Your weekly horoscope (9th to 15th July, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
You are on top form with the younger generation. If a parent, you are deeply connected with your children and understand them well. You bring fun and enjoyment to their life’s and reconnect with your own inner child. Your personal life is blissful and there is no sense of anxiety, just pure calm. Your mind sees clearly and therefore you are able to prioritise what you desire in life. Use this clarity and focus to put yourself on the right trajectory. Children are a blessing and promise you good tidings. If you are an expectant mother, things will go well for you and you will embrace motherhood with vim and vigour. You receive good advice in terms of your personal life which sets you on a good path. Continue meditation as this provides sustenance for the mind.
Your ability to communicate serves you well and you perform brilliantly in careers and/or hobbies where your voice is an important tool such as voice acting and singing. Taurus natives are known for having melodic, beautiful voices and this natural skill is enhanced this week. Use this to your advantage if you need to persuade or galvanise others. It is advisable that you think before making any big decisions this week. Take time to mull things over. You will arrive at a better decision this way. You are a home-oriented sign and you like your home to be beautiful, comfortable and practical. It’s a place where you can showcase your excellent taste and also relax. You may want to renovate your home or make some alterations. Those of you who are parents will build excellent rapport with your children.
Gemini, you continue to do well in all avenues of work. You flourish, regardless of your career path. You are very much focused on your professional life. You are bestowed with a positive disposition that radiates warmth and goodness. This causes people to flock to you, they want to be around the sunshine you promise. This positivity makes you a powerful influence in your own life but also to others. You motivate and inspire them. You may also make money from artistic and creative endeavours as well as practical ones, giving you the opportunity to tap into your own potential. With Venus in Leo, you are sociable, outgoing, extroverted and appealing. You are the life and soul of any party or occasion. There is also a sense of something new coming into your life, and Gemini’s always crave novelty!
Cancer, you are more independent than you seem, but you are also very supported by family and friends. This gives you the extra boost that you need to sustain yourself. Know that whatever you decide to do in this life, you have the support of those around you and always will. You bond with friends and family more this week, as you have a deep connection to culture and community. You understand how vital these components are. At work you maintain a steady approach, ensuring that you complete tasks in a timely fashion. You are a cardinal sign and may be surprised to learn that there is a leader within you, who can lead with love, loyalty and kindness. Don’t be afraid to tap into this side of yourself. Try not to worry too much about the future. We can all control the now.
Leo, you continue to work hard, and this pays off. Firstly, your work colleagues appreciate your ability to keep going, your stamina, steely determination and focus are unrivalled. Secondly, your own self-confidence grows as you recognise just how impressive you are and how much you can get done! Your mind may feel restless and scattered in other areas, so make sure that you take time to recharge. The brighter a star burns, the more time it must take to rest. You are continuing to try to fill yourself with love, learning that love exists within and can be self-generated rather than something that must be collected from others. Take extra care of your throat and skin. Speak your truth. This will assist with the throat chakra.
You are a very career-oriented person and you like to do as much as you can to advance yourself and develop and grow as a person. Prioritising your career is very important for your wellbeing. In the pursuit for greatness, don’t neglect your personal life as love may be waiting for you. Financially, you are thriving, and new opportunities are waiting around every corner. You simply need to go after them. You may feel slightly down on yourself, some negative energy is resting on you. Cast it off with meditation, yoga and exercise as well as other positive pursuits. Your mind is sensitive to energy so ensure that you bring positivity consistently into your life. Avoid bad company. Encourage yourself to grow by providing yourself with the right environment.
For love-oriented Libra, romance may feel a little lacklustre this week. It is your responsibility to encourage love to grow and unfurl in the way that you desire. Sprinkle a tad of your creativity over relationships to revive them. You may long to be wooed by a partner, but it takes two to play the game. You are drawn to the realm of the spiritual and this is a positive as it is an immensely healing experience for you. If you can consistently apply spiritual practices to your life, you will feel greatly fulfilled. If you work hard, luck will also help you get where you need to be but remember it does start with the work. If single, a new love may be in the air. Do you remember the feeling of having a new crush? Blissful and infuriating all at once?
Scorpio, your veneer is cool, calm and collected and as such it’s difficult for others to see what riles you up, but things do rile you up and often what you worry about is those you love. You may fret about the future even though on a gut level you are drawn to change and transformation which naturally brings with it a degree of uncertainty and intensity. Building up your self-confidence this week is key. Have faith in yourself, as there is much in you to appreciate. There may be tension in your personal life that feels uncomfortable and you may be unsure of how to proceed. At work, you progress well and employers value your contribution. If coupled, your romantic partner is a source of tremendous comfort.
Your career poses new challenges for you, but your free-spirit doesn’t really want to sit and focus! Fortunately, it is because your spirit is free that you are able to bring such a fresh, fun and super-charged energy to any problem and resolve it in kind. You are drawn to social activities and travel this week and both of these things will forever be hugely important in your life. Making time for them will make you feel happier. If married or intending to marry, the stars promise harmony, peace and synergy, all wonderful ingredients for a prosperous relationship. At work, there is a degree of pressure, but this is something you will need to figure out how to ‘surf.’ If you can apply your positive, problem-free nature, everything will be well.
With Capricorn, luck, like most things, builds gradually over time. Things don’t tend to come to you quickly, as they might for Aries natives for example, but the upshot of this is that what you get is not fleeting. As it is garnered from hard, methodical, consistent application of the self, you have learnt how to appreciate, value and prioritise what you want and need. You understand that things must be earned and in earning them, they gain rather than depreciate in value. Never be afraid to work hard for what you want as you will reap the spoils. At work, please take time to step aside from the desk and enjoy what makes you happy on a personal level. You are strong, calm, calibrated but there is a soft inner side that needs time, attention and love.
Fame and recognition come naturally to Aquarius natives but you’re so aloof and detached that it probably won’t phase you much. It is this maddening sense of detachment that can frustrate others who want to see a reaction from you or who want more warmth and interpersonal connection. If afflicted with a chronic illness, you will experience relief. This is a great week for writers who are able to engage with the brilliance, innovation and imagination of their own minds. You are never a sentimental writer. You have a style that is crisp and cutting and you can be brutal at cutting out extraneous material, making you a great editor. Your personal life is blissful and harmonious – everything feels right.
Things are beginning to happen around you; your thoughts are manifesting, and reality is changing. You receive appreciation for all that you do. You also are drawn to spending time with family. You simply want to be around those you love, and as a sentimental, soulful and nostalgic sign this is a fundamentally natural position for you. Anything that reminds you of the past brings comfort. You may not be as romantic as you often can be, this may be because you are driven to channel your energy and efforts internally. Be weary of negative habits. Avoid sugar, alcohol and caffeine. Treat your body like a temple and this will influence your mind. Love is very harmonious which is exactly what you require.