be tension of the good kind. Tension can indicate excitement, change and transformation so don’t be afraid of it. No matter what happens, life will support you this week.
Scorpio’s are able to deprive themselves for a long time if needed. You’re very capable of withholding enjoyment if required. It’s part of what makes you so trustworthy. That said, this week you’ll want to spoil yourself or indulge in some way. As long as you moderate this accordingly, there’s really no harm. You aren’t typically one to splurge or go crazy. You’ll be attracted to things that catch your eye because of their beauty or functionality in your life. You may be decorating a home and want to make your mark, which is a strong Scorpio impulse. Professionally, this is a wonderful time. Remember not everyone can be on your team but you can be your own team.
This week you are rebuilding a sense of hope and faith in your own life and ability to handle it. This is a challenge the stars bring you. To build self-confidence, you must understand that you are experiencing a lack of it. Tell yourself that you are enough and that you approve of yourself every day. We also build esteem through actions and through being trusted by others. Focus on the future but in a calm and measured way. There should be no panic, fear or anxiety. See the future as an open road. It could lead you anywhere you choose. Relationships are at their Xenith this week so enjoy them. You are a lovely companion, full of smiles, laughs, joy, generosity and kindness. Anyone would be lucky to ride by your side.
Your confidence remains sky high and you are on top form. A Capricorn in such spirits can move mountains. Your willpower is strong beyond measure. People want you on their team for sure. There are also many opportunities for you to develop in your career. Things are better professionally than personally, but your personal life is not bad, simply slightly unbalanced. Overall, this is a fantastic period for you and should be enjoyed. You are in a financially strong position and life feels harmonious. Hard work will improve your bank balance and if a student there are opportunities for scholarships which you should seriously consider.
This is a wonderful period for Aquarius natives who enjoy a great sense of equilibrium. You are able to put the past behind you and focus very much on the good in your life now. Look around, there is so much to be thankful for. Practice gratitude, acceptance and appreciation. You’ll find there is no shortage of blessings in your life. You are moving along an evolutionary path, open to growth and development. There are also many auspicious events for you to enjoy and partake in. The women in your life continue to be important sources of healing and hope. You can learn much from them.
You believe in luck. As a water sign, you know that there are things that human beings simply don’t understand. We can’t comprehend them, even with our fantastic brains, but we can feel them, sense them, know them. Your luck extends to all areas and should give the confidence to dive into life. You’ll enjoy blissful relationships, particularly romantic ones. Work is competitive, something that you don’t like, but you are zen enough to rise to the challenge accordingly. A settled Pisces is the master of calm. Your attitude continues to be relaxed, but don’t let this let you become lazy. Remain committed and engaged.