Your Weekly Horoscope – 24 to 30 December 2018

Mon, Dec 24, 2018
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Mon, Dec 24, 2018
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Your Weekly Horoscope – 24 to 30 December 2018

Your weekly horoscope (24th to 30th Dec, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.


You continue to be drawn to the spiritual realm. There are life lessons that will serve you forever, once you accrue them. If you can build meditation, yoga, chanting and exercise consistently into your life you’ll truly flourish. The spirit world can be a place where your fiery nature can glow and grow in a more contained, grounded way, which would be incredibly therapeutic for you. There may be some disappointments this week which is why being in tune with yourself is all the more important. You can come out on top.


You may be slightly destressed due to things not quite going as planned. This is disconcerting for the best of us. We want things to go the way we see them in our heads, and sometimes they don’t. What can be done? Practice gratitude for what you do have and go back out after what you want. Your stubborn enough to do this aren’t you? We believe so! Things will turn around in the not too distant future. trust in this. Travel to a shrine will assist you, but don’t listen to superstitions.


Your confidence is slowly building back to its best. A confident Gemini is chatty, knowledgeable, charismatic and secure. Give yourself time to put the building blocks in place to be the happiest version of you that you can be. This is a great time for you to flaunt your artistic flourish. Any creative endeavour will be a wonderful outlet for you and will also be received well by others. You may feel dissatisfied and restless which is why it is crucial to practice self-care. For Gemini’s, this involves quieting the mind, which can be such an aggressive onslaught of voices.


Whether single or coupled, you feel content in your own skin. You know yourself deeply and intimately and are in tune with your own needs, wants and goals. This is a great position to be in, as your tenacity can then come into play and spur you on to where you need to be in life. Once you get your claws latched on, nothing can deter you. Domestic life feels cordial and safe. In your professional life, be alert for opportunities and keep your attention to detail. Focus on your professional life rather than on bad habits such as smoking, drinking or over-eating. Where focus goes, energy flows.


Whatever you start, you will complete. That is the strength of a fixed sign. You can see something through to the bitter end. Your mental and emotionally health are faring very well. You are focused and calm – your crazy fire settled into something secure and steady. Reuniting with old friends who meant a lot to you will keep you smiling. With Mars in Pisces, you enjoy monetary gain, a harmonious personal life and a love life that could not get any better, as well as perfect health. It seems you can put a tick in every box.


Your personal life and health are strong and enough to keep you smiling. Your friends are also in support of all you do. Hopefully you are keeping social as this will calm a lot of your anxiety and tendency to isolate yourself from others when stressed. Communication is one of your assets, and when you speak plainly, people sit up and listen. With Mars in Pisces, students enter into a strong phase. Planning guarantees success and you are a stickler for the little details. If you want to make big changes, ask an expert in that field. Digestive issues may indicate some personal stress. Yoga can help.


You’re enjoying life, and it’s fun right now, that can’t be disputed. There are some bigger decisions you need to take but now doesn’t feel like the right time, and that’s okay. You can come back to it later. With Mars in Pisces, there’s a sense of needing a change or transition. You may wish to move to a new house, country or city. It may be that you want to change careers, move around in your job or start a new hobby. The change could be big or small depending on how you feel. You may experience some chest pains. If a smoker, it’s advisable to stop.


You continue to possess that spark of magnetism that draws people and things to you. Your challenge is knowing what to hold on to and what to part with, but a discerning Scorpio will manage this just fine. You are better equipped to manage the envy of colleagues. You know it means you’re on the right path. With Mars in Pisces, you may have a desire to travel or to expand your business. You require enhancement of some kind. You have a mental and emotional desire for it. Seek it out. You will grow as a result.


You are in a positive frame of mind and this is shaping your life. People really gravitate to you as a result of this. You are a pleasure to be around. This draws friends, lovers, colleagues and all many of other opportunities into your gravitational field. You are lucky in almost everything that you do. With Mars in Pisces, you must be careful what you say. Make sure that you avoid telling any lies – you will be caught out. You may quarrel with a close friend. Try to find a healthy resolution.


You are still building up your willpower and self-confidence and this may take some time, but you’ll get there. Just remember to be consistent. You may notice some flair ups with your skin which may be stress related in nature. Professionally this is a wonderful time for you, although there is still the need to learn how to balance your personal and working life. This is something you may achieve in time, as it’s natural for you to become quite fixated. This is a lucky time and you may meet a new love if single. You will be respected by your community and if an artist, will produce great work.


You’ll see progress in many areas of your life. Your fixed determination enables things to happen at a rapid pace. You’ll experience rapid cash flow but may find it hard if not impossible to save. Some months are like this but don’t fret, things may be easier in the following months. Take care of your health and be sure to exercise and to care for your joints especially. At work you work slowly and steadily and easily achieve the targets that you set yourself. There may be a marriage in the family meaning good times will be had by all.


Your career is at its zenith and there are several business opportunities in your periphery. Your confidence levels are high, and you are appreciated and respected by those around you which warms you. Your health is also on a high. There’s a restlessness to you that you may need to quiet with meditation and yoga. Find some inner peace. A quiet sanctum will assist you. Make your environment tranquil and pleasant. You may worry about your loved ones but worry never solved anything. Mars in Pisces suggests property related gain and an extra benefit for those of you who work with water.

Source: #Astroyogi


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