Your weekly horoscope (28th Jan to 3rd Feb 2019) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
This week, you will be blessed in all that you do. Success is certain. Prosperity is guaranteed in all areas, particularly in love with marriage being an option. Life is being so good to you that you long to celebrate it in some way. Accessing a sense of gratitude via spiritual practice appeals to you. You feel part of the pulse very much of life. Your fiery energy can propel you into some quarrels, which you should be resistant of. Fortunately, this prickly protective shell you possess also makes you a wonderful champion for the poor and needy. Funnelling this energy into causes that are dear to your heart will feel phenomenally rewarding and give you a greater sense of perspective.
Health is essential for us all, but this week, as the sun moves into Sagittarius, you are urged to be more mindful of all facets of your health. The key tenants of good health remain the same; good nutritious food consumed mindfully, exercise, plenty of rest and self-care. The Taurus tendency to lean towards plumpness can cause problems so it is vital to prioritise your health above all else. Your self-confidence is high and in this sense, it will be easy for you to stick to a course of action that benefits you. Set yourself rewards and goals in bite-sized chunks to encourage yourself to keep moving in a profitable direction. Put yourself first and all will fall into place.
Gemini’s thrive on variety, spontaneity and change, and this week delivers the excitement you crave. This change may manifest as a new family member, baby, job, hobby, partner or possession. If coupled, a love marriage may be on the horizon for you. Your confidence has bounced back, and you are throwing yourself into life with vim and vigour. Your approach to life and people is bold, charismatic and enchanting. People respond to you powerfully and you are able to get your own way. At work, you need to bring back a sense of excitement that may have departed long ago, or at least look towards pastures new for an opportunity that makes your heart sing.
Your tenacity, perseverance and consistency serve you well this week, especially as there are a few mishaps, disappointments and obstacles to grace your door. At such times, the only thing we can do is hold onto an inner sense of resilience and strength. You have powerful stores of courage and bravery within you which you should not be afraid to utilise. When you need to retreat, as is customary for Cancer natives, do not be afraid to do so, for you are unable to be there for others if you cannot be there for yourself first and foremost. Your relationships prove to be harmonious and will offer you tremendous support even as difficulties emerge. Count your blessings and remember you have lots to be thankful for.
With Venus moving into fellow fire sign Sagittarius, you have a strong fire in your belly when it comes to the world of work. You have your ambitions, goals and priorities as well as plenty of opportunities and ventures to explore. You are liable to have tunnel vision for your own particular goal, and this is fun, but don’t be afraid to browse potential options. Your relationships feel harmonious, supportive and comfortable allow you to bask in the warmth and glory of your loved ones hold. Loyalty and love are as vital to a Leo as sunlight to a flower. This week you truly blossom and feel that there is nothing you cannot do, as long as you set your mind to it.
Virgo, you long to develop your mind. Mercury-ruled, you see your mind as a well-calibrated instrument that you can utilise to peak perfection. You seek out educational pursuits in order to develop your mind as best you can. Some of you may do so for fun, a passion project if you will. Others do so because you want to move or transition to the next level in your life and career. Regardless of your reasons, education attracts you, thanks to Venus in Sagittarius. You find beauty in all things that involve learning and the intellect and may be more books smart and introverted than usual. Teaching and leading others is also elevated at this time.
You receive a lot of love this week, mainly from young siblings and cousins. You also take many short and social trips and surround yourself with positive energy. Your financial condition is stable and although you’re having fun, you are able to save well. The transition of Venus into Sagittarius lends you a sense of adventure, especially in love. You are open-minded, tolerant, kind and full of boundless enthusiasm. There may also be a sense of restlessness here, it may be difficult to complete what you start due to distraction and diverted energy. Use your cardinal Libra power to push through and get things done – you’ll feel better for it.
Your mind is innovative and capable of creating genius ideas this week, giving you plenty to celebrate as well as helping you to earn a living. This is also a wonderful time for students who utilise their brains and expertise to elevate themselves in life. A degree of indecision haunts you, but if you can focus on your imagination and bring your ideas into fruition, you’ll feel far better. Friends are magnetised to you as ever but do remember to meet them halfway from time to time, otherwise they may grow tired of constantly having to reach out to you!
This is a good time for you to start something new and dear to your heart. Auspicious events build up on your calendar giving you plenty to get excited about. This is also a wonderful time to dive deep into new relationships and to kickstart a new educational experience. You are also on a quest for wisdom and have a real thirst for knowledge. Your optimism and excitement keep you geared up and open to all facets of the world. Your popularity soars keeping you happy around friends as well as colleagues. People want to be around you and your vibrant spirit. Enjoy the company as you are a social soul.
With Venus moving into Sagittarius, your work tasks are completed with the help of someone else. This enables you to fortify work connections. You generally prefer to work alone as you are an autonomous, independent person, but it will be good for you to learn how to work cohesively with another for future projects. A sense of anxiety may run as an undercurrent – you may feel that nothing is going right. Really this is just because you are a perfectionist who can be very hard on yourself! Don’t doubt, just get out there. All is happening perfectly. Few are as proactive and diligent as you are!
Aquarians crave novelty – it is hardwired into your astrological DNA! This week marks a great opportunity to begin something new; an exercise regime, a new diet, writing a book, a change of career, having a difficult conversation. This is also a favourable time for those who work in the media or other creative industries. Your heightened confidence and great health ensure that nothing will get in the way of your goals. That said, you may feel a need to distance yourself at times, as is characteristic of Aquarius natives. This will give you space, a fresh perspective and greater understanding of yourself and others.
This week, you continue to enjoy the benefits of luck and hard work. Life feels joyful and everything is working marvelously for you. Your heightened sense of confidence ensures that you perform well at work and in love. Nothing can knock your sense of self. People reach out to you to give advice. This is the impact of Venus in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the knowledge bringer and you are constantly seeking understanding of yourself, of others and of the world. Learning to balance the different facets of your life is very important, especially if trying to establish a sense of well-being and meaning. Try not to put all your energy in one place all the time. Your calm mind draws you to higher plains.
Source: www.Astroyogi #GPSforLife