Your weekly horoscope (25th February to 3rd March 2019) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
Confident, you feel like a power house ready to take on the world. This is a great time to make the changes you have hungered for in terms of your career, personal development and relationships. Set yourself tiny, bite-sized goals and begin working towards them. This is a more manageable strategy for Aries natives. Life blazes with an undercurrent of excitement that allows you to believe that anything is possible. On the 25th, Mercury move into Pisces which may push you to feel more introverted and reflective. This can be healthy if you use the time to self-sooth. You like to be on the go and may be prone to forms of active relaxation rather than sitting idle. Whatever works for you, make time for. Venus in Capricorn brings plenty of opportunity in all avenues, including love.
Life feels sweet and fun, and you are full of the joys of spring. You are feeling grounded and appreciative of life and are making the most of all that comes your way. At work, you may be on the way to welcoming some good news. With Mercury in Pisces, you enjoy a wonderful period both financially and romantically. If a student, you may be drawn to pursue overseas study. Venus in Capricorn draws you towards solid, earthy partners who are aware of who they are and what they want. In love, you are drawn to loyalty, consideration and consistency. Partners who promise this will be closer to winning your favour.
This week, you will be the eye at the heart of the storm, a whirling dervish or firework amidst a sea of social activity. You are drawn to people and experiences and are striving to make connections. Remember that as well as connecting to others, you need to forge a strong connection to yourself. Taking some time to do this every day will help centre you. With Mercury in Pisces, workplace change operates favourably. You may be promoted or find that a new opportunity presents itself. You benefit just from being yourself, without having to work too hard to prove your worth. Venus in Capricorn can make you consider the future, so try to keep a positive spin on your path. Remember, perspective is everything.
Continue to maintain your health and sense of self this week. Remember that such work is always in motion, and we must always add to it in increments rather than filling our cups and expecting them to stay full forever. Consistent work is required. On the 25th, as Mercury moves into Pisces, you may be less active social as you deal with some personal obstacles and hurdles. Remember, obstacles can be navigated, and hurdles can be jumped. In love, honesty is encouraged to ensure that you are understood and to avoid passive-aggressive, which can be a speciality of Cancer natives. Venus in Capricorn gives you the inspiration to push, to strive, to make change. There is a lot of fight in you!
An inability to concentrate may impact your steadfastness to projects and goals, but with your fixed nature you are liable to get back on course after some reassessment. With Mercury in Pisces, money may come to you in unusual ways, you may profit from an unexpected source. At work, you are on fire, and in your personal life, people can’t stop talking about you. This combination appeals to you greatly, as it feels that all facets of your life are going well. Venus in Capricorn urges you to take stock of your finances. You are able to accrue money, but you must also be cautious about over-spending. Think first and separate needs from wants before spending any vast sums of money.
Your love life continues to be inspirational, poetic and fulfilling in nature. You are drawn first and foremost to the character of a person, rather than their personality. You need to know that someone has integrity before you commit. On the 25th, Mercury moves into Pisces which can bring about increased sensitivity or emotion. Effective avenues such as meditation and yoga will bring relief and peace to problematic areas. If you can minimise stress, you will weather this time better and avoid any adverse impact. Venus in Capricorn suggests plenty of new work opportunities, many of which will be financially viable and may propel you into a new career. The world is your oyster so dream as big as you dare.
In love, you may experience some setbacks. It may be that you are not projecting an authentic depiction of yourself, and therefore you are not connecting genuinely to your partner. Try to be honest about who you are and what you want if you wish to enforce a true connection with a love match. With Mercury in Pisces, great health is guaranteed, and your financial condition is steady. There may be some negative influences around you, but it is important that you ignore these and find a way to tune them out. In this way, you can focus on keeping yourself positive and refreshed. Venus in Capricorn encourages you to purchase something new and enduring. You’ll be looking for status and quality. Your mood feels jolly and friends flock to you.
Your focus continues to be directed towards work, making you a tremendous success with colleagues. You are able to get the job done, even the ugly nitty gritty that no-one else wants to touch. On the 25th, Mercury moves into Pisces which can trigger stress and personal upset. Things may not manifest as you had hoped at work. Finding a way to ground yourself will be important at this time. We cannot control the ebbs and flows of life, but we can control our reaction. This is the only true form of control that we have and is essential for self-mastery. With Venus in Capricorn, your temper may be volatile, and you are called to control it. You may feel moody and be drawn to nature to relax and unwind. Is there a lesson you must learn here? Do not be afraid to heed it.
You are drawn to young people and they to you. There is an exchange of lessons going on here. Young people reaffirm for you your own hopes and dreams, whilst you are able to provide them with guidance and reassurance. As Mercury moves into Pisces on the 25th, which suggests a prosperous personal life. You enjoy spending time at home with loved ones and feel especially romantic towards your partner. Harbouring this romance will make you feel more intimately connected. On the 24th, Venus, the planet of love, moves into Capricorn, where it produces respect, support, family and loyalty. You are drawn to the ties that bind people, connecting us all. This may be a time to reflect on the relationships that matter to you and how successfully you are nurturing them.
With the sun in Aquarius, your financial situation improves, and you may rid yourself of a chronic, reoccurring health problem. In love, you may need to rekindle your connection as you may be coasting by on your initial chemistry rather than pouring effort into strengthening your bond. Mercury in Pisces urges you to avoid conflicts with relatives. You may be in a ‘prickly’ mood. It is imperative that you keep a cool head. You may have anxiety or fear around work and your progression but try to digest this sensibly. The best way out of fear is through. Venus in Capricorn suggests that new and enduring friendships will be forged, people that you can depend upon when the chips are down. A feeling of excitement keeps you encouraged.
You continue to cook up plenty of brilliant ideas, stories and thoughts, many of which will serve you well from a financial standpoint. This is a creative, artistic time and if a writer or creator in general, you will come up with some unique work. Just make sure you finish it! With Mercury in Pisces, you will make a nice profit and your ability to communicate will elevate and advance you. Continue to adhere to a healthy regime, be consistent and persevere and the results will be obvious and long-standing. With Venus in Capricorn, you may rack up some unnecessary travel expenses and although you will be enjoying life, may find it hard to save.
Self-confidence is a frustrating thing, in that it can fluctuate. We do not always feel the same way day to day, although there are habits and practices, we can put in place to assist us as best we can. This week, your self-confidence may be lower than you would like, and as such self-care is vital to keeping your spirits buoyant. On the 25th, Mercury moves into Pisces which signals a desire for travel and for transcending what is perceived as the ‘norm.’ A need to break boundaries is present within you. You may feel melancholy and nostalgic. Are you looking back too much? Continue to look forward. Venus in Capricorn propels you to be socially active. This is a wonderful time for falling in love.
Source: www.Astroyogi #GPSforLife